no bikes on Anemone Hill

Council: "Mountain Bikes Don't Belong" 


Last night City Council voted 5-4 against the OSBT loop trail on Anemone Hill, thus extinguishing the mountain bike community's last and best hope for near-town bike access on city open space.

Instead, Council voted to approve the OSMP suggested "Ridge Loop", which does not have bikes in the user mix.  The Four Mile Connector, which never was considered by the Open Space Board of Trustees (OSBT), was not voted upon and instead sent back to the Trustees for consideration.  Council wants OSBT's recommendation on this trail by November 8.

Despite the valiant efforts of mountain bikers' supporters on council (pro-bike: Wilson, Karakehian, Becker, and Cowles),  the narrow-minded majority (anti-bike: Morzel, Gray, Osborne, Appelbaum, and Ageton)  won the day. This happened  in the name of misguided fears, poor management of our public lands, and selfish special interests.

What You Can Do - VOTE

Eliminating the anti-bike bias on council can only happen through ACTION at the ballot box. Vote the BMA slate for city council right now: Ken Wilson, George Karakehian, Dan King, and Fenno Hoffman. Send the following email to all your friends:

Hello friends and colleagues,


Boulder city council just voted that there should be no mountain bike accessible trails close to town in a puzzling display of just how out-of-touch our aging city leadership is. We cannot abide this narrow-minded hypocrisy. Join me in voting for city council candidates that are open minded to bikes and to Boulder's younger, environmentally friendly, and family-oriented future. Support the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance slate: Ken Wilson, George Karakehian, Dan King, and Fenno Hoffman. Take your angst and make it count in the ballot box. Pass this email along to everyone you know who rides a bike and cares about the future of Boulder, open space, and the environment.


  • Voters over 55 yrs old have cast 62% of the ballots so far.
  • Voters under 35 have cast 9.76% of the ballots so far.
You must be the change you want to see.

More news analysis to follow in the days ahead.  For now, your mission is clear - go vote, and get your friends to vote for an improved City Council.