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What You Need to Know
To Elevate and Unite Automotive Professionals, and Give Them Voice 
Special Thank You to ASCCA's Diamond Sponsors!
VRRRM Program Update
68 % of U.S. Consumers Turn to Professionals for Auto Repairs
Businesses Fined for Air Quality Violations
TEAMtalk Rules & Etiquette
New ASCCA Diamond Sponsor: Mudlick Mail

Calendar of Events 

October 22-23
Team Weekend
Embassy Suites Sacramento

December 10-11
Team Weekend
Embassy Suites Sacramento

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ASCCA Has a New Facebook Page 

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Please visit us on our new Facebook page. We look forward to your comments and shared experiences. We will be posting information, links and events as a way to continue supporting our community and advancing our industry. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


Refer a Member and Earn Cash!

ASCCA is a strong organization today because of members like you! Remember - use the ASCCA Advantage to highlight member benefits and savings when speaking to potential members.
Earn a $75 referral fee to be paid directly to you or applied to your renewal dues! 

VRRRM Program Update 



Due to overwhelming demand, effective Immediately - 09/28/2011 - VRRRM is instituting the following changes to the eligibility requirements for VRRRM repair programs.


Note: The following changes DO NOT apply to consumers who receive a weekend event voucher at a VRRRM-sponsored event held in the San Joaquin Air District area.

  • Vehicles must be 1997 model year and older to be eligible for VRRRM.
  • Consumers must apply to CAP first before they may be deemed eligible for VRRRM.
  • If a consumer is approved for CAP, but repairs exceed CAP limit, consumer may apply to VRRRM for the incremental difference of the repairs up to $800.
  • If a consumer is not approved for CAP, a consumer must provide a CAP denial letter in order to apply to VRRRM and pay the first $450 (toward emissions related repairs, diagnosis and/or testing) in order for VRRRM to fund the balance of the repairs up to $800.
  • All payment requests for repairs for non-CAP eligible consumers must be accompanied by a CAP denial letter.

All other VRRRM repair program eligibility guidelines, i.e. six months continuous registration to the same owner, tailpipe emissions failure, etc. will still apply. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this operational adjustment, please contact Shawn Hunter at 916.325.8577 or Dan Crozier at 559.840.0134.





Sixty-Eight Percent of U.S. Consumers Turn to Professionals for Auto Repairs 

According to the NPD Group, the majority of automobile owners are do-it-for-me (DIFM) consumers when it comes to auto service or repair.


The auto aftermarket research report finds that the choice to have DIFM auto services is largely due to the need to maintain a car properly in order to keep it longer, and a higher degree of trust in professional auto services than do-it-yourself auto repair.


The NPD report, entitled Consumers Shifting Gears to Do-It-For-Me Outlets, finds that 68 percent of today's drivers say they will have all automotive service and repair performed by a professional. Twenty-nine percent of consumers said they will sometimes have professional auto service and some they will do themselves, and 8 percent said they rarely have their auto repair or maintenance done by a professional.


Reliability is the operative word in the minds of consumers when selecting an auto repair professional. According to the NPD report, which explores factors that drive consumers to switch between DIFM outlets, 88 percent of DIFM consumers said trust in the work completed is a very important influence in selecting an auto repair outlet. Knowledgeable employees and the reputation of the outlet or automotive professional also rank high.


Although trust and reputation rank high in the selection process, value appears to be another key driver and the reason for an increasing number of DIFM consumers using car dealerships and tire stores for their auto repairs and maintenance. The Consumers Shifting Gears to DIFM Outlets report finds that consumers perceive these outlets as bringing more coupons and promotional offers to the table. 




Settlement of 37 Cases Generates $52K for Community Colleges and $172K for Pollution Control


The Air Resources Board announced that during the second quarter of 2011 it settled 37 cases of air quality violations, mostly by trucks and buses for failure to properly conduct and pass self-inspections aimed at measuring vehicle smoke emissions to ensure state requirements are met.


Of the $223,295 collected, approximately $172,000 went to the California Air Pollution Control Fund to support air quality projects and research to improve California's air quality.


Roughly $52,000 went to the Peralta Community College District to fund emission education classes at participating California community colleges under the California Council for Diesel Education and Technology program.


The five companies paying the highest amount in fines (none exceeding $30,000) are:

  • County of Imperial, Department of Public Works, fined $27,000 for failure to properly self-inspect its diesel trucks to assure the vehicles met state smoke emission standards, as required under the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program (PSIP).
  • Marquez Brothers International, Inc., fined $24,000 for failure to comply with diesel fleet self-inspection requirements, and for violation of the Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU) regulation.
  • Brotherhood Trucking Inc., fined $17,617.50 for failing to properly self-inspect its diesel fleets and dispatching drayage trucks that either did not meet emission standards or were not into the Drayage Truck Registry.
  • West Coast Refrigerated Trucking, Inc., fined $15,750 for failing to properly inspect its diesel fleet and for not upgrading all of its TRU engines as required by the TRU regulation.
  • Peninsula Coast Joint Powers Board, fined $15,000 for failing to properly self-inspect its diesel fleet and for not meeting emissions requirements for NOx and PM as required by the Fleet Rule for Transit Agencies.


Diesel exhaust contains a variety of harmful gases and over 40 other known cancer-causing compounds. In 1998, California identified diesel particulate matter as a toxic air contaminant based on its potential to cause cancer, premature death and other health problems.



TEAMtalk Rules & Etiquette




TEAMtalk was set up as an open forum for members to use to discuss issues of relevance to the membership or the automotive industry at large. Questions and posts should be limited to those things that are of interest to the membership at large. This is a member-to-member discussion list. TEAMtalk is NOT intended for use as a communications vehicle to reach the ASCCA Staff, ASCCA Committees, ASC Insurance Services or the ASCCA Board of Directors. Any items related to staff, committee, insurance or board need to be addressed to the appropriate parties directly using the contact page. This mechanism has been set up so that you don't have to be on a board or committee email distribution list to have your message forwarded. Simply choose the party(s) you wish to contact and the message will be routed appropriately. Please do not post technical (mechanical repair, etc) questions to this forum. Use the iATN forum for that.


This list is only open to current, paid-up Regular, Associate and Educator members of ASCCA. Participation in this list is a privilege and is NOT a right of membership.


There is a moderator who takes care of technical issues. There is also a board of advisors made up of members, who assist the moderator and who decide if members are subject to disciplinary action, (removal from the list), if found to be in violation of the rules.



The following industry standard guidelines were set up to help TEAMtalk operate in an orderly fashion. Violations are subject to disciplinary action and which may include removal from the list.


1.      Refrain from "flaming" or using profanity. "Flaming" is sending back angry, biting responses, "getting personal" and calling people names or otherwise belittling them. The use of sarcasm, profanity, "challenges" or other unpleasantness is not appreciated by list members. Remember, posts are seen by EVERYONE, not just the person you are responding to.)


2.      What goes on TEAMtalk stays on TEAMtalk. (TT is meant to be an in-house discussion group for ASCCA members. Although there is an expectation of "privacy" NOTHING sent via email is truly private. Please do not forward messages! REMEMBER - your behavior reflects on the association as a whole and your messages get around to outside entities whether you want them to or not.  Maintain your professionalism at all times!)


3.      Stick to relevant topics authorized for TEAMtalk. (Topics appropriate to TT are matters of interest to the membership at large meaning industry information, announcements, questions about your shop, chapter activities, legislative issues, etc. Emails directed to staff, directors or committees should be sent via our contact page. From time to time, matters related to individual ASCCA members (i.e., notification of illness or death), are permitted.)


4.      Do not post FWDs, Jokes, Spam, Virus warnings, etc. to TEAMtalk.


5.      Send relevant responses to TEAMtalk. (Don't send "support" posts (such as "kudos" "amen!" or "right on!") to the entire group. Please don't send "TEST" messages if you are wondering if you're still on TT or to see if TT is working. Please address those questions to the list moderator at


6.      Keep TEAMtalk posts short and concise.


7.      Do not post copyrighted material to TEAMtalk.


8.      Use appropriate subject lines. (PLEASE use "TT:" at the beginning of your subject line.)


9.      Sign your posts. (Many of you have obscure e-mail addresses that give no clue as to who you are so please sign your first and last name at the bottom of each post.)


10.  Please, no commercials or sales pitches on TEAMtalk.



ASCCA Proudly Announces

Diamond Corporate Sponsor

Mudlick Mail



Mudlick Mail 


Mudlick Mail helps automotive repair shops deliver the right message to the right people. The company's strategically targeted direct mail campaigns, turnkey services and expert guidance allow shop owners to increase their reach and grow their businesses.


Ryan Monson
Executive Account Director
2487 Cedarcrest Road, Suite 612
Acworth, GA 30101

Toll Free: 866.794.0167 Ext. 2 | Office: 678.355.0002 Ext. 110 | Fax: 678.218.5916 | Email: |

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One Capitol Mall, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814
(800) 810-4272