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Go Green Initiative - California
March, 2008
Hello California schools,

We are so very pleased to announce that our new online forum is ready!!!  This forum will allow you the opportunity to "talk" to one another, share ideas, what works, what doesn't and most importantly, ask us questions and receive assistance.  This is such a great way to talk to other schools in your same state.  It is also an easy way to tell us what you need from us.  Our main job is to support you so let us know how we can do that best!

You will receive an invitation to join the "Go Green Community" forum in the next week.  All you need to do is follow the instructions on the invitation e-mail and you will have access to the forum.  We already have some discussion items set-up but please add whatever discussions or questions you would like answered.  The more information we can get on the site the more it will help everyone.
Thank you for continuing to support your school's Go Green efforts.  You are helping the futures of all our children!

Kate Jupina
Go Green Initiative Association