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Workshop in Wood Education
Students Join in the Fight Against Unwanted Insect
Free Webinars on Invasive Pests
Pathologist Joins Forest Service Staff
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HomeState & Private Forestry News
April 11, 2011

From the Director's Desk

  Acting Director, Mike DudleyGreetings from the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry!

I am Mike Dudley, and am pleased to be serving as the Acting Director for the Northeastern Area until the end of July 2011. As a way of introduction, here is a bit of my background.

I have worked for the USDA Forest Service for 33 years-many of those in State and Private Forestry. I have served as the National Fire Plan Coordinator, and have spent a large part of my career in fire related positions. I come to this detail from my position as Director of State and Private Forestry for the Intermountain and Northern Regions located in Ogden, Utah.

I look forward to working with you. You can reach me at 610−557-4103 or at the headquarters office in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.

Workshop in Wood Education
PRINCETON, W.Va.-The Wood Education and Resource Center announced the following upcoming workshops.


Heating the Northeast with Renewable Biomass

April 14-15, Manchester, NH

This conference is for and by the biomass energy industry. It will bring together diverse interests in biomass heating fuels, including pellets, wood chips, and energy crops such as perennial grasses. The conference will address how the Northeast can move to significantly expand biomass heating, the challenges that would need to be addressed and overcome, and the benefits of such an expansion, such as carbon reduction, energy diversity/security, and job creation. To learn more, click here.


Tools for Developing Community Scale Woody Biomass Energy Projects

April 19-20, Crossroads Institute, Galax, VA

The New River Highlands Resource Conservation and Development Council is hosting a workshop on developing woody biomass energy projects for municipal, commercial, or industrial facilities with energy demands in the 1-10 MW range. For additional information, contact David Richert at 276-228-2879 or click here.


Mass Customization Workshops for the Wood Products Industry

April 26, 2011, Augusta, ME

April 27, 2011, Concord, NH

April 28, 2011, Randolph Center, VT

May 10, 2011, Utica, NY

May 11, 2011, Glens Falls, NY

Mass Customization is a powerful business model that takes advantage of advances in manufacturing and information technology to produce made-to-order items that are manufactured with low cost and short lead times. Sustainable Forest Futures, located in Concord, NH, is hosting the workshops in cooperation with various trade associations in the New England area. The Wood Education and Resource Center is providing partial funding through a grant. For more information about the workshops click here or contact Collin Miller at 603-229-0679 x 110.


Economic Factors Facing the Wood Industry in West Virginia

May 3, 2011, Stonewall Jackson Conference Center, near Weston, WV

The Hardwood Alliance Zone and the Wood Education and Resource Center are sponsoring an evening seminar on the state of the economy and how it relates to the West Virginia wood products industry. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin will kick off the event. For additional information, contact Nancy at 304-637-0803. 

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Students Join in the Fight Against Unwanted Insects

WASHINGTON-Students at Calvin Coolidge Senior High School are helping to detect and monitor invasive forest insect populations in a project developed by the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, the DC Urban Forest Administration, and DC Public Schools. The project uses trees removed during routine maintenance work. Wooden bolts collected from a tree's crown and trunk are placed in tubes and incubated in a rearing area set up at the school. Students monitor these samples for emerging pests. Urban centers have historically been the locations of pest introductions.  This enhanced survey allows for early pest detection, while providing students with hands-on and educational experiences on the value of urban trees, the importance of exotic and invasive pest detection, and the pathways and consequences of urban pest introduction. The project is part of the District of Columbia's Cooperative Forest Health Program. Back to Top

Free Webinars on Invasive Pests
EAST LANSING, Mich.-Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) University offersa series of free Webinars that focus on recent research on EAB and other invasive forest pests and diseases.  Topics include what homeowners need to know to recognize and manage EAB, how to prepare municipalities for EAB, and many others.  Previous Webinars are available for download.


"EAB University has expanded the curriculum to include Webinars on hemlock wooly adelgid, thousand cankers disease, Asian longhorned beetle, and viburnum leaf beetle," said Robin Usborne, Michigan State University communications manager. "The EAB Webinars themselves are being updated so that participants will have the latest information."


To access the webinars, go to: click here. If you have questions, contact Robin Usborne at 517-432-1555 ext. 222,; Amy Stone,; or Jodie Ellis, This information is also posted at


EAB University is funded by the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry.  The university was developed by Michigan State University, Purdue University, and the Ohio State University communications specialists who have been dealing with EAB since it was discovered in North America in 2002. Back to Top 
New treatment for Oak Wilt in Rocky Soils
ST. PAUL, Minn.-Once an oak wilt infection center isThe new inexpensive method uses an excavator to uproot the stumps. established, the fungus that causes the disease can spread to healthy trees through root grafts.  Control of oak wilt relies primarily on disrupting this movement of the pathogen by the use of trenchers or vibratory plows that sever root grafts. Because the soils in north central Wisconsin can contain boulders the size of a Volkswagon camper, the usual treatment methods are often impossible or ineffective. The new relatively inexpensive method uses an excavator to uproot (extract) the stumps of infected trees and a buffer of healthy trees around the infection center. With the technical assistance of Joe O'Brien, Linda Haugen, and Manfred Mielke, all with the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, the Menominee Tribe and the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest are operationally testing the procedure for its effectiveness in controlling oak wilt. A publication outlining the use of this procedure is being prepared. Back to Top
Danielle MartinPathologist Joins Forest Service Staff
MORGANTOWN, W.Va.-Danielle Martin comes to the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry by way of
Oregon and Ecuador.  Danielle worked for the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) from 2009 to 2011 on detection of powdery mildew on wine grapes in Oregon. She also worked on a post-fire tree mortality study in Oregon, and with several forest pathogens including seiridium cankers, sudden oak death, and Port Orford cedar root rot. Before leaving the ARS, she spent 2 months in Ecuador working on an agroforestry project. 


Danielle grew up in Minnesota and earned her B.S. in Forest Resources at the University of Minnesota.  In 2007 she went to Oregon State University - Corvallis to earn her M.S. in Plant Pathology. You can reach Danielle at the Morgantown, WV, field office at 304-285-1531 and

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It not only has a new look and electronic format, the content has a new forward-looking focus.


We're reaching out in a way that folks commonly use to communicate today-integrating social media tools like Twitter, RSS feeds, YouTube, and other Web 2.0 technologies.  And you can still get a printer friendly version suitable for hardcopy.


We hope you find this "new" News Notes informative and useful.  Share it broadly with your networks to help expand awareness of the services that the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry provides.


Over the next few months, we will be exploring these new and better ways of delivering information to you. Please follow along with us, see what we have to offer, and give us your impressions and ideas by clicking here.



Chuck Reger
Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry

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