Pine Tree ISD Newsletter
Your Guide to News, Events & Updates
October 2010 - Vol 5, Issue 3
News of the Week
In This Issue
Pirate Pride
Superintendent Strauss
Superior Award in Finance
PT Board of Trustees
Fine Arts Spotlight
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Nov. 3 - Early Release Day
Nov. 15 - Beginning of 3rd Six-Weeks
Nov. 22-26 Thanksgiving Holidays for students
Dear Pine Tree Family,
Welcome to Pine Tree ISD's electronic publication for parents and school patrons. If your email was included, and you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please unsubscribe below. Direct  any comments and questions to the PTISD Public Information Office:
PT Students Learn About Fire Safety
Fire SafetyDuring the month of October, students in Pine Tree Kindergarten through fourth grade study fire prevention by getting a special visit from firefighters in the Longview Fire Department.  Students watched a puppet show and listened to firefighters as they talked about what to do if they were ever to find themselves in a fire emergency at home or at school.   Read more
Students Earn Excellence at Pine Tree HS

Twenty-one students at Pine Tree High School have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP Exams.  The College Board's Advanced Placement Program (AP) provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP Exams.   Read more.

Brown Bag with Superintendent Strauss



Please join us  for Brown Bag Lunches with Superintendent Marian Strauss! Parents and community members are invited to bring your lunch and sit down with Dr. Strauss to discuss topics and district events, share important information and ask questions.  Lunches are held at 12-1 pm on Thursdays in the designated school's meeting Thursday, Oct. 21st, Intermediate Campus.  Read more.

Flu Season is Here

washing handsPTISD Lead Nurse, Jan Goldberg reports that the 2010 - 2011 seasonal flu vaccine will include a 2009 H1N1 component. "Unlike last season, there will be no need to get two different kinds of flu vaccination," she says. 

In an effort to educate the whole person, Pine Tree ISD actively works to educate students about a range of health-related issues. 


FLU SEASON IS HERE. Here's what you can do.

  1. Stay informed
  2. is the site for flu information in Texas.
  3. Get Vaccinated- the flu vaccine is now available at many local pharmacies and doctor's offices.
  4. Stop the spread by washing hands frequently.
  5. Cover coughs and sneezes.
  6. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher in the previous 24 hours, call the campus and keep the child home.

Read more about Health and Wellness at PTISD

PT Business Department Earns Superior FIRST Award
Texas Education AgencyFor the eighth consecutive year, Pine Tree ISD has earned a "Superior Achievement" rating through the Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas). The district was graded on 22 financial accountability indicators.  Read more
PTISD Board Recognizes Teachers, Principal of the Year, and Duke Scholars

Teachers of Year

The Pine Tree board room at the central adminstration building was a packed house Monday night when the monthly school board meeting was called to session.  The highlight of the meeting came when the board recognized the 2010-11 Pine Tree School District Teachers of the Year and Principal of the Year for the Region.  Read more.


Next meeting:  Monday, October 25th.
To view more, click here.


Theatre Poster
Fall Musical - Click to Read more.
 Jazz Band Awards Announced

Students from Pine Tree High School competed in the All Region Jazz Competition recently.   Jared Smart and Aaron Gentry were selected first chair in the all Region Jazz ensemble.  Read more.

HS Theatre Presents Entertaining Events
Save the date for two big events scheduled in October that are sure to delight audiences of all ages:
Comedy Sportz Improvisation Show - Tuesday, Oct. 12th, 7pm
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee MUSICAL
Read more.

HS Choir Students Earn Awards at All Region - JH Choir to Present Concert

Congratulations to the following high school students for winning a chair in the TMEA Region 4 All-Region Choir - Read more.  JH Choir Concert, Oct. 14th - view calendar.

Thank you for your interest in Pine Tree ISD and your support of our students. We look forward to sharing your student's achievements during the 2010-11 school year!
Pine Tree ISD Public Information,
Help a Teacher Today: DonorsChoose Grant Awards
DonorsChoose is a not-for-profit web site where teachers from our district, and all over the nation submit project proposals. These ideas become a classroom reality when concerned individuals choose projects to fund. View the PTISD Giving Page