The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
ISSSEEM promotes understanding, exploration, research and
application of the energies of consciousness.

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In This Issue
Award Recipients
Conference Photo Gallery
Order Conference Recordings
2011 Submissions
Dr Gladys McGarey-Living Medicine Report


ISSSEEM is a nonprofit
501(c)(3) organization
that depends on and
gratefully accepts
your generous tax deductible
financial support


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President of ISSSEEM
Charles T. Tart, Ph. D.

The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) is an international non-profit interdisciplinary organization dedicated to exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. ISSSEEM is in a unique position, acting both as a bridge builder between communities and a leader in the field, offering a community with a widespread appreciation of the energetic component within many disciplines including quantum physics, therapeutic modalities, healing, psychology, consciousness, psi and the understanding of our multidimensional existence.

Board of Directors

Lilly Coniglio, MA
Kate Hastings, ThM, Chair
Christine Hibbard, PhD
Gilah Yelin Hirsch,MFA
Karen L Malik, MA, Secretary
Patricia A Norris, PhD, Vice Chair
James Oschman, PhD, Past President
Beverly Rubik, PhD
Claude Swanson, PhD
Lynn Van Buran, Treasurer
Bernard O Williams, PhD

Wisdom Council

Bob Nunley, PhD, Chair
Wanda & Herb Blumenthal
Steven Fahrion, PhD
Elmer E Green, Founding President
David Hibbard, MD
Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH
Karl Maret, MD
Ann Nunley, PhD
Maurie Pressman, MD
Carol Schneider, PhD, Founder
C. Norm Shealy, MD
T M Srinivasan, PhD, Founder
Jerry E Wesch, PhD
Leonard A. Wisneski M.D.

Chief Executive Officer

Denise Lewis Premschak


ISSSEEM's peer-viewed Journal, containing research articles on cutting edge topics, exploring mechanisms, theory and application of various forms of healing.

Click for more info

Journal Subscriptions
& Back Issues

Bridges, our members magazine, creates an open forum for the diverse membership of healers, teachers, researchers and pioneers to exchange information and discuss new discoveries.

To submit relevant articles
or order back issues

Independent Exploration Groups
If you are interested in starting a group
of your own in your area

To stimulate broader interest in ISSSEEM community activities and to discover new opportunities for information exchange and collaboration with others committed to similar or complementary goals, ISSSEEM encourages and supports networking, education, preliminary research presentations, and development of meaningful collaborative research. 

Join our non-local Group


Peruse back issues of our  newsletter
Advertising & Sponsorship

  • Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal
  • Bridges Magazine
  •  eSEEM Newsletter
  • 2010 Conference Program
Effectively targeting your message to the appropriate audience is key for advertising success. Advertising in ISSSEEM publicatons reaches a highly educated and sophisticated audience in the subtle energies
and energy medicine fields.

More Info


Conference09 There's magic in the air!    For me, the magic of igniting possibilities is showing up each day --many of these sparked at conference in June through connections with friends--new and known.   I trust you, too, are basking in the pleasure of your own brand of magic and a lovely
summertime wherever you are.
Speaking of conference, our Board of Directors, President, Charley Tart, Program Chair, Scott Anderson and his stellar Committee, our amazing Presenters, our generous Partners, our illustrious-industrious-creative Staff and marvelous Key Volunteer Staff all played huge roles in visioning and directing the rhythm, splendor and aplomb enjoyed this year.
Those who gathered from all over the world to learn and grow were the icing on our cake.  Gratitude and blessings all around!!!
As I recap and finalize the reporting, I'm still astounded at the number and quality of 'moving parts' that synthesized into the 20th anniversary conference and celebration.  Be sure to check
out the photos.  For those unable to attend, recordings of the presentations are available to order online now (see below).
We are honored to welcome Dr. Jacob Liberman as our 2010/2011 President.Dr. Liberman is the author of three books that capture his life work: 1) Light: Medicine of the Future, which established him as an authority in the field of light and color therapy; 2) Take Off Your Glasses and See, offering a radically new approach to restoring and enhancing one's vision naturally ((inspired by the miraculous healing of his own vision), and 3) Wisdom From an Empty Mind, essays on light, vision and consciousness. All three have received international acclaim and been published in multiple languages.  Jacob is internationally known as an inventor and researcher who has made significant contributions to phototherapy and pioneering discoveries in vision science. His work has been enthusiastically endorsed by luminaries in the fields of science, medicine, consciousness, and professional sports.
We begin accepting Letters of Intent for presentations at the 2011 conference, Light, Vision & Consciousness next week.  This theme, for which the 'vibrations' are already building, has attracted several engaging core presenters already. Check back often for updates to the growing lineup.
Moving along lightly,



2010 Conference Awards

Alyce and Elmer Green Award Recipient

click on Photo for details about this award

Gilah Yelin Hirsch, MFA

For her innovative blending of science and art revealing existing relationships between forms in nature, forms in human physiology and the forms that are present universally in all alphabets.

The Doug Boyd Wisdom Keeper Award

click on Photo for details about this award
celia coates

Celia Coates, M.S.W. (Kate Hastings presenting award)

To one who gathers and shares wisdom, views and perspectives on subtle energies, spirit, and consciousness, with journalistic zeal and with love.


For more information on these awards and to view past recipients click here

Note From  Kathy Moreland Layte

Kathy presented an Elective Session on Sunday at 4:30PM, 'Research for Dummies'. For attendees who are interested in a copy of the powerpoint presentation please email Kathy at

Conference 2010 Photos are here!

Thank you to Cathy Andersen our amazing photographer/visual artist who captured the images and energies of this year's conference.      
Cathy has given permission to download photos for your own use.  If you use a photo on your website or in print, please give appropriate credit to her as the photographer.  Also, please contact Cathy about terms of financial return (for both the photographer and ISSSEEM) if images are to be used for profit-making.

Conference Recordings
2010 recordings
Did you miss this years Conference?
Do you want to listen again to your favorite presentation? Or pass them on to friends and colleagues?
We have the Community Sessions and many of the Elective Sessions and Research Symposium recorded for purchase.

They are available as a CD or mp3s on a flash drive.
Workshops are not recorded.

Click for more info or to order

2011 Conference

Call for Presentation Proposals August 1 - September 27, 2010

Call for Research Abstracts opens January 15, 2011

2011 Conference

Jacob Liberman, OD, Ph.D.  ISSSEEM President and Vision Science Pioneer
Amit Goswami, Ph.D.  "Science within Consciousness" a new paradigm
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.  Getting to our Positive Future
Alexander Wunsch, M.D. Vibrational medicine & holistic photobiology expert
Sonia Barrett  Science and Spirituality - one in the same!
Anadi Martel  Sensora a light and sound experience
Peter Kater  Piano concert by the Grammy-nominated composer

Bulletin Board
News from Board of Directors and Members

Dr Gladsy McGarey

Living Medicine Report: Roadmap to Wholeness

from the Gathering of the Eagles Integrative Medicine Taskforce of the Gladys Taylor McGarey Medical Foundation

A position paper.  It is time to weave a new system by marrying the art of

healing with the science of medicine. This marriage is known as Living

Living Medicine Report

This article and others can be viewed on our website click here

The Bookworm
Featuring new releases and old favorites. Send your recommendations and reviews. If you have a newly published book that you feel the ISSSEEM Community would be interested in let us know or send a copy for review.

EarthlingEarthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra,

The solution for chronic inflammation, regarded as the cause of most common modern diseases, has been identified! And it is not blueberries. It is something right beneath our feet - the Earth itself!

Throughout most of evolution humans walked barefoot and slept on the ground, largely oblivious that the surface of the Earth contains limitless healing energy. Science has discovered this energy as free-flowing electrons constantly replenished by solar radiation and lightning. Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health and governs the intricate mechanisms that make our bodies work-just like plugging a lamp into a power socket makes it light up. Modern lifestyle, including the widespread use of insulative rubber or plastic-soled shoes, has disconnected us from this energy and, of course, we no longer sleep on the ground as we did in times past.

Earthing introduces the planet's powerful, amazing, and overlooked natural healing energy and how people anywhere can readily connect to it. This eye-opening book describes how the physical disconnect with the Earth creates abnormal physiology and contributes to inflammation, pain, fatigue, stress, and poor sleep. By reconnecting to the Earth, symptoms are rapidly relieved and even eliminated and recovery from surgery, injury, and athletic overexertion is accelerated.

This never-before-told story-filled with fascinating research and real-life testimonials- chronicles a discovery with the potential to create a global health revolution.


The Mind Body Code:
How the Mind Wounds and Heals the Body

by Mario Martinez

Discover the Secret to Personal Excellence Hidden in Your "Mind-Body Code". You may know that your mind influences your health-but what's influencing your mind? Until you answer this question, you may be overlooking a key factor on the path to personal excellence. On The Mind-Body Code, pioneering neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez invites you to discover the dynamic interplay between your thoughts, body, and cultural history to master the creation of wellness and fulfillment.

Biocognitive Theory: A New Model of Health and Well-Being. Why do some people live well past the age of 100, without ever seeing a doctor? How can certain individuals reverse "incurable" disease, while others carry burdens of childhood wounds despite years of therapy? Dr. Martinez' Biocognitive Theory synthesizes insights from integrated medicine and psychology, cultural anthropology, and Eastern and Western spirituality to find the answers to such baffling questions. The Mind-Body Code shows you how to speak the "biosymbolic language" of this new model of health. Six sessions of illuminating case studies complemented by relaxing yet potent mind-body meditations help you balance every facet of your life, from relationships and aging to abundance and ambitions. Embrace Your Greatness-and Empower Your Dreams. The first step toward the health and satisfaction we all desire begins with one act: allowing yourself to live your greatness. For it is in reclaiming your natural state of worthiness that you come back to wholeness and see anew all that is possible for you. With The Mind-Body Code, you hold a blueprint to rebuild your dreams, and to take total control of your life's journey.

Program Highlights:
    �    The five portals of wellness and the biosymbolic language of your mind-body.
    �    How to break through your "ceilings of abundance" by healing archetypal wounds.
    �    Debunking the myths of aging with the secrets of the centenarians.
    �    From fibromyalgia to stigmata-fascinating descriptions of the power of the mind-body-  culture connection.
    �    Creating the "healing fields" of honor, commitment, and loyalty.
    �    The psychology of forgiveness-and a special guided contemplative practice for liberation from self-entrapment.
    �    Six CDs of insights and exercises with the founder of Biocognitive Theory

More Info

Life Force
Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness by Claude Swanson, Ph.D.

This book focuses on the energy behind these strange phenomena. They occur when this energy is built up in the body, often by special meditation and breathing techniques. It is used by healers and shamen around the world. In recent Laboratory tests it has been shown to alter the physics of every other known force, leading to measurable effects which have made it possible to understand this mysterious force scientifically. Russian scientists have developed a rigorous theory for this force, calling it TORSION. Patents, Equations and Devices have been developed using this new science.

This is leading to a breakthrough in our understanding of energy healing as well as physics of consciousness. This is a genuine and far reaching scientific revolution. In these two books, Dr. lays out the extensive evidence, including thousands of references, hundreds of graphs, and the stories behind them which explain how this force works.

The author, Dr. Claude Swanson, is an MIT and Princeton educated physicist. Dr. Claude Swanson, has put together the "best evidence" showing that our present scientific paradigm is broken. He describes scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments, demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), scientifically controlled experiments in levitation, teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE). In addition he discusses research in energy healing, showing how results are achieved over great distances, and can even project forward and backward in time. He describes experiments in which this energy alters radioactive decay, bends laser beams, and alters material properties. It even changes mass, weight and density of materials, effects which are supposed to be "impossible" according to Western science.

More Info

Member Recommendation

Mimi Schaefer submitted this review

live your bliss
Live Your Bliss: Practices that Produce Happiness and Prosperity by Terry Cole Whittaker

I actually decided to do the practices after reading each of the eight chapters. The book title promotes, almost promises the reader, happiness and prosperity so why not do the suggested work to bring about such a state? For that matter, why buy the book unless you're already serious about making a change for the better? So, I diligently embarked on TCW's journey with an open mind and heart. I do believe the world would be a better place if we all lived our bliss. The key idea to TCW's book is "Act as if you are as you desire to be, and you will be." Sounds very simple and straightforward. Reflecting back on my execution of the practices, the book helped me more clearly define who I desire to be. The practices enabled me to raise awareness of my thoughts and actions. I was able to take notice of and question the instances when I may or may not have been acting in alignment with my higher purpose. The suggested mantras at the end of each chapter were very helpful. For example, "IT is perfectly right for me to prosper doing work I enjoy." That may be a life changing thought to many people. Or, "This is my life to live as I choose." On a secondary note, this book can help you change any negative self-talk into self-affirming, positive chatter. This books takes the reader/practitioner on a very enjoyable journey. One of the suggestions I liked the most was the power of keeping our dreams and goals secret. By keeping some of our dreams to ourselves we control their power to manifest by refusing to allow other people's doubts or negativity into our world. Quoting TCW, "Remember, you and I are the bliss of the universe; this is our only work, our only function and our only purpose." Live in bliss. Make your world a better place. (BTW, yes, I am happier and prospering!)

Upcoming Events

SEED Graduate Institute Presents

The 12th Annual International
Language of Spirit Conference

A Dialogue Exploring the Nature of Reality from Indigenous
and Western Science Perspectives:

Time Travel

Sunday, August 15 - Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Albuquerque, NM

The most advanced scientific view has found that in the sub-atomic realm, there are no longer any things:  there is only a dynamic flux of process and relationship.  This was an astonishing discovery, but it was not new.  Indigenous people for millennia have seen the cosmos as a place of kinship - a place of harmony and beauty.  Come join us as we explore the beginnings of a new language - a language that is now emerging through dialogues with Native elders, quantum physicists and other Western scientists.  Come join us as we explore the connections between the Quantum realm of Energy and the Indigenous Spirit realm.  More Info


Save the Date!
ISSSEEM Co-sponsored event

September 24, 2010
7 - 9:00PM
Bethesda, Maryland

presented by
Carol Ann Liaros

Carol Ann has been conducting private intuitive consultations, teaching, and lecturing for nearly four decades.  
She has designed innovative, creative techniques for instruction known as "The Liaros Method" which incorporate her expertise in the use of specific PSI-metric tools.  With an on-going interest in the practical application of intuition, Carol Ann continues to help people explore how they can use their abilities in everyday life.  

More information coming soon.



Transformation: Embracing True Body-Mind-Spirit Healing

October 14 - 17, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia

We invite you to an extraordinary educational gathering - a unique healing experience in a learning environment - where you can discover the benefits of applying the practical holistic wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine to health and wellness.

Building Bridges for TCM is America's largest gathering of professionals from diverse healthcare disciplines as well as individuals interested in exploring the foundation of authentic traditional Chinese medicine and its understanding of the role that Spirit and consciousness ultimately play in well-being.

For more information

"A catless writer is almost inconceivable. It's a perverse taste, really, since it  would be easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room than even one cat; they make nests in the notes and bite the end of the pen and walk on your keyboard."  Barbara Holland

We welcome contributions to the eSeem Newsletter and encourage Members to participate in this,
your newsletter.
Do you have a special event, favorite new book, short article, or other piece of information
that would be of interest to the ISSSEEM Community?

The cutoff is the first of each month for inclusion in that months newsletter.
Please keep your article to 300 words or less. If longer provide a link to the article.

Send your submission to
Toll Free Fax: 866-269-0972


Linda Block
eSEEM Editor

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