NewsletterOctober 2010
in this issue
Mirroring and its Value During Interviews and Interrogations
Fit for Retirement: Your Financial Health
Training for Gunshot Wound Treatment
Top Ten

Welcome to the Newsletter

In this issue we continue to bring you important training topics of current interest.

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By John E. Reid & Associates

What is Mirroring?

Recently I was talking to one of my sons about a possible location to spend our spring vacation. My left hand was in my pocket and I was illustrating with my right hand. My left foot was slightly extended. As my son listened to my ideas and discussed possible activities, his right hand went into his pocket, he illustrated with his left hand and his right foot was extended slightly toward me. His comments and facial expressions appeared positive, but his posture left no doubt that he agreed with the vacation plans, for his posture mirrored my own. Mirroring refers to the tendency of two people to reflect each other's posture when they are relating well to each other or are in agreement.

The opposite phenomenon is also true. When two people disagree or are emotionally distant they often assume different postures. Consider the traffic stop where the driver is asked to step out of the vehicle and talk to the police officer. The officer may stand frontally aligned with the driver with his hands exposed using occasional illustrators. The driver may cross his arms and orient his body away from the officer. These non-congruent postures should alert the officer that the driver may not be accepting the premise for the stop or may be otherwise non-cooperative.

The explanation for mirroring may relate to the fact that a person's posture represents the foundation for other nonverbal communication. An individual's posture reflects their interest level, emotional involvement and confidence. When expressing thoughts, ideas or feelings the one person who will surely accept them is a reflected image of that same person. To say this another way, when we have a conversation with a mirror, the mirror will always agree with our position.

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Protect More & Serve Better with a Master's from University of Cincinnati

The professors of the University of Cincinnati's Online Master of Science in Criminal Justice program are the most published, most recognized, and most respected in the industry. Our graduates are truly empowered to become leaders in their communities, with a confidence that can only be gained by learning from the greatest minds in their field.

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by Stuart Singer

No matter where you are in life or where the people who matter the most to you are in their lives a financial planner can provide you with a broad range of financial planning services that can address your current and future needs and goals. Saving for college. Saving for a home. Starting a business. Preparing for retirement. Planning for the transfer of wealth. Whether it is to-day or tomorrow, for you or your loved ones, whatever is important to you is important to your financial planner.


The Financial Planning Process: Getting To Know You - and Your Needs

Whatever is important to you is important to your financial plan-your family, home, children's education, job and more. Understanding your finances is one part of the financial planning process. Understanding you is the most crucial. Your financial planner should take into consideration all of the aspects of your life to help you effectively plan to meet current needs while staying focused on your future objectives.

Comprehensive Financial Plan Development - Allows you to develop an overall portrait of yourself as an individual and an investor which will be used to create a financial plan and strategy suitable for your present and future goals.

Wealth Management - Helps you to achieve your financial goals without sacrificing your lifestyle or posing undue risks to your investment assets.

Retirement Planning - Lets you define your retirement goals, learn about plan options and develop a strategy to help ensure a comfortable retirement.

Income Planning - Allows you to create a plan that will provide you with a regular stream of retirement income, manage the distribution of your hard-earned savings and help to avoid outliving your assets by continuing to grow your money during retirement.

Cash Flow Planning - Gives you the ability to determine where your money is currently allocated to uncover greater savings and tax opportunities.

article continues >>


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Message From Our Sponsor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Earn your BS in Criminal Justice online from a top-ranked university

Make a difference in your career with Drexel University Online. Earn a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice from Drexel University - ranked among "America's BEST Colleges."Provides in-depth training, specialized coursework in Forensics, Cybercrime, and Crime and Procedures and total flexibility with 24/7 online access.  You'll earn the same prestigious degree as on-campus. 

Learn More >


How much training should law enforcements receive in addition to basic police related skills? In recent years additional training in cultural diversity, anti-terrorism, responding to major terrorist attacks, dealing with weapons of mass destruction have been added. But the question looms, just how much training is enough? Protecting lives is the top priority. Officers need to protect their lives, the lives of other officers, the lives of crime victims and the general public, and even the lives of assailants.

Most officers are not EMT's or paramedics, but they will probably reach the victims of gunshot wounds before an ambulance can arrive at the scene and treat any victims. So, it seems reasonable for officers to receive added basic emergency medical training in the treatment of gunshot wounds. This training would stabilize wounds until traditional EMS responders arrived on the scene.

Consider a July 1, 2008, shooting incident when Wichita, Kansas Police Officer Derek Purcell almost died after being shot once in each leg with a 9 mm round. Normally, a leg wound isn't fatal, but this wasn't normally. Officer Purcell's wound to the right leg hit his femoral artery, which caused profuse bleeding. Unless the bleeding stopped, Purcell would bleed out and die within minutes.

Luckily for Officer Purcell, Officer Brad Crouch quickly responded to Purcell's radio call for help. Officer Crouch was a US Army Special Forces Medic for nine years, and after looking at Purcell's wound, Crouch knew that immediate action was needed and he applied direct pressure to the wound while applying a tourniquet with Purcell's pants belt. The tourniquet slowed the bleeding just enough until an EMS crew arrived in their ambulance. EMS staff re-placed the makeshift tourniquet with a direct pressure bandage.

 article continues >


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Message From Our Sponsor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Dedicated To Serve You

At Portland State University, you have the option to complete either a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Criminology & Criminal Justice online. Designed and taught by scholars and leaders of the field you will study in areas such as crime analysis, criminal behavior and the American justice system. In addition to the degree, you will also have the option to follow education tracks to earn one or more certificates. Police Academy experience may also apply towards your bachelor's.

For more information, click here >


Top Ten Signs That Your Family Life Could Be Better:

1. You hear that your 16 year old nephew is having sex with his teacher. (You remember he is home schooled)

2. Your wife TiVos "Desperate Housewives" and watches them over and over again. 

3. Your dog doesn't hump your leg anymore when you come home from work.

4. Your son's new tattoo on his face really sets off his eyes.

5. Your youngest daughter is celebrating her 12th birthday in Las Vegas.

6. Your older daughter is about to become a grandmother at twenty-six.

7. Your first wife just got remarried (to your Chief).

8. Your girlfriend asks you if you lied about your vasectomy.

9. You have to work a part-time security job in the dressing room at the Speedo store.

10. You are watching Oprah.

Law Enforcement Magazines

Law & Order Magazine The Counter Terrorist Police Magazine
Police & Security News American Police Beat

View a list of law enforcement training offered throughout the country.