Pine Tree ISD Newsletter
Your Guide to News & Events
March 2008
In This Issue
Parent Meetings
Fine Art Shows
TAKS Testing
School Board
New HS Principal
PTA News
Spelling Bee
Campus News
Important Dates
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Dual Credit Meeting for students and parents:
Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the new cafeteria or
Saturday, March 29 at 10:00 a.m. in the library
High School Initiatives Meeting
about 2008-2009
for families of 5th-12th
HS Schedule
ACE Academy


Thursday, April 3rd

6:30 (in English)

HS Theatre


 Sunday, April 13th

2:00 (in Spanish)

St. Matthews

Catholic Church


Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
:April 24th

Kindergarten Spring Registration:April 28th


Early Release for Parent Conferences:April 28th



A Concert will take place on March 27th in the HS Theater at 7:00 PM.
PTHS Band will present a pre UIL Concert on Tuesday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m. The concert will be held at the PTHS theater. The symphonic band concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be followed by the wind ensemble concert. Both concerts should be over by 8:00.  Read more
Spring Show will be performed April 17,18, and 19th. 
Visit the Longview Museum of Fine Arts at 310 E. Tyler street to view PT student award winning art.
Competes this month in One Act UIL competition.  Read more




Boys Golf

Girls Golf




View schedules, read updates and enjoy photos of students in grades 9th - 12th grade. Each page is maintained by the organized group.


in the weekly schedule.
Welcome to Pine Tree ISD's electronic publication for parents and school patrons. If your email was included, and you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please unsubscribe below. Direct your comments and questions to the Pine Tree ISD Public Information Office, P.O. Box 5878, Longview, TX 75608 or e-mail
TAKS Testing:
Scores for Reading

PTISD received our first TAKS scores recently:

-Grade 8 Reading: 96% Met Standard, 55% Commended

-Grade 5 Reading: 81% Met Standard, 29% Commended

-Grade 3 Reading: 85% Met Standard, 38% Commended

Testing in April
Get ready...stay steady!
The TAKS testing is fast approaching and we want to highly encourage students to study, study, study!  Please use all of resources to successfully prepare for this important test as follows:

April 7-8 TAKS Testing for

April 29-May 2 - TAKS Testing
Resources for Practice, Practice, Practice
PT School Board Elections

Pine Tree ISD Trustee Election will be held on May 10, 2008 in the Pine Tree ISD Administration Building, 1001 W. Fairmont from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm for the following positions:


Place 6:  Frank Dykes, Ed.D.

               Gil Gillam


Place 7:  Patrick Noon


Early voting will be held from Monday, April 28 through Tuesday, May 6, at the Pine Tree ISD Administration Building from 8:00am to 4:30pm.  Read more about the elections.

PT School Board Meeting Notes
ACTION ITEMS - March 10th  meeting

Consider High Schoool Preparatory Schedule

  • Approved preparatory schedule contingent upon final approval from the Site Based Committee and Lead Teacher Group. 

 Consider District-Wide Instructional Technology Plan

  • Approved plan as presented requesting the expenditure of an additional $112,500 for instructional technology.

Approved Financial Report as Presented

  • Disbursements
  • Budget Amendments
  • Purchases over $10,000
  • Tax Refunds over $500

 Approved the Consent Action Items:

More information from previous meetings


New HS Principal Named
Cindy Gabehart has been named the next principal of Pine Tree High School, school officials announced Monday. Gabehart will complete her third year as principal at Pine Tree Middle 5/6 School this spring. She was among eight candidates for the job and will be the first woman at the high school's helm. A selection committee chose Gabehart unanimously.        More

PTA News:

New PTA Structure for 2008-2009 
After several meetings and discussions, PTA leadership has voted in favor of creating a new structure to better meet the needs of students.  Parents are invted to attend the inaugural meeting of the consolidated PT Pre-K through 6th PTA. 

Thursday, April 3rd at 11:30 a.m.
At the new PT Middle 5/6 campus.


A light luncheon will be served.

R.S.V.P. to Karen at 903-297-2897

PTA Program Highlight: BIG ART

Big Art is supported and partially funded by the Pine Tree PTA.  Students in grades 1-5 learn the fundamentals of the visual arts in a series of lessons, and student art is displayed at the end of the session.  View third and fourth grade art starting March 28th at the Intermediate campus.

Students Take Fitness Test  
NoticeDuring the 80th Legislative Session, Senate Bill 530 was passed, which requires a fitness assessment for all students in grades 3 to 12 starting in the 2007-2008 school year. After a thorough review, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) identified FITNESSGRAM as the assessment tool to be used by all districts throughout the state. There are over 1,2000 Texas school districts that will administer the fitness evaluation.
Read All About it!
Campus News:

March 24-28 BIG Art at the Intermediate Campus

March 27 - HS Dual Credit Meeting, New HS Cafeteria

March 27 - HS Choir Concert, HS Theatre, 7pm
March 28 - End of 3rd Nine-Weeks
March 28 - Last day to register for AP Exams at PTHS

March 28 - HS One Act Play performs at Whitehouse
March 28-29
State Meet for Jr. High Math/Science Team

March 29 - HS Dual Credit Meeting, HS Library, 10am
March 29 - HS Leadership Class "Dancing With the Stars"


April 1 - HS Band Concert, HS Theatre, 7pm

April 2 - International Children's Book Day

April 3 - PTA Joint Meeting, for Grades PK-6th

April 3 - High School Initiatives Meeting, HS Theatre,

April 4 - Report Cards Parent Viewer

April 5 - District UIL Academic contest @ PTJH

April 7-8 TAKS Testing

April 8 - Modified Testing Schedule at JH

April 9-16 - Middle 5/6 Big Art

April 10-14 HS Choir Trip

April 11 - Primary School Field Day

April 11 - Middle 7 Campus Read-In

April 14 - School Board meeting, 6pm

April 14-18  National Library Week

April 17-18-19 Spring Show by PT Precision

April 18 - Primary School Texas Day

April 18 - End of 5th Six-Weeks



Make a

If you are looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of PT students, visit the DonorsChoose page where teachers have written a description of what they need for their classroom.  Find out more about the exciting experiences waiting for our students and how you or your business can help.
View the PT Challenge Page