What You Need to Know
To Elevate and Unite Automotive Professionals, and Give Them Voice 

Like ASCCA on Our New Facebook Page 

Like us on Facebook

Please visit us on our new Facebook page. We look forward to your comments and shared experiences. We will be posting information, links and events as a way to continue supporting our community and advancing our industry. Please encourage your friends and colleagues to "Like" us as well! We look forward to hearing from you soon!


SB 750 Passes the Legislature    


SB 750 has been passed the legislature and is now headed to Governor Brown for signature or Veto. The Governor has until September 30th to sign or Veto all bills that come to him for signature. 
It's imperative that we let Governor Brown know how detrimental this bill will be to our industry. We need to reiterate that this is an anti-small business bill that will set a precedent for other auto manufacturers to limit access to technology needed by independent auto repair shops to conduct their businesses. 
It's a bill that is also anti-consumer, as it will force consumers to seek auto repairs through dealerships, whose services are often more expensive. 
ASCCA will provide a sample letter to the Governor with talking points for you to use. In the meantime, please contact Governor Brown's office at 916/445-2841, urging him to VETO SB 750!


SB 750 Passes the Legislature
ASCCA Seeks Candidates for 2013-14
Inusrance Commissioner Announces Grant
Autobody Association Supports Regulation
Get Your ASCCA "The Sign You Can Trust" Sign Now!!
ASCCA Launches New Websitea Breach Risks
ASCCA One Member Can Campaign - Update

 Click here for a complete list of ASCCA corporate sponsors and member benefits.  


Calendar of Events

Team Weekend   

September 29-30, 2012
Embassy Suites, Sacramento 
Room Rate: $149
Reservation deadline: Sept 7


Team Weekend 
December 8-9, 2012
Embassy Suites, Sacramento
Hotel Reservation
Room Rate: $149
Reservation deadline: Nov 16 



ASCCA Seeks Candidates for the 2013-2014 Board of Directors



ASCCA is seeking nominations from members who have an interest in running for a position on the ASCCA Board of Directors. The election will take place at the next Team Weekend, September 29-30, 2012, Embassy Suites, Sacramento, CA.


Applications/Profiles must be received in the ASCCA Headquarters Office, One Capitol Mall, Suite 320 by no later than Monday, September 10, 2012. Feel free to contact Executive Director, Jackie Miller with questions at 800-810-4272 x108 or by e-mail at jmiller@amgroup.us.




Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and Riverside County District Attorney Announce Workers' Compensation; Automobile Fraud Grants 



Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, joined by Riverside County District Attorney Paul Zellerbach have announced $2.4 million in grants to the Riverside District Attorney's Office to fight Workers' Compensation and Automobile Insurance Fraud. These funds will assist the Riverside County District Attorney with the investigation and prosecution of fraud.


Riverside County was awarded three grants to combat fraud in 2013:

* $1,488,786 to combat Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud
* $650,000 to combat regular Automobile Insurance Fraud
* $336,247 to combat Organized (Urban) Automobile Insurance Fraud


Recently, CDI Detectives and Riverside County District Attorney Investigators, joined by Investigators from the Employment Development Department and Contractors State Licensing Board conducted a sweep known as "Operation Underground" which netted contractors in violation of state Workers' Compensation Insurance regulations.


CDI announced the 2013 Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud Grants in a press release in June.




Autobody Association Supports Regulation 



After a long but deliberative process, the Department of Insurance (DOI) has proposed regulations to improve and clarify workmanlike auto body repairs and the use of aftermarket crash parts.  The California Autobody Association (CAA) believes these regulations are fair and reasonable for consumers, repair shops and insurers and is actively supporting their passage.  The regulations clarify that:

  • Insurer estimates must be prepared in an amount, which will allow for repairs to be made with accepted trade standards for good and workmanlike repairs by an auto body repair shop.
  • Insurers adjusting estimates prepared by the customers repair shop must provide an edited copy of the repair shop estimate or a supplemental estimate based on repair shop estimate. Any adjustments made by the insurer shall identify item and cost associated with each adjustment made to the repair shop's estimate.
  • Insurers specifying the use of non-original equipment manufacturer (OEM) crash parts must warrant such parts are of like kind quality, safety, fit and performance as OEM crash parts and the insurer must disclose in writing in any estimate the fact it warrants such parts.  
Insurers specifying the use of non-OEM crash parts that the insurer has implied, actual or constructive knowledge are not equal to the non-OEM in terms of kind, quality safety, fit and performance shall immediately cease specifying the use of these parts with 30 days and notify the collision repair estimating software provider, distributor and file a report with the non-OEM certifying entity. Insurers that fail to comply shall pay for the costs associated with returning the part and the cost to remove and replace the non-OEM with the complaint non-OEM or an OEM part





The Sign You Can Trust!        


ASCCA Public Relations slogan is designed with the purpose of ensuring that the ASCCA sign is synonymous with quality automotive shops. The slogan, The Sign You Can Trust! is directed at your potential and existing customers.


This exciting campaign was kicked off at the 2012 Summer Conference with the introduction of the new adjunct sign, The Sign You Can Trust!  This new sign can be ordered to hang under your existing ASCCA shop sign.


The adjunct sign is the first step to create public awareness that will translate into consumers looking for shops displaying the ASCCA sign. The goal of our campaign is to increase your business with new customers and help you retain existing clients. Participate in this new campaign and help strengthen the public's awareness that ASCCA shops are the shops they can trust to meet their automotive needs!  


How to use the new slogan:

  • Place on existing letterhead, business cards, brochures and forms.
  • On your website and social media pages.
  • In your printed and electronic newsletters.
  • With your local advertising.
  • Place on Press Releases when producing information for public distribution.
  • Place the adjunct sign with the slogan beneath your ASCCA sign at your shop.
  • Incorporate on promotional material produced for your shop, such as calendars, mugs, magnets, pens, etc.

For more information on getting the ASCCA logo with the new slogan and for purchasing an adjunct sign, contact ASCCA staff at (800) 810-4272 or email Heather Vigil at hvigil@amgroup.us.  



ASCCA Launches New Website  


ASCCA's newly designed website launched last week.  The site was completely redesigned by ASCCA Corporate Sponsor and Endorsed Vendor Zenergy Works


The new www.ascca.com site features a streamlined look and updated navigation.  It also features enhancements to the valuable member benefit "Find a Shop" via an improved mapping search result.  


We hope you enjoy the new website and welcome your feedback by using the comment feature on the About ASCCA page of the new website.   



ASCCA  One Member Can! Update        


The One Member Can! campaign has pushed off with great momentum and we've seen just how much one member CAN make a difference!


Since the launch of the One Member Can! campaign in February, ASCCA has seen individual members throughout the state rise to the occasion to reach out and make a difference in their Chapter and for ASCCA!


Rory Balmer has already earned his first iPad and is well on his way towards earning more prizes.  Rory (pictured below) was awarded his iPad at the ASCCA Summer Conference, June 23-24 at the Hilton Irvine Orange County.  


You Can Make a Difference & Be Rewarded Too!


Remember when you recruit a new member to send in your coupon on the bottom of the One Member Can! Membership Drive or send an email with your name and the name of the member(s) you have recruited.


The One Member Can! informative, 2-page flyer is designed to be printed double-sided on 8 ½" x 11" sheets of paper, while the one page poster is designed to be a tabletop piece, printed on glossy 8" x 10" stock paper - to be place next to the 2-page flyers. There is also a 16" x 20" poster available. If you would like to display a poster of that size, please contact us directly and the template will be forwarded separately.


Please take a moment to read through the marketing material thoroughly. The more you know about our One Member Can! campaign - the better you'll be at using it to engage and enlist new members! The material also contains instructions on how to report your new member sign-ups, and how you can win a new iPad.


If you need any additional information or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Heather Vigil at (800) 810-4272 or hvigil@amgroup.us.



Click here for the One Member Can flyer.

Click here for the One Member Can Poster



Special Thank You to ASCCA's Diamond Sponsors!

One Capitol Mall, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814
(800) 810-4272