The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
ISSSEEM promotes understanding, exploration, research and
application of the energies of consciousness.

                                                                       May 2009
In This Issue
2009 Conference Brochure
Jim Oschman, AHNA Reiki Response,Flu Prevention
New Reads: Debra Greene, Duane Elgin and Russill Paul
Quick Links
President of the Board of Directors
James Oschman, Ph. D.

The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) is an international non-profit interdisciplinary organization dedicated to exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. ISSSEEM is in a unique position, acting both as a bridge builder between communities and a leader in the field, offering a community with a widespread appreciation of the energetic component within many disciplines including quantum physics, therapeutic modalities, healing, psychology, consciousness, psi and the understanding of our multidimensional existence.

Board of Directors

Lilly Coniglio, MA
Steven L. Fahrion, PhD
Kate Hastings, ThM, Chair
Christine Hibbard, PhD, Treasurer
Gilah Yelin Hirsch,BA,MFA
Karen L Malik, MA
Patricia A Norris, PhD, Vice Chair
Ann Nunley, PhD, Secretary
Claude Swanson, PhD
Lynn Van Buran
Bernard O Williams, PhD, Past President

Wisdom Council

Bob Nunley, PhD, Chair
Wanda & Herb Blumenthal
Elmer E Green, Founding President
David Hibbard, MD
Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH
Karl Maret, MD
Maurie Pressman, MD
Carol Schneider, PhD, Founder
C. Norm Shealy, MD
T M Srinivasan, PhD, Founder
Jerry E Wesch, PhD
Leonard A. Wisneski M.D.

Chief Executive Officer

Denise Lewis Premschak

Community Forum
Visit our on-line Forum for discussion of the current issue of Bridges or the Journal
or any other issue related to the field of subtle energies.
Our new Forum is open to members and non-members.
Pass the word and we encourage you to participate!

Enter Forum
Independent Exploration Groups
To stimulate broader interest in ISSSEEM community activities and to discover new opportunities for information exchange and collaboration with others committed to similar or complementary goals, ISSSEEM encourages and supports networking, education, preliminary research presentations, and development of meaningful collaborative research.  

Members of the Society and other local persons who have a personal or professional interest in subtle energies and/or energy medicine will be welcomed 

If you are interested in starting a group of your own in your area contact the

ISSSEEM office
You are invited to participate in a non-local
Independent Exploration Group
 creating a forum for ongoing
discussion of possible 
theoretical frameworks for a rigorously scientific understanding of 
subtle energies and energy medicine.
If interested, please contact

Scott at [email protected]

Garvin at [email protected]

Advertisng & Sponsorship Opportunities

Effectively targeting your message to the appropriate audience is key for advertising success. Advertising with ISSSEEM reaches a highly educated and sophisticated audience in the subtle energy and energy medicine fields.

Our promotional opportunities offer flexibility in so many ways: cost, size, frequency, timing, medium, placement, and more. Whether your budget is modest or mountain-sized, we'll help you determine the most effective ways to get your brand, products, services, and programs in front of the audience you want to reach...

Advertising in our publications, eSEEM News, Conference Program are just a few of the opportunities available.  

Gift a JOURNAL Set
JOURNAL Volume Set
Volume 1 thru Volume 17

Now YOU can be a BENEFACTOR and spread the good word about Energy Medicine research with an ISSSEEM  Gift! 

Any member or friend of ISSSEEM may donate a full set of the SEEM Journals to his/her favorite or local EM,  Medical University or Library for ONLY the cost of shipping!  

Be proactive -- be a catalyst  --  help get these incredible resources into the hands of students who can use them!

Contact the Central Office for more information
or to order.


To submit an article and/or cover art to be considered for publication in Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, a peer-reviewed Journal devoted to documenting scientific observations and controlled experiments in the areas of subtle energies and energy medicine


Bridges, our members magazine, creates an open forum for the diverse membership of healers, teachers, researchers and pioneers to exchange information and discuss new discoveries.

Submit relevant (500 to 2500 words) articles, reports, reviews, and interviews that have a personal, clinical or experiential perspective to further understanding of the great range of human capacities and to support inquiry into the subtle realms of existence.

Peruse back issues of our eSEEM
Community TouchPoints newsletter

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Greetings ISSSEEM Community!  
Truth be told, there's little time to spare for anything other that the unfurling of the 'banner' conference coming up, so instead of writing a note, I decided to share this article with you, recently published in the Ode Magazine online community Exchange. (check it out here)
Science as a Sacred Journey -- Enjoy!

Imagine a world where leaders' decisions are heartfelt and guided by conscious thoughtfulness; a world where societies benefit from intuitive, collective wisdom and where scientific discovery and technological innovation is derived from heart-centered minds. If this vision resonates with your soul, you are not alone. If you are wondering where to meet naturally allied individuals who recognize living subtle energies and desire to reconnect with knowledge that resonates, you are in luck. There exists not only the vision of a world where humanity has returned to their sixth sense, but a global community dedicated to the study of consciousness, healing arts and medicines as well as a more complete expression of our human potential. Modern day authors and visionaries such as Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Louise Hay, and Pema Chodron bring this vision into printed reality. And an organization called the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSEEEM) brings this community of practitioners and seekers together once a year at a very unique gathering.

For the past nineteen years, ISSEEEM has united healers, teachers, researchers and pioneers seeking to bridge science and spirit. In this one venue, your quest for transformational knowledge and spiritual development can be satisfied. In 2009, the conference theme is Sacred Synthesis: Science with Heart and will be held in beautiful Colorado, June 26-29. Internationally renowned author and teacher, Deepak Chopra will present on the morning of the 29th.

For more information about all of the speakers and topics, visit If you dare to challenge your certainties through the exploration of provocative ideas and if you can see science as a sacred journey, you'll be in good company.                    Mimi Schaeffer, ISSSEEM volunteer
Looking forward to greeting you in person at our conference in June.  The event is bursting at the seams with amazing opportunities for growth -- more coming this week!  Stay tuned for the next conference edition of eSEEM to find out about all the latest additions to the line-up.


Bulletin Board
News from ISSSEEM Board of Directors & Members

Overheard from Jim Oschman

"I am optimistic about the way the successes of emerging fields of energy medicine, biofield therapies, CAM, and subtle energies will lead to these areas of treatment being more widely appreciated and more widely available in the future.
If you want to learn more about the direction all this is headed, there is no better place than the 19th Annual ISSSEEM conference that will take place at the end of June. This gathering includes the widest range of energy practitioners and interested parties that you will find anywhere. On Friday, June 26, there will be a whole day of research presentations and discussions of the kind of science that will be supported by a coming shift in research funding.
I hope I will see you at the ISSSEEM meeting. It will vastly enrich your perspective on what is happening in these very important fields."

AHNA - American Holistic Nurses Association
Response to Bishop's Guidelines for Reiki

Reiki Healing

Recently the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as an Alternative Therapy.

Many of our AHNA members who practice Reiki or work in institutions utilizing Reiki voiced concerns over this document and its implications for their practice and their organizations. The guidelines concluding statement asserts that:

"Since Reiki therapy is not compatible with Christian teaching or scientific evidence, it would be inappropriate for Catholic institutions, such as Catholic health care facilities and retreat centers, or persons representing the Church such as Catholic
chaplains, to promote or to provide support for Reiki therapy".

For complete article cut and past this url into your browser:

Recipe for H1N1 Swine Flu Prevention
Energy Medicine Field Immune System Boost
For Adults and Children

By Eileen Joy Kurlander

Can you believe cells, organs, systems, bacteria, and viruses routinely communicate a natural 'small talk' among themselves?  Science also proves they can respond to messages from outside sources and change themselves and their character as a result.  These latest findings validate the power energy healing has on viruses, systems, organs, cells and bacteria to change to health.  Energy healing, a medicine of Energy and Informational Medicine is a part of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. 

This NEW recipe is one opportunity to build your own health.

New Reads

Christine Page
Endless Energy:
The Essential Guide to Energy Health
By Debra Greene, Ph.D.

The book is about human energy--where it comes from, where it goes and how to have more of it consistently. It takes the new science of energy medicine, translates it into clear and simple terms, then spells out easy ways to maintain energy health. This is the new Home Health Guide for the 21st Century!

The fields of energy psychology, energy kinesiology, and energy medicine have vastly altered what is known about how we function. But much of this life-altering information has not made it into the mainstream. Endless Energy puts these revolutionary ideas into your hands in easy to understand and practical ways.

Endless Energy:
  • Explains how energy healing works
  • Exposes the unseen energy aspects of illness and disease
  • Ties together diverse healing approaches under one umbrella
  • Describes the four energy bodies that comprise our energy system
  • Provides practical tools to sustain vitality and energy health
  • Addresses how intention and prayer work and why they sometimes don't
  • Discusses the link between energy and information
  • Connects the physical with the nonphysical in a seamless way
  • Positions the energy body within a universal energy framework
  • Explores where consciousness comes from
  • Includes powerful yet simple energy exercises that get results

Staff Reads

From Linda Block, Office Administrator
I am just beginning this important read.
We must find our common ground as a species.
This book is drawing me in. I look forward to the journey.

The Living Universe: Where are we? Who are we? Where are we goin?
by Duane Elgin

Conference09In The Living Universe, Duane Elgin marshals evidence from cosmology, biology, physics, even his participation in NASA-sponsored psychic experiments to show that the universe is actually a living field of existence and that we are always in communion with that field of aliveness whether we are conscious of it or not. This is a worldview that, as Elgin explains, is shared by virtually every spiritual tradition, and the implications of it are vast and deep. In a living system each part is integral to the whole, so each of us is intimately connected to the entire universe. Elgin eloquently demonstrates how that identity manifests itself on a whole series of levels, from subatomic to galactic. We are, he writes, far more than biological beings; we are beings of cosmic connection and dimension.

Excerpt ~
The Universe wants to live and breathe through you. To find out the truth in this, you need to relate to the universe as if it were alive. Otherwise, how will you ever know that it is? Today begin to adopt the following habits:
  • Talk to the universe
  • Listen for its reply
  • Be on intimate terms with nature
  • See the life in everything
  • Carry yourself like a child of the Universe

From Cathy Anderson: a dedicated ISSSEEM Volunteer
This is an excellent book and it is on my re-read list!

Jesus in the Lotus: The Mystical Doorway between
Christianity and Yogic Spirituality

By Russill Paul

This brilliant and inspiring book is an antidote to the divisive vectors that currently inflame many religious sects worldwide. While respecting difference and honoring uniqueness, Russell Paul leads the reader to points of contact and harmony between Christianity, Yoga, and Hindu philosophy. Today their is a universal hunger for a new vision that unites and connects us all, without which there may not be a future for humanity. This book is an adamantine gem shedding light on the darkness of divisiveness.


"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest
in the laws of the universe-
a spirit vastly superior to that of men."
~Albert Einstein

We welcome contributions to the eSeem Newsletter and encourage Members to participate in this,
your newsletter.

Do you have a special event, favorite new book, short article, or other piece of information
that would be of interest to the ISSSEEM Community?

Deadline is the first of each month for inclusion in that months newsletter.
Please keep your article to 500 words or less. If longer provide a link to the article.

Send your submission to  [email protected]

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