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October 10, 2011 - How do you begin each day? Is it a continuous tapping of the snooze button or a revitalizing stretch as you get ready to take on the day? Is it immediately thinking about all that you have to do wondering how you are going to get it done or is it appreciating  and looking forward to the day ahead with purpose and intention?  When it comes to making progress in whatever you are striving to do, the first secret to real accomplishment is how you start each day .... from your mindset to your physical state of being. How are you nourishing your mind, body and spirit with a healthy dose of attitude that sets you off in the right direction?

Take an MM&I Moment each and every morning to shift into high performance gear through taking a few moments to awaken to the possibilities of the day. Sit up and stretch your body into motion symbolically reaching for the stars. Stand up and deeply breathe in the possibilities of the day. Step forward with intention to make the day one of progress and movement toward your dreams. Open your eyes with the vision of your desired reality and how you are making it happen with each step, breath and action you take.

Synergized Quote of the Week

"If every day is an awakening, your will never grow old. You will just keep growing." - Gail Sheehy


Savvy Secret Tip of the Week 

Looking for a unique way to brand your company when sending invitations, announcements, post cards  or regular "snail mail" correspondence? You can create custom postage stamps through the US Postal Service. Submit your artwork or even a photographic image.  Have you considered sharing what your logo graphic means as it relates to what distinguishes your company in its approach, values, or advantages? Telling a story behind your brand is a powerful way companies further differentiate themselves against competitors. What is your story and passion that ignited the look, feel and even the colors of your brand? Not only will it make it more memorable and appealing, but it will also make it more personal to those who you serve and want to continue to serve. Want to learn more about the four aspects of branding? Check out Secret #1 in 50 Marketing Secrets of Growth Companies in Down Economic Times) Get the book today! To order, CLICK HERE!



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Yours in synergistic thinking, 


Author, Strategist & Chief Marketeer

SLD Unlimited Marketing/PR, Inc. 
T 704.483.2941



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