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  From Spirit Coach� Training                              Following The Voice of Spirit   

July 2012



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Thank you for your interest in The Spirit Coach� Newsletter! It is our intention to bring you the tools for transformation so you can awaken your Divine potential and co-create your best life. This content, besides containing useful information that you can apply to your own life, also includes healing energy. Take a moment to receive it as you continue reading.


I wanted to share this beautiful letter from Maddie, a teenage girl. She wrote it to her mom, after her mother returned home from a recent Spirit Coach� Training Intensive. What a wonderful reminder for all of us that when we have the courage to really be who we came here to be, the people we love the most, benefit the most.

Thank you, Maddie, for sharing your wisdom!



  Following The Voice of Spirit 

Freedom To Be Spirit Led Instead

How many times have you heard that small subtle voice nudge you in a certain direction and instead, you ignored it? I know I have done this many times before. This is the voice of spirit; it is easy to ignore when our minds are running the show, but it just may save your life or another's life. I mean this both, literally and metaphorically.


I was on a plane from Philadelphia to Las Vegas that I wasn't supposed to be on. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I flew to Pittsburgh, when I was supposed to be in Philadelphia. It seemed ridiculous, yet some part of me had to trust that spirit had a reason for this costly mistake. On my way back to San Francisco, I was on a flight that I would have otherwise not been on, if I hadn't flown to the wrong city. In any case, here I was on my way home.


Since I was one of the first people on the plane and there was no assigned seating, I listened to that small voice of spirit that guided me about halfway down the aisle where I sat in a window seat. Normally, I would not even hesitate, and sit toward the front of the plane, given the opportunity to be the first off, but this time I was listening to spirit.


About a half-hour into the flight, the woman seated directly in front of me started having some kind of a problem; she couldn't breathe. The stewardess started calling out if there were any doctors, nurses or paramedics on the plane. She announced they were planning on making an emergency landing. I recognized in that moment, spirit had placed me directly behind this woman, who was practically in my lap, for a reason. I began to use some of the healing techniques I teach in my seminars. I let my spirit lead me as to exactly what I needed to do. Within fifteen minutes the woman with heart palpitations was extremely calm. Her symptoms subsided. She was breathing normally and feeling peaceful again. The plane continued to our destination and I was happy to be of service.


When I follow my spirit's guidance, this type of experience happens to me all the time. I seem to be at the right place, at the right time to give my contribution whatever it may be. I often do not know what it is until I am in the situation. The truth is I don't have to know because I am not the doer. When I open up and let myself be a vehicle for spirit, miracles happen. I find there is nothing more fulfilling than this.


Following the voice of spirit will lead you to your highest and best life. When we live the life we came here to live, there is no greater achievement. Wherever you are in your life today, make a commitment to listen to that small subtle voice of spirit; it will lead you where you need to go, one step at a time.


Spirit's Path   


Tips for Following The Voice of Spirit 

  1. Sit still and imagine breathing in peace, and exhaling out, anything other than peace. Repeat 10 to 20 times.
  2. Journal from your spirit. Ask your spirit, what do I need to know today? Open up and see what comes through.
  3. Let yourself be led. Take an hour without any agenda, see where your spirit guides you to. Trust yourself, you'll be amazed at what shows up.
  4. Download a free chapter of Spirit Led Instead, and begin learning tools to let your spirit lead you to your highest and best life. 

Your spirit knows the way. Make a commitment today to be spirit led instead. Thank you for walking this path. 


Spirit Coach Graduation
 Some of the best facilitators of spirit in the world can be found at Spirit Coach� Training. We have 47 highly trained Spirit Coaches who are intuitives that can take you directly to your blocks and help you clear them. They are here to assist you in accessing your truth, purpose and highest life path. If you feel called to this path of awakening, call us and we will match you with the most aligned Spirit Coach for you. Thank you. It is truly our pleasure to serve.


Summer is a wonderful time to begin getting the support you need to transform your life for the better. Our unique one-on-one spirit coaching can turn an ordinary life into an extraordinary life. If you are interested in propelling every aspect of your Self towards your Divine potential, contact me about Spirit Coaching. We now have 47 Certified Spirit Coaches who can guide you towards your highest and best life path. 
  • Manifest your vision & dreams
  • Awaken to your life's purpose
  • Increase your personal power
  • Make your contribution in the world
  • Experience more peace & freedom
  • Strengthen your intuition to know your path
  • Deepen your connection to the Divine in you


"I can honestly say that it is the best money I've ever spent on anything in my life - including my very expensive and 'prestigious' college education.  I don't just believe, but know, that anything can be created through this work when one has the commitment, patience and perseverance to engage it wholeheartedly.  The level of peace, joy, awareness and purpose that I experience now is beyond anything I could have imagined for myself." -Natalie Doel


Blessings to Be Spirit Led,
Jenai Lane
Founder, Spirit Coach� Training
Direct Line (415) 786-3817
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Master Spirit Coach� Training Graduates
Ready to assist, support & guide you to a Spirit-led Life

Spirit Coach� Training

SC Training

Do you want to use your gifts to make a living?

Are you called to serve others in awakening their Divine potential?   

Be trained in a unique modular coaching system that gives you the content, structure and business know-how to facilitate others in one-on-one coaching by phone or in person.


"One of the great gifts of doing this training is being coached myself with the Spirit Coach� Method, both during the training and subsequently.  Ever since the date of the training was set, my growth has escalated enormously. I love my own empowerment and I adore seeing my clients empowered."    

-Amrito Cross 


The time is right on the planet where many beings are making the transition to a Spirit-led life and facilitators are needed to assist with this process.   Over the last 10 years, I have tested and improved The Spirit Coach� Method with countless clients and amazing results. Because this system has been so successful for me (and most importantly, my clients), I want to share it with you. Coaching is one way to serve others where you are compensated well for your service.



If you are called to this Training Program your first step is to be coached by a Master Certified Spirit Coach� so you can personally experience this transformational method.

Please go to www.spiritcoachtraining.com for more info or contact coach@spiritcoachtraining.com  

 Spirit Coach� Workbook

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you will also get access to a free guided meditation,

5-Minutes to Freedom & Fulfillment 

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Coaching Quick Tip


Inevitably we come to a place where faith is asked of us. We can no longer control or operate under the illusion that we, in fact, control anything except our own choices. Faith requires great trust - trust in a power greater than ourselves; one that can and will be there for us in our time of need. Trusting God is inextricably linked with trusting ourselves - and by self, I am speaking of the higher self. The more we follow our higher self, those gut instincts, intuition and knowing what is true for us, the more we then, trust ourselves. In contrast, the more we follow the ego, the more we have to control, struggle and prove to ourselves it will be okay - which of course, will never be the case as, from this perspective, there is always more to prove. Operating from our higher self limits the ego's hold on us and liberates us from this cycle of distrusting the universe. As we learn to trust ourselves, i.e., follow our inner guidance, we begin to trust God as this is our link to co-creation. Building relationship with our higher self is building a relationship with God - trust is the result of this.


Life experiences can make us untrusting; we must then, relearn how to trust. How we learn is through practice. Here are some practices to cultivate trust:


  1. Be Present (Grounded) - If we are not present, we are in the future or the past experiencing why we can't trust. To bring yourself to present-time, visualize a beautiful tree trunk wrapping around your ribcage and going deep down into the center of the earth. Let the roots of the tree wrap around the core of the earth, three times. Breathe in the healing energy from the earth.
  2. Set an intention to be connected to your higher self. This will stop the ego from running your life by consciously choosing who is in the driver's seat.
  3. Listen to your spirit's guidance - When we listen to our spirit's guidance, we are learning to trust ourselves, and reinforcing that trust, every time we follow our guidance.
  4. Affirming your faith with a spiritual practice.
  5. Give gratitude to your higher-self, honor the God in you.

Channeling Corner
Ascended Master
Listen to the message below and allow yourself to reflect on how it resonates for you.

Choose Freedom         

When we feel free, anything is possible. When we feel trapped, everything seems limited. We can be in literally the same situation and feel either trapped or free. It is important to recognize that it is only our perception of the situation that lends itself to the result we will experience. If I am sitting in Jury Duty feeling trapped, I will feel miserable, angry, resentful... On the contrary, if I sit in Jury Duty and feel free, free to have a day off from my regular work, free to participate in democracy, free to make my opinion count...I am going to have a very different experience. One is joyous and one is miserable, what will you choose? In fact, we do get to choose. There is never a situation that we can not decide who we are being during it. Recognizing we are free to choose freedom, allows us to have many more choices and positive outcomes.




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Why Spirit Coaching?

It is a system that helps people find their light inside of them and then with the help of Divine energy that light begins to shine brighter and brighter.

- Mike McCarthy, Spirit Coach in Training  


A life changing experience that is beyond your wildest imagination. It will provide you with tools for your life that operate from a much higher level of integrity and power. It is designed to unfold your true potential and allow it to shine upon this world.

- Sunil Patel, Certified Spirit Coach


This coaching has largely impacted how I think and feel today. It has enhanced my love and respect for who I am. It has improved my confidence, my self-esteem and made me more aware of the present. Today, I know how to face my fears and doubts and be responsible for all of my creations - right or wrong, good or bad. It has increased my vibration to a very high level where I feel good throughout the day, week, or month. I have had several paradigm shifts, such as scarcity to abundance, negative or neutral thoughts to empowering thoughts, and knowing that there is no such thing as luck or coincidence, I am the creator.

-Rob Gispert, Client


It opens up ones mind in exploring what is possible, not in a way that you are telling me what is possible, but giving me the tools to explore, so I am doing the work, plus obtaining the skills that I can utilize again when needed- a much more sustainable shift than traditional coaching.

-Lauren Lai, Client


What you most want in life and of life may be waiting on the other side.

-Mike Netzel, Client


This type of coaching is the fast track to Real Freedom!

-Tim Wood, Client


This coaching will change your life in ways you can't imagine. You will find yourself giving people and situations the benefit of the doubt. You will feel connected to Source and you will notice when that connection has weakened or been compromised. You will feel completely content. You will learn so much about who you really are. You will learn to love yourself.

-Sherry Huffman, Client   


It has made me much calmer, able to breath and not feel so reactive to people and situations. I am much more grounded, meaning I'm closer to myself than I have ever been. My perspective is much healthier. I feel like I've been a beautiful sweater but it turns out I've had it on inside-out all my life, and now I'm turning it right side-out. I have clarity with people, insight into why I'm attracted to them (or not). I've learned how to tap into creating days of ease, rather than struggle. I've learned the importance of identifying and clearing my energy drains.

-Lynda Pelayo, Client


Words can not express my gratitude for this Training. The depth, the safety, the care, the group members, the assistant coaches; had the environment feel extraordinary. And that was just the beginning.

- Beth Noonan, Spirit Coach in Training  

Spirit Coach Training offered me a safe container to explore trust in my own knowing. The space was held with clarity and radiance, and I valued every minute of the experience.

- Kalle Cook, Certified Spirit Coach


Spirit Coach Training Certification is an amazingly powerful process. Not only do you learn about the coaching tools and materials, but it also facilitates a huge amount of personal spiritual growth  which will support you in being more fully your true self and thus, an even better coach.

- Maya Paul, Certified Spirit Coach


How clear and concise your teachings are mingled with an authentic feeling of love, compassion and steadfastness from you and all the instructors. I felt that you and your "team" was fully engaged and committed to get me to move past my limitations and help me integrate my own discoveries.  What I also found amazing is that although I felt very tired at the end of each day of training, when Tuesday morning came and I went back to the "world", I felt energized and rested like I had just spent a week-end by the beach and consequently I was able without difficulties to stay focused on my work at the office: this definitely validates what Spirit Coach™ Training is all about (in my opinion) which is to improve the way you live your life.

- Marie Glon, Certified Spirit Coach


Spirit Coach Training is an intensive in skill building needed to access one's own innate Wisdom with the intention of establishing a foundation for a genuine life. Practical application of diverse tools honed for self discovery and personal empowerment are implemented. This in turn enables the participants to take full advantage of the opportunity to discover the choices and actions needed in fulfillment of their heart's desires. The potential for lasting success is increased through the ongoing support intrinsic in the structure of the program. This process gives back exponentially to students who are willing to honestly invest of themselves and their time and resources. All of this is held in a safe, sacred and encouraging space. Truly, a chance of a life time. 

- Suzanne Perot, Certified Spirit Coach