In Season - TM

June 2011
In the News

Meet Our Brand New Line of Extra Virgin Olive Oils: Ranch Selects


Ranch Selectss - Bold

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Why a Home-Cooked Meal Can Help Your Waistline

Events in Season

Taste of the Nation Los Angeles 

Los Angels
June 12

Sonoma Lavender Food & Wine Festival 

Kenwood, Calif.
June 25-26

Summer Fancy Food Show 

Washington, D.C.
July 10-12

Introducing Our New Website          
What a busy 2011! We introduced our new line of sleek green bottles. We unveiled a new family of extra virgin olive oils, Ranch Selects. And now we've launched a new website at (Click here to go to the new site.)Olives from Website

We're psyched. We hope you like it, too. In fact, we want your input. Email suggestions to:

Be honest! You may even win a bottle of our oil. Each week we'll randomly pick a winner from among the people who send suggestions.

On the new site, you'll find beautiful photos of our ranches and the foods you can make using our recipes. The site is easier to navigate. And we've posted more information about cooking and other topics. Our crack design team at Berkeley Merchant created the new site. Mike Forbes, who heads our marketing efforts, gives us the lowdown

Why redesign the website? 

We got a lot of great ideas from our loyal fans across the nation. We received such helpful feedback, in fact, that we decided to launch a whole new site rather than reconfigure the old one.

What were people saying and suggesting?
Website home page

We learned several things. People really like our recipes.  In fact, the recipe section  is the most visited section on our website. Consequently, we've expanded that section and showcased the food photography more. We've also made our recipes printer-friendly. We heard that suggestion from numerous people.

We also learned that people love our blog and eNewsletter.  But they wanted them to be more accessible. Now you can access them with just one click from the home page, rather than multiple clicks. We've also made it easier for people to sign up for our blog and eNewsletter. In addition, you can reach our Facebook page and Twitter from the home page.

It seems our olive ranches get more attention on the site. Tell us about that.

People wanted to see our ranches. They wanted to know more about where the olives come from that we use to make our extra virgin olive oil. And people wanted to know how we make the oil. We've added lots of spectacular photos of our ranches, so people can get a sense of where their oil is from.

How does the new bottle line play into the website redesign? EVOO Chocolate Almond Torte

Because we redesigned our bottle, we wanted our website to match.  So we've created a website that reflects the look and feel of our brand. The website has a clean, uncluttered feel about it. And, like our bottle, we showcase our olive ranches. 

What else is new about the website?

We've added an FAQ section to answer the many questions we field from people. How long will extra virgin olive oil last? Can you fry and bake with extra virgin olive oil. How do I choose from the different oils?

What are your favorite sections of the new website?

I love the home page. When you arrive there now you see a stunning photo of our olive trees stretching into the distance. We'll change the main photo from time to time to give people a better sense of where their oil comes from. I also really like the recipe section. We've put great looking photos of the various dishes front and center. We want to showcase the food. (Click here to go to the new website.)
 Our Favorite Beet Recipes  
Linguini with Roasted Beets, Fresh Tarragon and Carraway

Linguini with Roasted Beets

Recipe and photo courtesy of Viviane Bauquet Farre of Food & Style


Beet and Watercress Salad with Walnuts and Curry Vinaigrette
Beet and Watercress Salad


Recipe Credit: Anna Getty,Anna Getty's Easy Green Organic (Chronicle Books, 2010)

Reprinted with permission from Chronicle Books 

Beef and Beet Borsch
Beet and Beef Borsch























Recipe credit: The Spice Bible: Essential Information and More Than 250 Recipes Using Spices, Spice Mixes, and Spice Pastes (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2008), by Jane Lawson

Reprinted with permission from the publisher

Spinach Salad with Roasted Beets and Feta

Spinach Salad with Roasted Beets

Recipe Credit: Janet Fletcher,Fresh from the Farmer's Market  (Chronicle Books, 2008)

Reprinted with permission from Chronicle Books 


 Beets: Taste Great, Good for You    
Beets topped a 2008 New York Times list of "the 11 best foods you aren't eating." The article noted they are "a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters." We also think beets taste great -Beets stock photo particularly tossed in extra virgin olive oil and then roasted in a 425 degree Fahrenheit oven until caramelized and tender.

We also like beets boiled, chopped, and tossed with vinaigrette and capers. They're good in soup - think borscht. They make for a great salad with goat cheese. And they're fabulous roasted together with vegetables like carrots, garlic cloves, parsnips, yellow squash, and mushrooms.

One dish on our to-do list: linguini with roasted beets, fresh tarragon and caraway (see featured beet recipes above). Beet greens, meanwhile, are great in frittatas or on bruschetta. 

While available year-round, beets are at their seasonal peak from June through October. It's also the best time for beet greens.

Beets come in different colors in addition to the red-purple common beet. There are golden beets, pink beets, and white beets. Chioggia is a lovely, candy-striped heirloom; when cut, the individual slices display pink and white rings like a bull's eye.Roasted Beets

Family tree: Related to Swiss chard and spinach. A root vegetable, beets are descended from a wild, prehistoric seashore plant called the sea beet.

Health benefits: Low in calories, even though they're sugar content is high. Beets are considered an excellent source of folate. They also provide manganese, potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.

Good roasted, grilled, and boiled - although boiling does cause them to lose some color and flavor. Cook beets until tender; avoid overcooking.Beets stock photo 2 

How to buy/store:  Small beets are tender and cook more quickly. Medium-sized beets are fine, too. Avoid very large beets and those with soft, shriveled skin. Make sure the greens are bright green and look fresh. Wrap beets loosely and store in the refrigerator. If you don't plan to use them right away, cut off the greens and cook them sooner versus later. Unwashed beets can last for a week or more.
 Thank You

Stay Healthy in 2011 with California Olive Ranch!

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