Zoe Nicholson is VFA's ERA Liaison


Dear VFA members and friends:


We're proud to tell you that Zoe Nicholson has agreed to be our ERA Liaison. She will keep us informed on latest ERA happenings around the country and offer ways we can assist in the ERA cause.


As many of you know, Zoe fought for ERA in the 1980s and was one of seven women who fasted for 37 days in 1982 to support ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). She wrote about her experiences in The Hungry Heart - A Woman's Fast for Justice. Currently she is the National ERA Liaison for NWPC, a member of the ERA Roundtable, is president of Pacific Shore NOW and new VFA Board member.







Dear VFA,


Zoe NicholsonI am so moved by the Veteran Feminists of America. You are the Carriers of the flame of American Feminism. As a non-profit organization, the mission is both educational and a celebration of the American Women's Movement. Clearly VFA members are the experts and inspirations standing as Sentinels of Feminism; living books, living library, living documentarians.


Within the VFA, there are ones who come to mind in regards to NOW, sports, education, the law, the arts, credit, etc. I hope that when you think of the current status of the ERA, you will think of me as one who is truly dedicated to its advancement.


I would be proud to be your go-to gal on the subject.


Zoe Nicholson

(Author of The Hungry Heart, A Woman's Fast for Justice; Founder ERA Once and For All; NWPC ERA Liaison; Member ERA Roundtable; President Pacific Shore NOW)


Website: http://ERAonceandforall.com


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Equal Rights Amendment Q & A

January, 2011


Equality of Rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.


La igualdad de las derechas bajo ley no sera negada ni serd abreviada por los Estados Unidos o por cualquier estado a causa de sexo


ERA Once for All


With the birthday of Alice Paul and the ERA rally held January 6, the first day of the 112th Congress while the Representatives read the US Constitution, it is time to refocus on the ERA. Fueled by the statement by Judge Scalia this last week on the 14th Amendment not including women, all people interested in the ERA were given new energy. No one could have guessed that the first week in January 2011, the ERA would be on CNN, Fox News, Huff Po and countless media outlets, blogs & posts. (video of rally http://onlinewithzoe.com)





The 3 state strategy is a continuation of the ERA legislation that was in process in 1982. Feminists working on this strategy believe that the deadline was not valid and with three more states, the super majority, of 38, will be reached. Pointing out that the Madison Amendment took 203 years to pass, it is clear that the deadline of June 30, 1982 was both arbitrary and anomalous.



The supporters of the start over strategy are proceeding with the idea that the deadline is constitutionally valid and that the ERA should be introduced without any deadline. This is the edition of the ERA that has been introduced by Senator Kennedy, Representative Maloney and, now, Senator Menendez. It will require the ratification of 38 states starting at zero.


Current Status in Congress

As with every recessed congress, HJ Res 61, the ERA was released and will have to be introduced into the 112th. Rep Maloney (D-NY) was the champion in the House and introduced it July 21, 2009 and no one had stepped up in the Senate until Dec 10, 2010 when Senator Bob Menendez introduced the sister bill. His office has said he will be introducing it into the 112th.


Legislative Standing

The current national campaign is to introduce the ERA into the 112th March 15, as Senator Kennedy had done all the years he was in Congress.

  • Introduce into Congress in both chambers
  • Committee Hearings
  • Floor Debate and Vote
  • Bill signed
  • Sent to the states

National Campaigns

NWPC letter campaign http://www.nwpc.org/theera


NOW Petition http://action.now.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=3037


Heroica Films http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZP4KOFnXbg


What you can do

  • Join our letter campaign at NWPC
  • Call Menendez & Maloney and thank them.
  • Sign the NOW petition
  • Thank Fox News & CNN for featuring the ERA on Friday
  • Call for hearings
  • Urge the introduction of the ERA into the 112th Congress.
  • Endorse ERA Once and for All http://www.eraonceandforall.com/endorsements.html

Website http://ERAonceandforall.com


Merchandise http://www.cafepress.com/eraonceandforall

(buttons, bumper stickers, etc)


Comments to Zoe: Zoe@onlinewithzoe.com