You Are What You Eat? Saint Clement School Hosts Wellness Seminar
Stories of Stewards
Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give.





You Are What You Eat? Saint Clement School Hosts Wellness Seminar

Your mother probably told you, "You are what you eat," in an effort to get you to eat more fruits and vegetables. And as a kid, you likely just shrugged her off. But there's a woman in our community who wants you to embrace your mother's advice.


Saint Clement School's Wellness and Environmental Sustainability group hosted "Spring into Action: Eat for the Cure" on April 25 to explore how what you eat can potentially lead to illness and disease. Presenter Barb Carten -- a former school mom and mother of second grade teacher Ms. Catherine Carten -- is a breast cancer survivor who wants everyone to focus on prevention, rather than early detection, of breast cancer and other diseases.


FoodCiting numerous studies, Carten consistently showed how diet, not genes, has an impact on the possibility of contracting disease. Carten's primary focus was on results of The China Study and four insights which can transform your health: 1 - Certain diseases occur in groups, and could have common causes; 2 - As cholesterol is lowered, so does the risk of cancers and heart disease; 3 - By reducing fat intake to 10 percent of your daily diet, you can also lower your risk of breast cancer; and 4 - Your lifetime exposure to estrogen is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.


BooksBy adopting a plant-based diet, Carten says, you can significantly decrease your risk of disease. She outlined a new food pyramid, which included (from bottom to top): vegetables, fruit, beans, and grains. Tiny portions could be allotted to lightly processed foods, such as salsa, while rarely enjoying milk and dairy products.


Four different salads made from plant-based ingredients were provided to the crowd of about 40 to prove this way of life could be tasty and satisfying. Carten also displayed several books on the topic so attendees could peruse potential new additions to their bookshelves, virtual or otherwise. Finally, Carten closed her presentation by having the audience assist in creating a three-week plan which included about 15 easy dinner options, along with ideas for breakfast and lunch. The group was asked to make a three-week pledge to try the plant-based diet.


Additional resources recommended by Carten include: Forks over Knives movie, and the Wellness Club at Whole Foods Market, 1550 N. Kingsbury Street.

Stories of Stewards 


As part of our ongoing engagement process, we have come to realize the importance of parishioners sharing their personal stories of how they have connected with Saint Clement as an important factor in their lives. As a feature twice a month, we will share the stories and reflections of our engaged parishioners who are living a stewardship life of prayer, service, and giving. This week we hear from Lori Benvenuto.


"I have been a parishioner of Saint Clement for 21 years. Finding my way to Saint Clement was certainly not by chance. After meeting Bennie in 1991, I began looking for a Catholic church that I could relate to. After visiting several churches in the area I found that Saint Clement provided the environment that I was searching for. I was intrigued by the thought-provoking sermons, culture, diversity, and physical beauty of the Church. But most of all, having the parish school reminded me of what I experienced growing up in a Catholic community. Planning ahead, I thought should Bennie and I get married and have kids, Saint Clement would be a nice home for us. We were married at Saint Clement in 1994; our 4 children have been baptized here and go to Saint Clement School. 


In the small town where I grew up, my parents were very involved in the parish community and taught me the importance of giving time, no matter what the circumstances. It was a great experience that taught me valuable lessons -- an experience I wish to pass on to my children.


There are so many ways to become an engaged parishioner at Saint Clement. We participate in the Sunday Giving Commitment. I have been the chairperson for the Clement Moms, running the Babysitting Co-Op, Education, Welcoming and Social committees. I helped with the baptismal preparation classes and have co-chaired Anchor Ball for the last 7 years. My kids and I bake bread for Mass, make meals for the homeless, and participate in the Jesse Tree and Service Day. In all of my activities I have met so many great people. My message to new parishioners is 'just get involved -- start somewhere.'


Saint Clement Parish has become a cornerstone of my adult faith and a fabric that supports my motivation to reside and spiritually grow our family in Lincoln Park."

Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give. 


For more information on upcoming events, including our regular, weekly opportunities, please view the parish's master calendar.     


Saturday, May 5: Sacrament of First Eucharist (Church)

@ 9:00 a.m.: For School families  

@ 11:00 a.m.: For Religious Ed families


Sunday, May 6 @ 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Blood Drive (School Gym); contact Mary Cele Doyle   


Sunday, May 6 after 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Masses: Breakfast with the opportunity to learn about Heather's House (School Cafeteria); donations of disposable diapers (sizes newborn to 5) appreciated.  


Monday, May 7 @ 1:15 - 3:00 p.m.: Afternoon Book Club discusses Bel Canto by Ann Patchett (Fahey Center I); contact Rick Jones


Tuesday, May 8 @ 7:00 p.m.: "Raising Responsible Children" presented by author, psychologist and school consultant Dr. Michael Thompson (Chapel)


Tuesday, May 8 @ 7:00 p.m.: Catholicism series continues with viewing of Episode 4: "Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast - Mary, Mother of God" (Fireside Hall); contact Christina Bax or register here.  


Tuesday, May 15 @ 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.: Eucharistic Minister Training (Church); contact Flo Merkl-Deutsch


Tuesday, May 15 @ 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.: Saint Clement School Spring Concert for grades 5-8 (School Gym)


Friday, May 18 @ 7:00 - 11:00 p.m.: 5th Annual Spring Fest, social event for adults (Centennial Hall) 


Sunday, May 20 @ 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.: Young Adult Wine & Cheese (Chapel)

Did You Know?

We Need Your Help this Sunday:  

What Does Stewardship Mean to You? 


As part of an application for an award, Saint Clement is submitting a video to the International Catholic Stewardship Conference about the spirit of stewardship at Saint Clement and we need your help!   


Part of the video will consist of short excerpts of parishioners talking briefly about what stewardship means to them. The video should reflect a wide diversity of views, so we need no more than about 30 seconds of your time to let us video your thoughts about stewardship. Positive, negative, even uncertain views are welcome!  


We'll be out in the plaza after the 8am and 9:30am Masses and before the 11:15am Mass this Sunday, May 6 to take the videos, so please stop by and share your thoughts. Thank you!

Submit Your Ideas


We hope you have enjoyed this week's issue of The Plaza. If you know of a parishioner living their life as a steward or a topic that would interest other parishioners, please submit your idea here.
And finally... 


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Photo credits: Top bar (left): John Zich,