The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
ISSSEEM promotes understanding, exploration, research and
application of the energies of consciousness.

Forward this email to a Friend                                                                       March 12, 2010
In This Issue
Research Abstracts Deadline
Videos: Charles Tart Part 4, Cosmic Consciousness
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ISSSEEM is a nonprofit
501(c)(3) organization
that depends on and
gratefully accepts
your generous tax deductible
financial support

President of ISSSEEM
Charles T. Tart, Ph. D.

The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) is an international non-profit interdisciplinary organization dedicated to exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. ISSSEEM is in a unique position, acting both as a bridge builder between communities and a leader in the field, offering a community with a widespread appreciation of the energetic component within many disciplines including quantum physics, therapeutic modalities, healing, psychology, consciousness, psi and the understanding of our multidimensional existence.

Board of Directors

Lilly Coniglio, MA
Kate Hastings, ThM, Chair
Christine Hibbard, PhD
Gilah Yelin Hirsch,BA,MFA
Karen L Malik, MA, Secretary
Patricia A Norris, PhD, Vice Chair
James Oschman, PhD, Past President
Beverly Rubik, PhD
Claude Swanson, PhD
Lynn Van Buran, Treasurer
Bernard O Williams, PhD

Wisdom Council

Bob Nunley, PhD, Chair
Wanda & Herb Blumenthal
Steven Fahrion, PhD
Elmer E Green, Founding President
David Hibbard, MD
Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH
Karl Maret, MD
Ann Nunley, PhD
Maurie Pressman, MD
Carol Schneider, PhD, Founder
C. Norm Shealy, MD
T M Srinivasan, PhD, Founder
Jerry E Wesch, PhD
Leonard A. Wisneski M.D.

Chief Executive Officer

Denise Lewis Premschak

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& follow us on Twitter



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Community TouchPoints newsletter

Quick Links


8:00 AM Friday June 25 
Research Day and Pre Conference Workshops

General Conference Opens 8:00 AM June 26 
through June 28  at 5:00 PM

Post Conference workshops are Tuesday June 29

For Information and to register



 Special Conference Room Block is available now!
The Westin in Westminster, CO
Rate: $136 single/double

The Westin
Group rate available until June 03, 2010. Subject to availability

The Westin

March 15, 2010 Deadline to Submit
Research Day Abstracts

Questions of Consciousness Part 4
with Charles Tart:
Cosmic Consciousness

Charles TartCharles Tart discusses Cosmic Consciousness with a reading from his new book The End of Materialism and the topic of 2010 ISSSEEM annual conference,
Evidence-Based Spirituality for the 21st Century


We welcome contributions to the eSeem Newsletter and encourage Members to participate in this,
your newsletter.
Do you have a special event, favorite new book, short article, or other piece of information
that would be of interest to the ISSSEEM Community?

The cutoff is the first of each month for inclusion in that months newsletter.
Please keep your article to 300 words or less. If longer provide a link to the article.

Send your submission to
Toll Free Fax: 866-269-0972


Linda Block
eSEEM Editor

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