The OPSBrief

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This report is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools 


The Orleans Parish School Board has issued a Request for Proposals from operators interested in applying to charter the Alice Harte Elementary School and/or the Edna Karr High School as Type 3 charter schools beginning with the 2013-14 school year. The Eligibility Packet and Proposals are Due September 5, 2012.


Interested applicants are encouraged to join an 11 a.m. webinar TODAY by clicking this link or calling in at:


(636) 277-0137

Access Code: 405-592-926

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 405-592-926


Harte and Karr are currently Type 4 charters by which OPSB operates the schools under a charter with the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education through a management agreement with the Algiers Charter School Association.


The RFP can be viewed   here.


***This email is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the Orleans Parish School Board***
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 This service is made possible by a Community IMPACT 2011 Grant from the Greater New Orleans Foundation.