ISSSEEM Banner2008 Conference Highlights
Energy, Intent, & Healing
June 20-27, 2008

Boulder, Colorado

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This year's Conference was a huge success, bringing together old friends and new. Following are some highlights and special moments captured on film.

Attendees Comments ~
  • "This conference is the first one I have attended.  I'm so impressed, I plan to attend from now on!!!" 
  • "It was a great experience and I'm looking forward to next year!"
  • "Great job!  Thanks for a stimulating week!"
  • "Very supportive in my personal and professional growth."
  • "Absolutely great!"
  • "A wonderful conference - the best I've been to!"
  • "I am very grateful for the sharing of this great knowledge and I am inspired to learn more."
  • "I could feel positive change in myself and in the others present."
  • "Interesting thoughts to take back into our lives.  Thank you for a new (interesting) perspective."
  • "Clear intentionality of bringing together science and spirituality as one awareness."
  • "Lovely sense of empathy and insight!!  Just wonderful!"
  • "A fabulous and perfect conference!"

Special Moments 

Conference Tapes & CD's
Recordings are available of many of this year's Conference offerings. Order from our web site

click here for CONFERENCE TAPES

To participate
along with our 2008 Conference Attendees
in an ISSSEEM  "Intention Forum".
We are gathering and posting brief descriptions of specific ways our community members energetically focus intention.
What, specifically, do you do to focus intention for the
unfolding of the highest good?

Send your personal process to:
 * * * * * * *


To answer this question
(posed as a table topic at the
2008 ISSSEEM Conference)
What do you believe is the NEXT high purpose
ISSSEEM is to serve in the world?  
Send your responses to:  PURPOSE

Start an Independent
Exploration Group
in Your Area

An ISSSEEM Independent Exploration Group can be started and registered with the ISSSEEM Central Office by any member of the society.

Members of the Society living in the area and any other local persons who have a personal or professional interest in subtle energies and/or energy medicine are welcome.  ISSSEEM membership is encouraged for all participants in the IEG, however, only the official organizer/coordinator is required to retain a current ISSSEEM membership.

For more information contact our business office.



Since its inception, ISSSEEM has served as a world forum for those who seek to synthesize the finer threads of knowledge with the wisdom of the ages. For our 19th Annual Conference, we are asking you, our community to look back at significant pieces of the puzzle of life that have moved you into a more satisfying relationship with yourself and your community. Let us gather together and tell our heartfelt stories of discovery - those that have enlightened our spirits. What is your answer to the question ~ is science a sacred journey?

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We look forward to seeing you there!