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April 11 - 26, 2012
N a v i g a t i o n
This Issue

Soil and Water Stewardship Week

Funding Opportunity from Scott Paper Co.

Conservation Events and Announcements include: 
Local article about cover cropping, IFOF & MRBI grants

Every Issue
Job Openings None this week
blogI A S W C D  B l o g

The blog settings have been changed and now anyone may comment. Please share your thoughts! 


The Association has started a blog to share stories, announcements, and ideas relevant to SWCDs and the larger community. 


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calendarE v e n t s  C a l e n d a r


Visit our Google Calendar for details about upcoming events!

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Featured Events 

May 12: Chicks on a Small Farm: for Fun and Profit. For women landowners who want to learn more about how to manage, conserve, and enjoy the land you love.


May 12:  Wings Over Muscatatuck: Learn about the Healthy Rivers INitiative and the important wetlands work being done at the nearby project areas. 


May 15: Knowing Where You Stand with Your Board is Key to Your Success! (INRN Workshop)


June 26-28: Soil Health Full Course. Save the date! This course is presented by the Indiana Conservation Partnership. 


quickQ u i c k  L i n k s
I A S W C D   L e a d e r s h i p


President: Ray McCormick 

Vice President: Jeff Meinders

Secretary: Paul Cummings 

Treasurer: Jamie Scott 


Region Directors

Board Roster /  Region Map 

North-NW: Larry Strole, Newton Co. 

South-NW: Mike Starkey, Hendricks Co.

North-NE: Tom Crowe, Allen Co. 

South-NE: Bobby Hettmansperger, Wabash Co. 

North-SW: Les Zimmerman, Vermillion Co.

South-SW: Jim Droege, Posey Co. 

North-SE: Mike Schwab, Franklin Co. 

South-SE:  Brad Ponsler, Jennings Co. 



Executive Director: Jennifer Boyle Warner, 317.692.7519


Conservation Development Specialist: Janice Bullman, 317.692.7514


Project Assistant: Liz Rice, 317.692.7325


Communications Manager: DeeDee Sigler, 317.692.7374

execA Report from the Executive Director


WRTV Covers Cover Crops During Evening News Hour

Reporter Kara Kenney of RTV6 (WRTV - Indianapolis) reported on the role of cover crops in improving water quality. Hamilton County supervisor Rodney Rulon and Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI) crop consultant Dan Towery were both interviewed for this almost three-minute news clip on Tuesday's evening news hour. Watch the report here, and don't forget to share it via email, Facebook, and Twitter! 


Roger Wenning, Supervisor of the Year, featured in IPF

Special thanks to Tom Bechman, editor of the Indiana Prairie Farmer Magazine. His story on Decatur County farmer and SWCD Supervisor Roger Wenning is on the front page of the May issue of the magazine. The magazine sponsored the 2011 Supervisor of the Year award that Wenning received at the Annual Conference of Indiana SWCDs this past January. How appropriate that the article hits homes as we begin to celebrate Stewardship Week April 29 through May 6. Roger is a great example of how Indiana farmers are improving soil health through the use of cover crops. 


Indiana's Forests Featured on PBS Special, April 26

Indiana's forests will star in an hour-long special episode of "Indiana Expeditions," airing April 26, at 8 p.m. EST, on Indianapolis public television station WFYI. The episode, titled "Forests at Work," is the result of a collaboration between WFYI and the DNR Division of Forestry. Watch a preview here!


Indiana District Forester Awarded

Congratulations to Janet Eger, a district forester with the IDNR Division of Forestry, who is the "Northeastern Area Outstanding Cooperative Forest Management Forester of the Year 2012."  Eger was named by the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters. Eger serves District 7, which consists of Lawrence and Orange counties in southern Indiana.


Warrick County SWCD Expands their Network with New Facebook Page

The Warrick County SWCD recently launched a Facebook page. They are using it to promote their events, update and expand their newsletter mailing list, showcase photos from workshops and field days, and more! "Like" them to stay updated. If you are interested in expanding your network by starting a Facebook page or Twitter account for your District, please contact Liz at elizabeth-rice@iaswcd.org for help and information.


IASWCD Website Keeps You Updated

The Association's webpage launched some new features earlier this week. Their homepage now boasts a Twitter feed (follow us!), and the Google calendar is embedded in the News and Updates page for easy viewing. Would you like to learn how to do the same? It's easy! Contact us for help.

Have a good day,

Soil and Water Stewardship Week and the River Friendly Farmer Award


In just four days, SWCDs across Indiana will celebrate Soil and Water Stewardship Week from April 29 to May 6, 2012. The IASWCD is celebrating Stewardship Week by highlighting the work farmers do to protect their rivers, lakes and streams. Local farmers who are excellent conservationists can be honored for the River Friendly Farmer Award.

River Friendly Farmer logo 

The award seeks to bring recognition to Hoosier farmers who use conservation practices in an environmentally and economically sound way that protect and improve Indiana's soil and water resources for future generations.


Nominations for the 2012 award may be made through a county SWCD this year. The deadline to submit nominations to the IASWCD is Wednesday, June 27. 2012 recipients will be honored August 15 at the Indiana State Fair during a 1 p.m. Farmers' Day ceremony at the 4-H Exhibit Hall Auditorium.

earthteamScott Paper Co. and NASCA


The  National Association of State Conservation Agencies (NASCA) has entered into an agreement with Kimberly Clark Corporation, owners of Scott Paper, which will benefit one state. Scott Naturals is running an online promotion from through June 30, 2012 during which visitors to the website can "pledge" to try Scott Naturals products for 4 weeks (no purchase necessary, no personal information required to participate), and the participant's state is then entered into a contest to win $50,000 in conservation/reforestation efforts in that state.


The winning state will be determined by greatest participation (in relation to population), so that any state can win, not just the most populous. The $50,000 will be paid to NASCA and then passed on to the State Conservation Agency from the winning state to be used for on-the-ground conservation practices. For more information on the promotion please see Scott's website.

announcementsConservation Events and Announcements

EPA Grant Now Available: GLRI

The U.S. EPA announced a request for applications from states, municipalities, tribes, universities, and nonprofit organizations for new projects to restore and protect the Great Lakes. EPA will distribute approximately $20 million through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant program during Fiscal Year 2012. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 24. More information about applying for EPA's GLRI grants in the 2012 Request for Applications is available online.


Article: "Farmers using no-till and cover crops doing their part to keep soil healthy"

The Tribune-Star of Terre Haute published this article on Earth Day, April 22. Author Mark Bennett writes, "...For several decades, conservation farm practices have grown across the United States and beyond, primarily because methods such as "no-till" farming and "cover crops" keep the soil - as well as the water and air - healthier." Read the full article here - and don't forget to pass it on via email, Facebook, and Twitter! 


Indiana Family of Farmers (IFOF) Grants

Indiana's Family of Farmers (IFOF) will continue to offer grants for local communities, and new this year - a category for youth organizations that want to do more to promote agriculture in Indiana. This is the second year grants of up to $2,000 will be made available to improve educational agriculture-related events around Indiana. The funds may be used by local event organizers to fund educational or outreach events, capital improvements or safety upgrades. 


A portion of the funds have been set aside specifically to fund projects executed by youth organizations such as FFA chapters, 4-H clubs, collegiate groups, youth commodity organizations, etc. The deadline to apply for the grant is May 15, 2012. Applications and detailed guidance may be found online.

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