The OPSBrief

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In This Issue
Legal and Accountability Committees

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The following report is from the Thursday, April 28 joint meeting of the Orleans Parish School Board Legal and Accountability Committees. 

***This email is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the Orleans Parish School Board***


Charter Operating Agreement and Facilities Lease

No action taken


An open discussion was held about terms and language in the latest drafts of the proposed boiler-plate contracts between OPSB as charter authorizer and its individual, authorized charter school operators. These contracts are the Charter Operating Agreement and the Charter Facilities Lease.  


During the discussion, the Administration's positions were explained by Superintendent Darryl Kilbert, General Counsel Ed Morris, and other administrators. Charters were represented by their school leaders, business managers and Board members, with Attorney Lee Reid designated as their spokesperson.


 The discussion proceeded in general as follows:

  1. The Administration highlighted one at a time those terms for which charter operators had either posed questions or voiced objections;
  2. The Administration responded to those questions or objections, including their reasons;
  3. The charters clarified or reaffirmed their positions, including their reasons; and
  4. Committee members asked follow-up questions and expressed policy concerns.
No action was taken yet. The following steps are planned for May:
  • Continuing dialogue at the staff-level on certain points;
  • More open discussion during the scheduled OPSB Committee meetings on May 12;
  • OPSB action at its Business Meeting on May 17; and
  • Individual charter board action on entering into the agreements.

Greater Gentilly High School

Heard public commentary


A delegation of parents addressed the Committees to urge OPSB to seek ways to have Greater Gentilly High School returned to OPSB control.


Executive Session

Recessed into Executive Session to discuss OPSB's litigation with State officials over governance issues

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