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For direct care workers and their allies
May 1, 2012
Minnesota Direct Care Workers Launch DCA Chapter
Amy DerreraAnne KeithahnTwo direct support professionals in Fairmont, Minnesota, Anne Keithahn (left) and Amy Derrera (right), are launching the Southern Minnesota Direct Care Alliance next month.

In an email exchange with the Direct Care Alliance, the two explain what they are doing and what motivates them -- including a determination to see direct care work recognized as not just a job but a profession. Read our interview with Anne and Amy.

Direct from Washington, DC

Capitol HIll

Final rules for Community First Choice program released:  The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released final regulations for Community First Choice, a program that offers state Medicaid programs an increased federal match for home and community-based services. CMS is still accepting comments on how to define community-based settings. Read more.
Inside health reform:  The Kaiser Family Foundation reported that 15.8 million people will receive over $1.3 billion in rebates from health insurance companies because of the medical loss ratio provision of the Affordable Care Act. The new health care law's provision requires insurers to spend 80 percent of consumer premium dollars on health care claims and quality improvement initiatives. Learn more and find out how much your state will receive.  

 Florida Op-Ed Explains Need for Proposed Home Care Rule 

Brenda Robinson and Beatrice Johnson
Terry Bucher
In an op-ed in the Orlando Sentinel, Florida Professional Association of Care Givers President Emeritus Terry Bucher explains why the proposed rule to grant minimum wage and overtime protections to home care workers must be finalized.

Noting that Florida is not one of the 21 states that provide their own minimum wage and/or overtime protections for these workers, she writes: "Florida's home-care workers are dedicated and diligent. But until they are guaranteed a fair wage, Florida will simply not be able to attract enough qualified workers to meet the growing need for home-care services." Read more and link to the editorial.

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Direct from the Headlines
Time Magazine names DCA ally Ai-jen Poo one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

DCA Board Chair Tracy Dudzinski's response to an article in The Nation about the Caring Across Generations campaign was highlighted as a Comment of the Week.

The Iowa CareGivers Association faces drastic potential cuts. Read more and learn how you can help.
The Direct Care Alliance is the national advocacy voice of direct care workers in long-term care. We empower workers to speak out for better wages, benefits, respect, and working conditions, so more people can commit to direct care as a career. We also convene powerful allies nationwide to build consensus for change. 

Questions? Comments? Story ideas? Please contact Elise Nakhnikian at 646-823-7434 or