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   Spirit Coach� Newsletter                 Don't Wait Until it's too Late August 2010

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Thank you for your interest in The Spirit Coach� Newsletter! It is our intention to bring you the tools for transformation so you can awaken your Divine potential and co-create your best life. This content, besides containing useful information that you can apply to your own life, also includes healing energy. Take a moment to receive it as you continue reading.

In This Issue
Don't Wait Until it's too Late
Upcoming Spirit Coach� Training
Don't Wait Until it's too Late
Grandpa Norman

Life is short. When we lose someone we love, we are reminded how much we may be taking for granted our life experience. One year ago today, my cousin, Rosanne, died of a terminal illness. She didn't have much time when she realized she was dying but in that very short year she had, she made the most of it. She took out her bucket list. You know the one that contains all the things we have always wanted to experience but put off for a myriad reasons: time, money, the kids come first, my family wouldn't approve, "I can't" and the list goes on. Well, she took out her list and began taking charge of her life. She decided she wasn't going to let fear or doubt or disapproval, determine her short time left on earth. She did some amazing things: like travel half-way across the world to be with John of God in Brazil, made new friends, wore designer shoes that she had been "saving for a special occasion" around her apartment, spent time with the people she loved, finally bought that bedroom set she had been putting off for the last twenty years and told everyone she knew how much she loved them... Rosanne inspired me to do the same. After all, we are here for a short time; it is up to us to make the most of it. Why sweat the small stuff when we could be opening our hearts to what we love and not being afraid to follow it.

Inspired by Rosanne's fearlessness, I decided to do something that had always been on my bucket list - swim with the dolphins. For years, I have been visiting a special place in Hawaii where you can swim with the dolphins. At least once a year I go and watch, talk to the dolphins and enjoy their healing energy. I have always wanted to swim with them but created every excuse in the book why I shouldn't..."it is such a tourist thing to do, the dolphins don't like it, it is too expensive" and the list goes on. I realized when it comes down to it, I was just afraid. Afraid to swim with creatures who weigh 400 pounds, afraid what people would think, afraid I was wasting my money... The truth is once I got past my fear, it was the best decision I ever made. Jumping into the water with those dolphins was like being with the most loving joyous creatures I have ever known. The dolphin's gentleness, playfulness and purely magnetic healing energy made my heart explode with love. I was, in fact, smiling so much that my cheeks ached from the permanent smile I had pasted on my face. I only wish this for everyone because this is what happens when we walk through our fear and do something we have always dreamed of. What is on your bucket list that you can commit to experiencing? Don't wait until it is too late. Life is meant to lived, fully and fearlessly.

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

 - Eleanor Roosevelt

Upcoming Spirit Coach� Training
Inspired Spirit Coaches @ Training

Do you want to use your gifts to make a living?

Are you called to serve others in awakening their Divine potential?

Be trained in a unique modular coaching system that gives you the content, structure and business know-how to facilitate others in one-on-one coaching by phone or in person.


"One of the great gifts of doing this training is being coached myself with the Spirit Coach� Method, both during the training and subsequently.  Ever since the date of the training was set, my growth has escalated enormously. I love my own empowerment and I adore seeing my clients empowered." 

-Amrito Cross 

The time is right on the planet where many beings are making the transition to a Spirit-led life and facilitators are needed to assist with this process.
Over the last 10 years, I have tested and improved The Spirit Coach� Method with countless clients and amazing results. Because this system has been so successful for me (and most importantly, my clients), I want to share it with you. Coaching is one way to serve others where you are compensated well for your service.

Spirit Coach� Certification 2-Year Program Beginning August 21st - 23rd, 2010

Please go to www.spiritcoachtraining.com for more info or contact [email protected]

Master Spirit Coach� Program Beginning November 12th - 15th, 2010

Open to FSD Teacher Trained Graduates Only (Level 6 & above)

contact [email protected]

 Spirit Coach� Workbook
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Congratulations, Spirit Coach� Training Graduates!
The world is a better place because you are in it.
Our unique one-on-one coaching can turn an ordinary life into an extraordinary life. If you are interested in propelling every aspect of your Self towards your Divine potential, contact me about Spirit Coaching. We now have 29 Certified Spirit Coaches who can guide you towards your heart's desire.
Many Blessings,
Jenai Lane
Founder, Spirit Coach� Training
Direct Line (415) 786-3817
Coaching Quick Tip

What to do, if you are feeling blue - go for a Gratitude Walk. Sometimes nothing is working to lift our vibration out of despair, hopelessness, anger, confusion (you know the drill) and we need a pattern interrupt. This is when I go for a Gratitude Walk. I leave my house to walk for a set period of time, predetermined before I walk out the door. It could be 10 minutes or an hour. During that period of time, I am only allowed to focus on what I am grateful for - that is it, absolutely nothing else. At first, it may feel difficult but I start with things like the trees, the air I am breathing, the sun, the solid earth I am walking on, the birds...eventually I begin to expand my gratitude for the things in my life that I am grateful for, such as: my health, my work, the people who love me.... Before long, I begin to recognize the gratitude I feel for myself, for just being me. By the time I am done with my Gratitude Walk, I am a completely different person than when I left my house, ready and willing to appreciate all life has to offer. Even if you are feeling good, a Gratitude Walk can make you feel even better. Recently, a client of mine told me she went on her Gratitude Walk actually wanting to take a nap instead, and returned home energized and rejuvenated, inspired to pursue her dreams.

Channeling Corner
Listen to the message below and allow yourself to reflect on how it resonates for you.


If you blow a bubble and it pops, the gum is still there. Even though we may have a feeling of loss, it is just changing form. As we go through changes of our own form, the ego experiences this as a loss, when in reality it is a gain. As we release the layers of the false self, the authentic self can emerge. Never give credence to the ego's grasping, attaching or desiring to old ways of being for they never serve you. You are free to choose in whatever direction you may go. However, if we stay connected to ego, we are forever chasing our tails in circles.

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Why Spirit Coaching?
Clients Talking

What you most want in life and of life may be waiting on the other side.

-Mike Netzel, Client

This type of coaching is the fast track to Real Freedom!

-Tim Wood, Client

This coaching will change your life in ways you can't imagine. You will find yourself giving people and situations the benefit of the doubt. You will feel connected to Source and you will notice when that connection has weakened or been compromised. You will feel completely content. You will learn so much about who you really are. You will learn to love yourself.

-Sherry Huffman, Client