The AEI Note: November 23, 2011

Arts and Education News from The Education Policy and Leadership Center  
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U.S. House of Representatives 

PA State Capitol BuildingGreetings!


Hello from Harrisburg! 


Did you know--or even imagine--that 97% of Pennsylvanians agree: "the well-being of the Commonwealth and our local communities is dependent upon having an educated citizenry?"


Before Thanksgiving festivities reach their height, I'd like to share with you some exciting news that will impact the Arts and Education Initiative's forthcoming Policy Report and 2012 AEI Advocacy Campaign.  Please review and forward along the information about, and results of, The Education Policy and Leadership Center's 2011 Annual Pennsylvania Education Issues Poll, a piece of which I've shared with you, above!


Determined to understand how Pennsylvania citizens regard public education, education funding, school choices, as well as arts education, EPLC commissioned a public poll of 800 registered voters who represent a demographically proportionate microcosm of our population.  The poll was conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research, a Pennsylvania-based, nationally known firm specializing in scientific telephone surveys, during the last week of October. 


The poll results were released to the public this week (November 21) in an EPLC press release, and are available on our website.  Yesterday (November 22), other media outlets, including the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, began coverage of the poll news. 


Overall, a compelling 93% of Pennsylvanians believe a high-quality public education system is a vital part of healthy communities and a robust economy.  Over 80% of Pennsylvanians support the presence of a range of school and school program options for learners within the public system, and, even in tough financial times, 82% believe that the state should increase funding to all school districts in the state to support the needs of our students. 


When it comes to the arts, an 81% majority asserts that a comprehensive arts education--including visual art, music, theater, and dance--should be a part of all students' K-12 schooling.


Please be in touch if you have questions or comments about the poll.  I look forward to hearing from you and discussing how to capitalize on the new information as we advocate during 2012 for pubic policies that will promote high-quality arts learning in our schools and communities.


Best wishes for a peaceful holiday.



Warm regards,

Jordan Crosby Signature                    

Jordan Crosby

Director, Arts and Education Initiative