First Christian Church 
First Christian Church Guidepost         
3261 S. Avenue 6E
Yuma AZ 85365 
(928) 726-5616
May 6, 2009 
In This Issue
From the Minister's Desk
Life in Christ
Article Headline
Second-Halfers Ministries
Southwestern Christian School
Follow the Leader?
Girlfriends Unlimited
International Initiatives
New Bible Studies
Daniel Trautman,
Senior Minister

Phillip Krueger,
Associate Minister

Rick Lathrop, Business Administrator
Darrin Akin,
Worship/Music Minister

Jeff Elzey,
Youth Minister
Rick Keeling,
Children's Minister

Les Gompert,
Associate Children's Minister
Laretta K. Shrader,
Missions Minister

Jerry Elzey,
Pastoral Minister
Alan Dyson,
Involvement Minister

Paul Mondragon,
Media Minister
Lynette Berry,
Women's Ministry Director 

Deborah Stewart,
School Administrator
Sandra Gist,
Christian Counselor 
Jack DeLange
Tom Dyson
  Ron Miller 
Lynn Ware
Mike Watson
Glenn Wright
Alternative Worship:
Saturdays, 6 pm
Worship Services: Sundays
9:30 and 11 am

Office Hours:
8 am-4:30 pm

Worship Service Attendance:  
4/5    1368
4/12  1785
4/19  1351
4/26  1309
 Congratulations to Lincoln and Dena Ware on the birth of their daughter, Jenna Reese, born April 7.  She weighed
7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 19 inches long.  She joins big brothers Grant and Seth at home.  Proud grandparents are Larry and Melissa Wiles and Lynn and Margaret Ware. 
Congratulations to Dominic and Justine Antonelli on the birth of their son, Michael Allen, born on April 12.  He weighed
8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 20-1/2 inches long.  Proud grandparents
are Les and Jul Gompert.
Congratulations to Mike and Jennifer Sulpizio on the birth of their son, Rook Matthew, born
on April 13.  He weighed 9 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21-3/4 inches long. 
He joins siblings Annabella and Ketch at home.
New Members
Ashley Hunt, Kamerine Hunt, Jordi Beeler, Farrah Gebhart, Angela Lopez, Christian Bense, Linda Hancock, Ron and Sharon Bubb, Mitch Lebrecht, Vina Kessler, Heidi Kessler
Shawn Gebhardt, Elton Chubbuck, Heather Acosta, Jacob and Jennifer Wilkins, Steve Suho, Carlos and Jennifer Sanchez, Ernesto and Mercedes Aldrete
Our Deepest Sympathy
to the families
of the following people who recently passed away:
Bill Thompson; Donna McGlothlen; Margy Hoff's brother-in-law, Tom; Bobbi Antons' sister-in-law, Mary; Miles Jefferson's mom, Darlene; and Yolanda Coffeen.  
Please keep their families in prayer during this difficult time.
Please Pray for: Cancer Patients
 Otto Rapp, Rebecca Cole, Ruby Winter, Vicki Peterson, James Frazier, Phyllis Sollers, Sharon Fraser, Jamey Thimell, Luanne Watson, Judy Dyson, Mike Boren, Christy Heaton, Bruce Griswold 
Arthur Guiles, Tim Beeman, Deborah Rapp, Sharon Womer, Judy Stroh, Richard Parks, Ray Rodgers, Marion Tompkins, Shirley Johns, Cal Macon, John Rapp, Bonnie Canan, Mirle Fett, Pauline Cochran, Randy Creek, Jose Rivas, Shirley Flermoen, Marguerite Ware, Jim Wedemeyer, Juanita McCauley, The Mullins Family, Scotty McGregor, Jim Iwan, Gus Lovmark, Bonnie Benbrooks, Judy Echols, Kaiya Dyson
Rancho de Los  Ninos Needs
 This Month: Laundry detergent, fabric softener, copy paper 
 These items may be brought to the Church Office at any time. Thanks for caring and sharing!
Thank You's
Dear First Christian Church Family,
Thank you for standing and holding us up in prayer these past few months.  We praise the Lord for each of you.  God bless you. 
In His grace,
John and Rachel Voss
To My Church 
Family and Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers, visits, phone calls, and cards since I had a stroke in December.  I'm improving as I continue therapy.  Please continue to pray for me. 
Love and blessings,
Martha McDowell 
Join Our Mailing List
Mothers Day 
 Happy Mother's Day
 May 10, 2009
Southwestern Christian School will be hosting an evening of celebration as we honor our 8th grade graduates.   Please join us on May 28 at
 6:00 pm in the Worship Center.
Congratulations, graduates!
Joel Camarillo, Isaac Daum, Dakota Green, Sara Jackson, Kirstin Jones, Ricky Keeling, Brittney Laughlin, Natalie Lopez, Brie Ann Lute, Tayler McKenna, Juliana Patane, Marah Trask, Stephanie Vandervoort, Kendra Ware

Congratulations, and best wishes to all of FCC's graduating seniors! 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20
How is your attitude these days?  Is it focused on the stock market and the crisis?  Or have you been able to focus on Christ and His Church?
If you will remember, in January I started out by saying to us, as a congregation, "Instead of focusing on the crisis, tap into Christ and His Church.  How do we do that?  TAP!"
Time for discipleship!  Are you involved in one of our small groups and growing by serving Him?
Ask two families to come to church with you this year!  They will come if you ask them!  Our calling teams are out each week delivering our new brochure to neighborhoods inviting them to come and grow with us.  It is working.  New people each week are coming.
Play a part and tithe!  Continue to be generous and watch the Church grow.  Remember, the biblical word "tithe" means giving 10% of our income to the Church.  To do less is no tithe.
I hope you remember, and will spend some time in the coming week, to focus on our Mission Statement:  It says:  FCC is on FIRE!
Following the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles;
Inviting believers of all ages to become fully-devoted followers of Christ,
Readying them for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up;
Evangelizing the lost in our community and throughout the world with the Gospel of Christ.
Who will light the first match?
Because of Him,      Dan
Bias                     Phillip Krueger, Associate Minister                
Phillip Krueger, Associate Minister

A couple of years ago, someone sent me the following: The Pope was visiting Washington, DC and President Bush took him out for an afternoon on the Potomac, sailing on the presidential yacht, the Sequoia.  All of a sudden, the Pope's hat (zucchetto) blew off his head and into the water.  The Secret Service started to launch a boat to retrieve the hat but Bush waved them off.  Bush stepped off the yacht onto the surface of the water, walked over, picked up the hat and walked back.  He handed the hat to a stunned Pope.  The next day, newspapers nationwide led with the headline: "Bush Can't Swim!"
Another bias that society has is against the church.  Centuries ago, the sign of the fish allowed believers to quietly identify fellow members of the early church.  Today, that same simple line drawing of a fish is a leading symbol in America's ongoing culture war -a battle often played out on car bumpers.  The traditional Christian fish plaque had the bumper market all to itself until about ten years ago when, according to The Wall Street Journal, a small company called Evolution Design fired the first shot -a fish-shaped design with budding feet and emblazoned with the word "Darwin."  More fish sacrilege appeared including a Hindu fish with cow udders; a fattened Buddha fish; a Science fish with spaceship-style fins; a Satan fish shown bursting into flames; a grinning Prozac fish; a Gay-Pride fish that sports a glittering pink triangle and many others.  Christians, irked by what they considered a mockery of a sacred symbol, countered with designs such as a Darwin fish being swallowed by a larger fish labeled "Truth." 
Christianity may be the only faith that is fair game for public ridicule.  Eleven times in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul said, "Stand firm!"  Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (New International Version)
I just felt the need to share this encouragement with you.
P.S.  Are you a member of First Christian Church?  Do you have a topic or subject that you would consider teaching?  With summer upon us, we have a couple of empty Sunday School classrooms open on Sunday mornings for adult studies.  I would invite you to contact me with your lesson idea.  We may be able to provide you with a classroom to teach a lesson, or short series of lessons, that you think others would be interested in.  Call Phillip at 726-5616.

Alan Dyson, Involvement Minister
Alan Dyson, Involvement Minister
Lately, I have been thinking about how much of what I believe is built more on worldly wisdom than on the Bible. I have found myself in many conversations where I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I am saying is perfectly in line with what this world teaches. I have argued for a lifestyle that is built on security and moderation rather than on a life completely sold out to Christ. Make sure that you are financially secure before you do this or that. Make sure that your family will be totally safe before... take care of yourself first so that you can take care of others. All of these things sound perfectly reasonable and indeed smart to me. I can't find a single thing wrong with any of these philosophies. Well maybe one thing. While I can and do read the same verses that you do which instruct us to be good stewards, to love and protect, to love our wives like Christ loves the church, I neglect a lot of other verses which tell me to rely on Christ alone; to lean not on my own understanding, to die to myself daily, to expect and, indeed, be joyful in persecution. 
While I am sure that God wants His followers to be good stewards, I wonder how much I/we can be unashamed, unhindered, followers of Christ when we are pretty busy making sure that we are taken care of first. That we deal with the wrongs committed against us. That our treasures on earth are stored up. It seems that so much of my/our time is taken up with taking care of ourselves that we have very little time to do the works that God has prepared for us to do. 
My prayer is that no one will be able to take us captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world. Rather, that we can continue to live in Jesus Christ, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as we were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Amen.
Paul Mondragon, Media Minister
By May 9, we will be into our second week of our Twenty4/7 series, "Perfected."  As I think about the sermon I will preach that particular weekend, I have to ask myself, "Am I truly being perfected in my life and through my daily walk with Jesus?"  For some of us, the answer to such a question might seem obvious and easy.  For others, the answer may seem as evasive as knowing what the future holds in our current economic climate.  But I digress...
Are you being perfected as a Christian?  Are there any explicit indicators of this in your life that are visible to your family, to your boss, to your neighbors?  If you answered in the affirmative, would Christ agree with you?  If you can't answer with a "Yes" to the question of whether or not you are becoming perfected, can I ask you "Why not?"  I would find few things more tragic for us as Christians than to wear a name badge of Christ whilst living a life that speaks to the contrary. 
Back to answering my own question: "Yes, I am becoming perfected."  The operative word here is "becoming" and what our Perfected series is really about is sanctification.  Sanctification is a process that occurs within our Christian life, and it is not something that "just happens" to us.  It has to be intentional. You must play a part, a willing part in this process.
Come, find some time to join us on Saturday nights as we learn how to become Perfected.  Perfected, not for our own sakes, but Perfected so that we may be Image-Bearers of the King who gave His life for us!
Keep up with the adventures of DeeDee Baumgarner in Iraq  by reading her blog on the FCC website:
Second-Half Adult MinistriesJerry Elzey, Pastoral Care Minister
Jerry Elzey, Pastoral Care Minister
A group of psychologists at Princeton University has confirmed what is already now being widely accepted - "Memory and cognitive power (the ability to learn, memorize, make judgement) don't necessarily decline with age as traditionally thought.  The study found that adults continue to grow new brain cells throughout life. Those late-generated cells, they found, may allow older people to bolster their learning and memory capabilities, or even to stave off declines.  Such capabilities were never envisioned under the old theory, that cells stopped forming - and actually started dying - by age 40."
Physical exercise, as well as mental exercise, and social involvement, can have a positive affect on our total well-being, especially in our second half of life. (Use it or lose it?)  Here are some opportunities from within our Second-Half church membership that can provide all three. These results were taken from completed questionnaires that were mailed out recently and then returned:
*A gentleman would like some company riding bikes, hiking, or exploring new places. * Several indicated they like to play cards, board games, or dominoes. * A lady needs friendship, someone to talk to. * One would like to learn how to play tennis. * A lady would enjoy having someone to do visitation with. * Some indicated they may be interested in forming a Second-Half 'singles' group.
Let us know what's missing in your life, and we'll share it with others.
In respect of your privacy, and unless you ask, we won't publicize any names or personal information.  So if you would like more information on any of these needs or requests, please call me at 726-5616, and I'll provide you with what you need to contact them.  Will you consider the possibility that you could make someone's life a little more meaningful and enjoyable?  It'll be good for your health (and theirs)!
SWCS logo
Southwestern Christian School
Deborah Stewart
It's that time again!  Time for kids to be out of school, parents to plan summer vacations, and everyone has the opportunity to relax and prepare for the next school year!  If you have children enrolled next year in Kindergarten through eighth grade, we would like to invite you to call us and set up an appointment to have a school tour.  It would be my pleasure to show you how our school operates and the special opportunites your child will have as a student of Southwestern Christian School.  A few of the special programs we offer are: extracurricular boys' and girls' competitive sports teams, Rosetta Stone Spanish instruction, keyboarding instruction, small class sizes, and more!  Come check us out by calling 726-3086 and setting up your appointment today!
For our FCC members who no longer have school-age chiildren, I would invite you to support Christian education in Yuma by participating in the Y.E.S. (Yuma's Education Scholarship Fund for Kids, Inc.) program.  Married couples can contribute up to $1,000 in a tax year towards a child's education.  If you are an Arizona resident, as a donor you would receive a dollar-for-dollar write off on your 2009 AZ state taxes, and you can claim your donation as a charitable contribution on your 2009 Federal tax return too!  And, of course, the biggest blessing to Y.E.S. donors is that they know they have blessed a family who may not have been able to financially afford to have their child receive a Christian education.  To find out more about the Y.E.S. program, please contact Angela Hunt, Y.E.S. Coordinator, at 314-0033, or check it out on the web at
May your family enjoy a pleasant end to the school year and a relaxing summer break! 
In Christ,
Debbie Stewart, Principal
Follow the Leader?
Margaret Ware, Prayer Ministry Coordinator 

Do you remember playing this game as a child, Follow the Leader?  In the game, you were required to do what the leader did, go where the leader went, and say what the leader said.  It was so much fun, because you never knew where the leader would take you.  You also had to use a little judgment as to whether or not you were going to follow the leader in everything the leader did.  You had to have some faith that the leader would not mislead you into something foolish or dangerous.  The game ended when you felt like you could no longer follow that leader. Then you were left behind while others continued to follow.
We have a Leader who is more than worthy to follow and trust, Jesus Christ.  He will never lead you into foolish or dangerous places.  He does require your full trust and allegiance.  While on earth, Jesus called upon His heavenly Father to help Him as He ministered on earth in human form.  Jesus called some among us to be spiritual leaders, and they, too, call on our Father for help as they minister and follow the call of Christ to lead us during our human walk on earth.  God holds our spiritual leaders to very high standards. They are to be full of the Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3); they are to train themselves to be godly (I Timothy 4:7); they are expected to be above reproach (I Timothy 3:2); and in James 3:1 teachers are warned that they will be judged more strictly.  These requirements are tough, and no one person can attain them without prayer.
If we are to follow the leaders God has called, then unlike our childhood games of following blindly, we are now mature Christians and are responsible for praying for our leaders so that they will lead us in the way God has intended.  Paul often asked the believers to pray for him.  Read Ephesians 6:18-20, Colossians 4:2-4, I Thessalonians 5:25, and II Thessalonians 3: 1-2.  Our leaders continually ask us to keep them in prayer. Have you heard them?  The work is difficult, and Satan works 24/7/365 to find ways to bring them down. Let's not let that happen.  We have the power, through prayer, to be a shield for our leaders as they serve on the front lines of this earthy battle.  Please do as Paul so often requested the churches to do, pray continually with all kinds of prayers for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well being of our leaders.  Satan knows that if he can cause trouble for one leader, that will discourage many who are following.  Let's be proactive and keep a shield of prayer over our leaders so Satan's attacks cannot be effective against them.  God has blessed us with wonderful men and women of God to lead our FCC family; He has also blessed us with many strong, faithful, and praying family members.  Let's keep each other in prayer so that we each may follow our ultimate leader, Christ the Lord, and continue to grow strong in our walk and service to Him.
Girlfriends Unlimited 
Back by Popular Demand!
Bunko Party

(It's super easy to learn if you've never played)

Sunday, June 14 * 4-6 pm  FCC Caf�
Come & bring a friend!
Bring a favorite snack, beverages will be provided.  Prizes will be awarded to the
best score and the lowest score OR just come & gab with a friend in our comfy lobby.
Laretta K. Shrader, Missions MinisterInternational Initiatives
Laretta K. Shrader

"The best opportunity most of us will have to reach another people group is by reaching someone who is an international student in our own country. " Thus read my article in the Guidepost in January.
I went on to say, "More than 400,000 international students now attend college in the USA.  Over 80 students from 20 countries have been identified on the AWC Campus.  The world has truly come to us.  Each Saturday evening and Sunday morning, for the next several weeks, there will be someone at the kiosk in the Main Lobby with information on how you and your family can be involved with welcoming an international student to the U.S. This might very well be the only way a student gets to spend time in a private home while in this country.  Your involvement can be as little or as much as you wish-dinner in your home, a trip to the Territorial Prison, a ride to the bank in town, these are all things a student will appreciate.  We hope to find 8-10 families at FCC who will become part of a pilot program of an outreach to international students.  Claudia Garrido, a member of FCC from Chile, works in the office of International Students at AWC.  Through this contact we will match these families with interested students.  Hopefully the ministry will evolve from there."
Betsy Brown and Claudia Garrido-Gonzalez have headed up this outreach.  Below is what Betsy shared about her relationship with her student.
"Many of you at FCC have noticed that the Missions Ministry has been actively seeking families to develop friendships with AWC students from countries other than our own. It has been a slow process and sometimes discouraging, because our lives are all so busy, and we hesitate to make commitments that look as though we could not easily keep them. The AWC students, also tentative, have been slow to say they would like a friend from this country.  So I have a story I would like to share with you.
A little over a week ago we still had unmatched students and a couple of matches that just didn't come together.  Claudia Garrido-Gonzales, our AWC coordinator, and I decided to put the last student on the list with me.  So I promptly emailed this girl from Vietnam, knowing little more than her name.  I told her that I would like to be her friend while she is a student here, and that I would be looking forward to an email back from her so we could plan to meet.  Her answer came back that evening.  Her first words were, 'It's wonderful that I now have a family.'  After she went on to tell me about herself, she said, 'I would like to be with you frequently because in my dorm, I nearly live alone and sometimes I (am) really sad. You know what.  You look like my grandmother.  She was dead when I was 6 years old.  I am really happy when I have you now.  Thank you!!'  I am smiling through my tears that this could be true.  We have gotten together several times since those first emails.  She is an honor student, and she invited me to a family party for honor students. Several other 'families' and their students went also.  Sunday she came to church, and later we went out for frozen yogurt, again in a group with other families.  The girls and the families have bonded.
The AWC term ends next week, and graduation for some of 'our' students is on the 15th of May. Most will not have their own families here to see them take that step into their future. I hope those of you who know any of them will consider attending.
There is not much I can add to encourage any of you more than the words shared here.  I know there are other students who will be looking for the hands reached out in Christian love and friendship in the next school year.  And for those students and families that have not come together as they had hoped, we can try again.  The rewards are worth it.  I pray that our Christian witness in the lives of those we touch will be like the ripples of the pebble tossed into a pond, ever widening to spread His love." -- Betsy Brown
I appreciate so much the time both Betsy and Claudia have expended on this project.  We will begin, again, to ask for volunteers to reach out to an international student at an International Emphasis Weekend here at FCC in July.   Please prayerfully consider becoming involved at that time. 
Because He Lives, Laretta K. Shrader
P.S.  We are going to have a plethora of International Workers visiting soon. 
 - Linda Stanton, of Kulpahar Kids' Home in India, arrives in Yuma on May 8, and she will be here until December 1. 
 - The Robertson Family, of Mountain View Christian School in Indonesia, arrives on May 25 and leaves on July 31. 
 - The Ridgley Family, of North Burna Mission in Thailand, arrives on June 1 and leaves on August 5. 
All will be doing some traveling to see family and other supporting churches.  But while they are in Yuma, I urge you to invite them to share with your small group, or invite them individually to dinner.  There will be a church-wide celebration on July 18 and 19 of the work these dedicated servants and others are doing around the world.  Please pray as all travel and for their time with friends and family.
Youth Fellowship Opportunities...  Jeff Elzey, Youth Minister
9:30 in our classrooms upstairs!!  Every Sunday morning, Middle School and High School students gather to fellowship and learn more about God! These exciting groups meet for one hour, beginning at 9:30 am.  Middle School meets in Room 207, and  High School meets in Room 208.  Bring your friends, and come be a part of these great studies!
Don't forget Midweek Upper Room!!  We're meeting each Wednesday night at 7 pm in the Upper Room for mid-week worship.  This is for everybody from 6th grade and up.  It is an excellent time to invite friends and come worship with us!  We'll see you there!!
High School Study--The Zone
Sundays, 7-8:30 pm, Room 207  
Youth Coaches and Their E-mail Addresses:
  Middle School:
Michelle Harvey - [email protected]      Frances Hernandez - no email address 
Jennifer Thimmel - [email protected]                Dustin Womer - [email protected]   
Bethany Aaker- [email protected]                  
                                                                High School:
Magen Reed - [email protected]                Zeb Ohland- [email protected]    
Charlie Kosmata- [email protected]            Claudia Padilla - [email protected]
Mark Beeler - [email protected]                         Rod Reed - [email protected]
John Aaker- [email protected]                     
                                                                College Age:
Sam Cervantes- [email protected]            Eva Cervantes- [email protected]  
J.R. and Patty Spencer - [email protected]   
                                                                Worship Team:
Sam Cervantes- [email protected]            Jake Gompert- [email protected]  
Dustin Womer - [email protected] 
High School camp registration is due no later than May 15. 
 Hurry, spots are limited!

The next service project will be on May 16, from 7-11 am
 (open to jr high, high school, and college age).

Les Gompert Children's Ministry
First Annual Fishing Tournament

When:  Saturday, June 6, 2009
Where:  Fortuna Pond
Time:  6 am to 11 am
Cost:  $5 per person (covers food and drink)
Who:  All families, no age limit or number limit
This is a free fishing day for the entire state of Arizona.  Therefore, there is no need
 to purchase a fishing license for anyone in the family.  One grand prize will be given
away to the person who catches the highest number of fish within the tournament guidelines.  The deadline to register is Wednesday, June 3.  Register by calling Rick Keeling at 726-5616, or by e-mailing [email protected].
What you will need:
 - Fishing equipment (the Children's Ministry has a limited supply of poles
 and tackle, and it will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.)
 - Your own bait (any kind you choose)
 - Chairs, hats, and sunscreen
What we will provide:
 - Food and drinks
 - Some fishing equipment
 - Time together as a family with the Lord
The Children's Ministry is seeking donations of the following fishing equipment: fishing poles, fishing reels, tackle, tackle boxes, and nets.  Donations may be dropped off at the Kidz Check-in Counter on Sundays or Wednesdays, or at the Church Office during business hours.

Study the "INCREDIBLES" of the Bible!
When:  Kick-Off Cookout May 6, 2009, 7 - 8:30 pm  
Where:  Provided by GOD - The Poulton's House
5700 E View Parkway (The View at the Terraces) 
We are two miles from the Church so you can drop off the kids at First Christian Church and come on over.  Call (928) 287-3480 or (928) 210-1688 for directions.
Taught by members of the TLC, each "Incredible" studied will be only 1 - 3 weeks max.

The first "Incredible" of the Bible to be studied, on May 13 at 7 pm, will be  "Job" (taught by Charlie and Estelle Poulton).  There will be different instructors for each "Incredible." 
(1 - 3 weeks max)  *Only volunteers will teach.* 
 Open the evening with 3 songs from chosen Christian videos, exciting, and in surround sound!  There will always be something to snack on and fresh coffee brewed by the Incredible Charlie Roast Master!  If you are looking for something different, Bible-based, and fun, then this is the study for you!  Please call one of the members above for information on the study of "Incredibles" of the Bible.
The New Members' Class has begun. 
This course is open to anyone considering becoming
 a Christian and/or a member of First Christian Church.  This class is taught by
Mr. Dick Osness, former Senior Minister and current member of FCC.  Class meets Sundays at 11:00 am in Room 256 (out on the catwalk). 
New TLC starting Wednesday, May 20, at 7 pm "Behold, He is Coming"  Rev. 1:7  This study will be in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation regarding the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ to establish His kingdom as Lord of lords and King
of kings.  Hosted by Paul & Laurie Mondragon, 2469 S. Danette Way.