Your Profitable Growth Newsletter & Video
 January 2010
in this issue
:: Letter From The Editor: Tweet vs. Sell
:: Andy's Profitable Growth Video: Packaging for new channels
:: Trust Everyone, Trust No One, But Always Trust Yourself
:: You Must Understand, We All Wear Many Hats Here
:: ModCloth: From fashion passion to profit.
Letter From The Editor: Tweet vs. Sell or If You're Blogging How Can You Be Closing!

Five Tipping Points for You to Decide.
There is a real divide between business people who swear by and swear at Web 2.0.
To Social media "moguls", even questioning Web 2.0 is so old-school! They say,"Unless you get known and seen on your blog, their blogs, tweet about it and post on LinkedIn and Facebook, you will never get credible as an expert or grow your brand with prospects!"
"If you aren't getting business from social media, then you just don't have good content or you aren't online enough."
I add; no one wants to be sold but everyone wants to buy. Social networking allows you to become trusted and provide bite-sized pieces of value to prospects before they are ready to buy.
To entrepreneurs and owners whose firms live on creating qualified prospects and personally closing sales, the impact Web 2.0 has on running their P&L's is at best a mystery and at worst a narcotic. 
Packaging for new channels
With so many net opportunities to sell your value are you sure you can keep selling yours in the same old way?
If you know you can't how do you know where to change your ways?

Profitable Growth Video Library    

Trust Everyone; Trust No One; But Always Trust Yourself

In 1918 US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson said, "The first casualty of war is truth," but in 2010 I say that the first casualty of our great recession is trust.
In this dubious recovery, many business owners tell me they plan to expand their businesses if they could only trust:
  -  Their customers to pay on time
  -  Their bankers to guarantee lending terms
       even at higher rates
  -  The political insanity to stop
Well, they and it won't. 
But I am watching the most successful business owners learning to run their businesses like a  game of "wack-a-mole."
You Must Understand,
We All Wear Many Hats Here
Are you wearing too many hats?If you run or work with a small business, how many times have you said or heard the phrase, "We all wear several hats" to explain how work gets done? In these times, everyone is working harder and doing more with less. But in this ADD world of constant distractions, when are multiple hats more of a burden than a blessing?
Case Study: ModCloth:
From fashion passion to profit
A Video Case Study
COSE Business Growth Boot Camp 
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:00 am - 4:30 pm COSE Business Growth Boot Camp.

Streamlined for convenience and speed, the COSE Business Growth Course has been repurposed into a
two-day intensive boot camp. This new format is ideal for any business owner looking to fast-track their businesses growth, allowing attendees to gain all the advantages of a six month program with only a two-day investment.

For more information click HERE.
To Register: 216-592-2222
Questions: Contact Nicole Stika 216-592-2338
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