Judith Kaplan - Chair, Gonzalee Ford, Zoe Nicholson, Grace Welch


Dear Esteemed VFA Member


As stated in our By Laws we must elect a new board every two years. Your Nominating Committee is very proud to submit this list of members as this year's Slate of Officers and Board Members. These outstanding feminists agreed to serve in these positions for the two-year term beginning January 1, 2011. Please review and send your vote as directed below. If we have not received your Ballot by November 30, 2010 we'll assume you approve the slate as presented. No-reply is counted as a Yes.


If you have questions about the slate please email them to me, Judith Kaplan, at

If you'd like to nominate others for future Board seats email their names and, if their bios are not in "Feminists Who Changed America", include with the names short bios and contact information to me also.


We thank all outgoing board members for their support and help to VFA. VFA continues to rely on your support and the support of all its members as it fulfills its important missions: honoring Veteran Feminists for all their work in expanding the rights of all women, recording the history of feminist movements, particularly since the 1960's and by involving future generations of feminists continuing the feminist revolution.



Ballot and Instructions:


Send your Ballot via email to Virginia Watkins:


 Note a no reply is considered a yes vote.


            I am a member of VFA and my Name is _____________


I vote Yes for whole slate as presented_____________


I vote No _____________


Comments or Objections


Recommendations for future Board members with her/his email address.  If not in FWCA include a short bio and email address.


I am a member of VFA and my name  is_____________ 


A better email address for me is now_____________



President -Jacqui Ceballos  - AZ -

Co pres/Exec VP -Sheila Tobias -AZ,

Vice President - History -   Judith Kaplan - FL

Vice President - Public Relations - Joan Michel  NJ

Vice President - Ethnic - Gracia Molina Pick - CA

Secretary - Virginia Watkins -  MI

Treasurer - Amy Hackett - NY     




Muriel Fox - NY -



For the Two Year Term beginning January 1, 2011. Following are the nominees to VFA's  Board.


A * before a nominee indicates a nominee new to the board. A short bio of new nominees follows after the full  list.


Kathy Bonk - DC

Heather Booth - DC

* Mary Jean Collins - Chi  & DC

Connie Comer - NY

* Barbara De Battiste - PA

Carole DeSaram - NY

Mary Eastwood - WI

Janet Elsea - AZ

* Lois Herr  - PA

Merle Hoffman - NY

* Dori Jacobson - IL

Jean King - MI

* Barbara Lifton - CT

Barbara Love - CT, CT

* Rebecca Lubetkin - NJ

Sally Lunt - MA - 

Mary Ann Lupa - IL

 Beverly McCarthy -- CA

* Jeanne McGill - FL   - jeanne.mcgill@gmail

* Maureen Nappi - NY

Zoe Nicholson - CA

* Himilce Novas - WA

 Eleanor Pam - NY &

* Helen Pearl - CT -

Kathy Rand -IL, IL

* Bernice Sandler - MD

* Karen Spindel - NJ

 Mary Stanley - CA

 Grace Welch - NY

 Bonnie Wheeler - TX



BIOs of the New Nominees

Mary Jean Collins - Chicago and DC.  B. 1939. Active in Milwaukee NOW in 1967 she moved to Chicago and  was president of the NOW chapter in 1970, director of the Illinois ERA campaign, Midwest Regional Director in '72,  elected president Chicago NOW in 1980 and  national Action VP in '82,, Deputy Director of Catholics for Choice, later Political Director for People ForThe American Way.  


Barbara De Battiste - PA. B.1936. Living in CT for several years, she was an advocate for women and children, she piloted Head Start program and was president of several agencies dealing with childcare and women's issues. She  founded Waterbury's BPW and was president .  A member of 100 Black Women, Chair of Status of Women Commission on the board of National Women's Hall of Fame.  610)738-8846     cell (484)-889-9584 


Dori Jacobson -B.1941 IL - English teacher, artist and photographer, joined Chicago NOW in 1971, worked on reproductive rights  and equal pay for many years.  Angered when she saw male photo journalists laughing at feminists she  decided to photograph women's events and has been doing this ever since.  She plans to publish the photos in a book, "The Women's Movement, Faces of Protest".


Lois HerrB.1941 - PA - A founder of the Women's Rights Committee at Bell Telephone Labs: as a founder of AT & T's Women's Alliance,  and a member of NOW's AT&T Taskforce she  played a major role as a link between the task force and women within the company.  Her book, "Women, Power and the At&T: Winning Rights in the Workplace"documents how the case revolutionized corporate affirmative action. Lois was winning her last bid for Congress from Lansing, PA until the Tea Party poured money into her opponent's campaign.


Barbara Lifton - B.1934 - New Haven, now NYC,  A  lawyer, artist and recently, the author  of a short and endearing   memoir, "Plus Ca Change, Plus C'est la Meme Chose." She was early on a staffer for New Haven's Women's Liberation Center, co founded the New Haven Women's Political Caucus, helped draft and lobbied for  the bill that  created the CT Commission on the Status of Women. Worked for the ERA, was co-chair of CT's Political Caucus, was a hearing officer to try cases brought to the state's Commission on Human Rights.


Rebecca Lubetkin - B.1938 - NJ, Professor Emerita of Rutgers University, founding director of the Consortium for Educational Equity, a delegate to the 4th World Conference in Beijing, a special policy advisor to Madeline Kunin, Deputy Director of the US Dept of Ed. regarding policies for advancing the full participation and achievement  of women in math, science and technology.


Jeanne McGill - B.1956 - Naples, FL, PR professional. In the 1970s was founder and president of a club for girls in White Plains, NY at the YMCA to raise consciousness, founder of Women In Construction, in the 80's, worked on an Off Broadway play, which exposed domestic and sexual violence.  In the 90's she helped to adapt a play which exposed the roots of "MISOGYNY". Today she is Line Producer for a documentary for VFA, of the March of 1970 and is promoting the DVD with all proceeds to benefit VFA.  Jeanne set up an online VFA store:, designed over seventy "VFA logo" items for sale and a VFA Postage Stamp which was approved by the U.S. Post Office.


Maureen Nappi - B.1951 - N.Y. - In Philadelphia Women's Liberation in 1970 she was artist and writer for the newspaper "Through the Looking Glass", as a member of New Haven Women's Liberation she started an All Women House Painting Company. Her art work has been exhibited internationally, in 1974, in N.Y.C. she   directed several film classics including "What is an Early Abortion?", Women's Basketball-1975, and "The Clit Tapes", N.Y.U -B.F.A. in Film and Television, M.A. Cinema Studies and Ph.D. in Critical Studies, Art and Art Professions.


Himilce Novas - B.1944 - Seattle. An early member of NYC NOW, founded and led CR groups in 1968 and was on planning board of the March of 1970.  She picketed and met with publishers of women's magazines to help raise awareness of the need for equal rights and respect for women. Of Cuban descent, raised in New York, she is a Professor of Literature and Writing and author of several fiction and non-fiction books, including the well known, "Everything You Need to Know About Latino History." She is organizing an event to honor Washington state pioneer feminists:



Karen Spindel  - B 1947 - NJ  - An electrical engineer, she faced rampant discrimination in college and later, at work. She's served as Membership chair of Passaic County NOW for 20 years, worked for passage of the ERA, organized, marched, demonstrated, wrote enough letters to fill a book, she says.  Karen was VFA's first Feminist of the Month. Read her full bio on


Helen Pearl - New Britain, CT. Lawyer, Founder Commission on Status of Women CT, as head of statewide ERA campaign helped get ERA passed in CT, active as an officer in many feminist organizations, including AAUW and CT Women's Political Caucus. A graduate of Vassar and Univ. of CT School of Law organized "Salute to CT Pioneer Feminists" in '05 with Sheila Tobias.


Bernice Sandler - B. 1928 - Maryland. "Godmother of Title IX, the title she deserves after working for years to enforce an Executive Order  that prohibited sex discrimination within organizations with federal contracts and filed sex discrimination complaints against 250 institutions. With Rep. Edith Green, spearheaded hearings, which led to passage of Title IX. Now a Senior Scholar at the Women's Research and Education Institute in Washington, D.C. and Adjunct Associate Professor at Drexel University College of Medicine.



If you'd like to read bios of nominees being re elected, find them in "Feminists Who Changed America"