eSEEM Community TouchPoints


An Earth day reminder of the 'blessings of being':

"When the soul first put on the body's shirt,
the ocean lifted up all its gifts.
When love first tasted the lips
of being human, it started s i n g i n g." 

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2009 Annual ISSSEEM Conference graphic

The General Theme is about synthesizing what we have learned
from many different perspectives.
Send your artwork proposal or for further information:



Go to for EVERYTHING about "Energy, Intent, & Healing"-- ISSSEEM's 2008 Conference  
  • Four Full Days -- Amazing Breakout Sessions --All Inclusive! 
  • Scientific Paper presentations all day Friday!
  • Full-day PreConference Intensives June 20
  • One & two day Post-Conference Intensives June 24-25
  • Certification offered by ACEP - June 24-27



34th Annual U.S. Psychotronics Association Conference

Chicago Inn Northshore, Chicago, Il
Friday, July 18th through Sunday, July 20

Workshops on Sunday night and Monday morning



InnoVision Health Media - Editor-in-Chief

The publisher of medical journals Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, and consumer magazine, Natural Solutions: Vibrant Health, Balanced Living, now seeking editor-in-chief for Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, the quarterly, peer-reviewed medical publication.

The ideal candidate would be well-networked, experienced medical professional and/or professional journalist/editor with working knowledge of mind-body medicine, medical editing/writing. This is a part-time, contracted position (approximately 25%).
Relocation not necessary.


View a sample issue at Advances Winter 07/08     If interested, please contact:

Frank Lampe, Executive Vice President at

303.565.2019   [email protected]


NEW Reads - NEW Views

A Blessing in Disguise -- 39 Life Lessons from Today's Greatest Teachers          by Andrea Joy Cohen, M.D.

Dr. Cohen is a physician, scientist, writer, poet and international speaker who has gathered important, one of a kind resources along with thought provoking personal exercises from authors and luminaries.  Contributors, along with our own ISSSEEM Director, Christine Hibbard, PhD, include Thich Nhat Hanh, Rachel Naomi Remen MD, Bernie Siegel MD, Martha Beck PhD, Dean Ornish MD, Joan Borysenko PhD, Harriet Lerner PhD, Belleruth Naparstek, Stephen Levine, Dharma Singh Khalsa MD, Susan Jeffers PhD, Daphne Rose Kingma, Elizabeth Lesser, David Whyte, Anne Wilson Schaef and many others. All of them, with great honesty, share very private and intimate stories that will encourage readers to make their own soul searches.

More . . .
People NEWS
It is with great pleasure that ISSSEEM announces
its 2009-2010 President-Elect

James L. Oschman, Ph.D.

      We are grateful for Jim's continued commitment to ISSSEEM
      and are excited
about his heart-centered,
      gifted leadership going forward.


Dr. Dean Radin collaborated on a scientific study conducted at HESA Institute on Intentional Chocolate.  Read the results of this study HERE.

Click here to watch a wonderful one minute video overview
on the science behind Intentional Chocolate™     

It is the mission of Jim Walsh, with the introduction of Intentional Chocolate,™ to bring back the sacredness and enhanced quality in the foods we eat.  Intentional Chocolate™ is the result of breakthrough technology which tested the process of embedding intention into tangible matter. High quality, dark chocolate infused with the focused good intentions of highly experienced meditators proved to increase chocolate consumer subjects' well-being, vigor and energy. Intentional Chocolate™ reminds people, in a particularly delicious form that we can do good for ourselves by wishing well to others.

10% of net proceeds from the sales of Intentional Chocolate™ will be donated to the
Deer Park Buddhist Center and Monastery.  To purchase Intentional Chocolate, go to:


We welcome contributions to the eSeem Newsletter.

Do you have a special event, favorite new book or another piece of information that would be of interest to the ISSSEEM community?
Send an email to
[email protected]

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"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and Has forgotten the gift."

Albert Einstein

TODAY LET US HONOR BOTH within ourselves