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May 7, 2012 -  Do you view the good and bad things that happen to you as coincidence or consequence? If you believe everything good that happens to you is sheer luck and everything bad that happens to you is your fault, then you have made a critical choice that is at the very core of why you cannot get where you ultimately want to go. If you believe that both good and bad things that happen to you are sheer luck, then you are resigning yourself into believing that you have no control whatsoever. Everything you desire is within your control, beginning with how you think about yourself and what happens to you.

Take an MM&I Moment to reflect on both the good and not-so-good things that have occurred over the past several weeks. On the good side of things, honestly consider the role you played in making them happen. Don't dismiss it as luck. Did you meet someone a while ago that resulted in this good fortune? Did you take action that created a domino effect of other actions that resulted in the desired outcome? Now look at the not-so-great things that occurred. Be honest in what truly was your role, what role others played in its outcome, and what was unanticipated. Then assess how you may have been able to shift, better anticipate or what you learned as a result of this less than desirable outcome. The most important way you can manifest even more of what you do want and less of what you don't want is to understand your role in making things happen and then having intention and focus to make what you want to happen. Being aware in order to facilitate and replicate success is the true secret to success. Your action of mind is as important as your action in doing.


Synergized Quote of the Week 

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - W. W. Ziege


Savvy Secret Tip of the Week

Are you relying too much on customer referrals to building your business? Don't get me wrong, referrals and word-of-mouth from customers are golden to business, but for growth companies, they understand the power of ROR, Return on Referral, by cultivating relationships that result in referrals beyond customers. The end result is being in the envied position where your company is the one everyone says is the place to go. Need to understand how to improve and expand your referral network beyond your customers, including how mere acquaintances and people you never met could be referring you? Then read Secret # 22, Beyond Customers, in my book, 50 Marketing Secrets. To order the book, CLICK HERE!


FEELING INCOMPLETE?: My May Me, Myself & Inc. column in Sophie Woman's Magazine may help you understand better why. Take the self-assessment quiz I share in my column to give yourself some insight. And for the men receiving this week's insight, this applies to you too. The self-assessment is not gender specific, so dare to take it yourself for some insight as well. CLICK HERE to view the magazine online and go to page 27. You can also pick up a free copy in the Lake Norman or Hickory area of North Carolina at numerous locations in grocery stores and retail centers.


DID YOU MISS GAIL MARTIN'S TELE-TRAINING ON THE 26TH? Then you have another chance. There was such an overflow of interest that she is conducting an encore tele-training call 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. EST on May 9th to her "30 Days to Social Media Success: For Simple Secrets to Facebook Fans, Fame & Fortune,."  Gail was featured in Secret #46 in my book, 50 Marketing Secrets, about creating multiple Income Streams. She knows her stuff and is helping others know too!  She will share the connect-the-dots approach you MUST take to reach the people who need your knowledge and capabilities and can PAY you for your expertise and offerings! CLICK HERE to sign up! It's FREE and you will also learn about her upcoming "Six-figure Social Media Success" program.


PRESENTING FROM eBUZZ to ePROFITS ON MAY 22ND IN LINCOLNTON: I am back in Lincolnton, NC, on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. to present "From eBuzz to eProfits: Using the Power of the Internet to Grow Your Business" for the Lincolnton-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce and the Gaston College Small Business Center. More details about the program will be posted soon. The program is being held in the Cochrane Science and Technology Building, Room 117. Cost is only $15. To register and learn more, CLICK HERE.


BOOK SIGNING TO BENEFIT SMALL BUSINESS CENTER RESOURCE LIBRARY: Immediately after the eBuzz presentation on the 22nd, I will be staying for a book signing from 5 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Lincolnton Campus of Gaston College (511 South Aspen Street), in the Cochrane Science and Technology Building. A portion of proceeds from each item sold will be donated to the Gaston College Small Business Center Resource Library.


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: You can now follow me, Chief Marketeer, on Twitter at Or follow my books at and


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Yours in synergistic thinking,




Author, Strategist & Chief Marketeer

SLD Unlimited Marketing/PR, Inc.


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