Welcome to the FoodTrients newsletter!


There is so much information available about food and health, at times it can be overwhelming and confusing. This week, Grace O addresses more questions about protein sources, marketing hype and healthy snacks. We are also happy to announce a new blog from Scrubs Magazine, the award-winning lifestyle nursing magazine that is loaded with health, beauty and career information. Don't miss their "20 Fabulous Skin Care Secrets" in this newsletter.


Defy aging with every bite when you check out the latest recipes, anti-aging news, and insights on the 26 powerful nutrients that we call FOODTRIENTS at FoodTrients.com 

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Smarter Choices Make For a Healthier Diet  

By Grace O


Recently, I fielded some questions from a local college student who is in the middle of a research project on health food. She discovered the FoodTrients website and wanted to use me as a source for some of her research. I, in turn, reached out to a nutritionist who works with me in my skilled nursing facilities to help answer the more technical questions.

This was an interesting exercise and I thought I would share the results since
because some of you might have similar questions about nutrition and eating habits...Read More 

High Fiber Munchie:  
Meatloaf with Flax Seed         
Header Image This Middle Eastern-style meatloaf is actually a ground beef and pine nut filling between two layers of a seasoned meat paste. The nutty flavor of flaxseed combines well with grass-fed ground beef, which has more healthful Omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs, or healthful fats) than you'll find in...Get The Recipe 

Boost Your Health With a Mediterranean Diet
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg    

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You may have been hearing about the "Mediterranean diet," which has been buzzing all over the news lately.  Touted to help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, boost immunity, and even help you live longer, you may be wondering, as are my patients, how you too can reap the benefits of this health-boosting plan.  Here's how: Read More 

20 Fabulous Skin Care Secrets for Women on the Go     

By Scrubs Magazine     

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Are the summer heat, long hours and daily stress in the workplace taking a toll on your skin? Women often struggle with looking their best in the face of a busy work environment that does little to support healthy, glowing skin. You have to take extra steps to pamper yourself 
if you want to look fabulous! Here are 20 easy tips that you can use throughout the day to maintain beautiful skin...Read More
Supercharge Your Love Life with Common Foods 
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg  


One of the most common complaints I hear from many of my over-45 age patients is that their love-battery seems to be permanently low and they just can't seem to re-charge it. They've tried Viagra, sexy videos, devices, bought new wardrobes, but still their love life seems to be more fizzle than razzle dazzle. Imagine my patients' surprise when I tell them that their diet could be to blame! That's right...Read More 

Tell Friends! Win a Free Cookbook 

By FoodTrients



Every month, FoodTrients will randomly select a subscriber to win a free FoodTrients cookbook and apron. "Like us" on Facebook and get 2 chances to win! Tell your friends and help spread the word! For details and rules click here.

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August 8, 2012 


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FoodTrients is a unique blend of nutritional science and good taste. Delicious foods and rejuvenating nutrients combine to create FoodTrients, a collection of enticing and nourishing recipes that promote health and well-being for a joyful and sustainable life. From specific foods to herbs and spices, the FoodTrients brand of essential ingredients helps promote longevity, prevent the diseases of aging, and increase energy and vitality.   



Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?


Natural Acid in Apple Peels Helps Prevent Muscle Loss



Reduced Vitamin D Levels Associated with Weight Gain in Women


Grace O on Culinary Confessions Radio Show 


Higher Vitamin D Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Metabolic Syndrome 

Exorcise Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer  

With the increasing awareness of the importance...Read More 


Ketogenic Diets: A New Answer to an Old Problem?

The need in humans to lose weight from time to time is a...Read More 


Header Image A Mixed Bag on Fruits, Vegetables  

No one said eating enough fruits and vegetables was going to be a piece...Read More