About 2 ½ years ago a major brake chain was cited, fined and shut down for not performing "Brake Jobs" and "Brake Inspections" to " Industry Standards". THERE ARE NO STANDARDS!
At the same time, ASCCA Government Affairs, on behalf of our members and at our members' request, contacted BAR concerning the possibility of new Brake Regulations that would spell out what a "Brake Inspection" and what a "Brake Repair" actually is. A " free" brake inspection by some shops would bait a customer into a "Brake Job" that was nothing more than hanging Pads or Shoes on Undersized Rotors, or Drums. Since there are no standards, performing any brake work is considered a brake job. Members told us that they would quote a customer to Machine or Replace Rotors, Install Quality Pads, only for the customer to decline the work, and call them later saying the shop up the street did the same brake job (they hung pads only) and they were "ripping them off." "So what is a Brake Job, or Inspection?," we asked BAR.
ASCCA Government Affairs then formed a subcommittee with other ASCCA members and wrote initial regulations (three-plus pages) of what we thought a "Brake Job" and a "Brake Inspection" should encompass. Our legislative advocate, Jack Molodanof, worked with BAR and our subcommittee to develop draft standards. ASCCA sought input from other aftermarket organizations, and a consensus was achieved. The attached regulation, entitled "Brake Inspection and Repair Requirements," is the result; the regulation has been reviewed and accepted by BAR and other interested parties. BAR will hold a formal hearing regarding the regulation at 3:00 pm on May 21 in Sacramento.
ASCCA Government Affairs Committee works to educate our members on issues affecting their business, and to provide a voice for ASCCA members to act on local, regional and statewide issues.
All members are encouraged to contact the committee with any concerns they may have.
CLICK HERE for Brake Inspection and Repair Requirements specific language of Proposed Regulation.