In This Issue
News from Lawrence OB/GYN
Important News for Women
Gift Ideas for Active Women
10 Ways for a Thinner Thanksgiving
Diabetic-Friendly Thanksgiving Tips
Healthy Turkey Day Recipe Swaps

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Locations and Hospital Affiliation


We have 3 office locations to accommodate our patients in the Mercer and Bucks County areas:


123 Franklin Corner Rd.

Suite 214

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Click for directions 



1401 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road

Suite 218

Hamilton, NJ 08619

Click for directions 



909 Floral Vale Boulevard

Yardley, PA 19067

Click for directions 


Our physicians and midwives deliver at

Capital Health System's Mercer Campus 

in Trenton, NJ.

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We kindly ask that you please be patient with us, as we are going electronic with our medical records.  You may be asked to complete additional paperwork but it is with your best healthcare in mind.  Thank you!  


 Important News
for Women
There's nothing normal about a heavy period. One in four women experiences abnormally long, frequent or heavy menstrual cycles. Doctors may call this condition abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) or menorrhagia.

The good news: Her Option™ offers a safe, effective and comfortable treatment for excessive menstrual bleeding right in your doctor's office. No hormones, no surgery. Just freedom from heavy periods.

If heavy periods and irregular menstrual cycles negatively impact your life and you believe they're a problem, click here to learn more about this treatment option and how we can help you.
 Gift Ideas for Active Women
As you begin your holiday shopping, you're bound to pick up an item or two for yourself, right?  While a new sweater or pair of boots may feel good, why not give a gift that will last much longer?  There's no substitute for the gift of good health. 

If you're looking for a unique gift for your friend or relative -- or maybe even yourself, then look no further. 

Here are some items you can put on your shopping list that will make workouts more comfortable while helping fitness buffs stay healthy and fit.  
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November 2011


Happy -- and Healthy -- Thanksgiving! 

Woman in leaves



It's already well into November and Thanksgiving is just around the corner! While it is a wonderful way to kick-off the holiday season, it's also a time that we start letting our health take a back seat to whatever else is going on in our lives. Whether it's running around to the grocery store, cleaning the house, baking and preparing the menu for Turkey Day, or battling long lines on Black Friday, what starts out as a joyous four-day weekend can quickly turn into a stressful one. Not too worry - throughout this issue, you'll see that with just a little preparation, you can enjoy a guilt-free Thanksgiving feast.


As we excitedly welcome December, it's time to start protecting our skin from the winter weather. November happens to be "National Healthy Skin Month," and as we turn on furnaces and try to stay warm, our skin will start to lose moisture and dry out. We want to help you to improve your skin so you can look and feel your best, which is why coming in January, we will be introducing medical aesthetics into our practice. We are excited to be offering chemical peels, Lashes MD and  Selphyl for wrinkle reduction. What a great way to start off 2012 than with healthy, beautiful and glowing skin - treat yourself to a new look and a new you!  


Let's face it...this time of year can be a dieters worst nightmare. Turkey, stuffing and pies, oh my!  You'll want to read "10 Ways to Cut Calories from your Thanksgiving Meal."  Also, be sure to check out our article filled with healthy food recipes to keep your favorites from sabotaging your weight loss goals.          


November is also "American Diabetes Month" and for diabetics, all of the sweet treats and carbohydrates can prove especially challenging since Thanksgiving in centered around food.  It's estimated that every 17 seconds, a person is diagnosed with diabetes.  As many diabetics know, there is no taking a vacation from diabetes. It's not as if you are on a special diet to lose some pounds and can choose to make Thanksgiving your cheating doesn't work like that.  Here are some diabetic-friendly Thanksgiving tips so you can enjoy a health holiday feast.


While it's easy to succumb to the hustle and bustle that surrounds the holiday, remember to put the "thanks" back into Thanksgiving. 


With warm regards,  

The Practitioners and Staff of Lawrence OB/GYN    

tipsforthanksgiving10 Ways for a Thinner Thanksgiving

For most of us, Thanksgiving traditionally is a day of family, food and football. Dinner usually begins with a little taste here and there of some yummy, scrumptious comfort food...but if you're not careful, it can quickly morph into an all-out food-fest.  


ScaleThere are several steps you can take now to help you ward off that extra pound or two. Begin by creating a calorie deficit through diet and exercise to burn off extra calories before you ever indulge in your favorite foods. Start by focusing on this number: 3,500, which is the total amount of calories to lose - or gain - one pound. Aim to shave off just 250 calories from your diet each day, and you'll have banked 1,750 calories already in just one week. Now, add in a brisk 30-minute walk for another 250 calories each day and you'll have lost a pound by Turkey Day. This week, let your mantra be: "Eat less, move more." Exercise is always important, but during holiday time it can help burn calories and reduce stress levels.


It's important to remember to be realistic about the difficulties the holidays present... we typically eat more and sleep less, which makes it even more challenging for weight loss. Rather than expecting to lose pounds during the holidays, make weight maintenance your goal. This way, you can enjoy yourself without sabotaging your waistline.


To keep you going strong, here are "10 Tips for a Thinner Thanksgiving," so you can enjoy the holiday feast without the guilt - or the weight gain.

diabetesDiabetic-Friendly Thanksgiving Tips
Glucose meter

As we all know, Thanksgiving is America's biggest food holiday. But for people with diabetes, prediabetes or other metabolic problems, it's one of the biggest food traps of the year.  Why? Because so many traditional Turkey Day dishes and desserts can wreak havoc on your blood sugar.


Here's the first and most important thing you can do on Thanksgiving: stay committed to testing your blood sugar. Start early in the day and make sure you're within your target range before the big meal.  By keeping track of your blood sugar levels, you can avoid spikes that could possibly ruin Thanksgiving Day for you.  If you take medication for your diabetes, either insulin shots and/or pills such as metformin, stay on your regular schedule as much as possible.



Don't let questions about what to eat, how much to eat, and meal timing dampen your holiday. Plan in advance, so you can fully enjoy the day and keep your diabetes management on track.

For more great tips to help you with your meal plan, visit the American Diabetes Association.

foodswapsHealthy Turkey Day Recipes

Let's face it...this time of year can be a dieters worst nightmare. Turkey, stuffing and pies, oh my! Emotions run high, sleep runs low and too many temptations make it easy to over-indulge. After all, it's been a whole year since you've even smelled some of these delicious foods, right? This is where the battle begins. Should you ruin your holidays by constantly fighting off temptation? Or, should you just give in and worry about it later, resolving to start that diet January 1st. Sound familiar?  


As the saying goes, the best offense is a good defense... so be prepared by bringing your own low-fat and healthy foods to the table.  We're here to help you with this dilemma and you'll see that Thanksgiving can be about "giving" and not "giving up." Here are some great low-calorie Thanksgiving Day recipes that will surely delight your taste buds!


Save calories by trading these for the usual classics:

For more inspiration, check out some other meal makeovers:

Bon appetit! 
Our Pledge to You...

Our vision is to provide the highest level of care to women through all phases of their lives while helping them to understand how and why their bodies function as they do.


We consider patient education to be one of our most important responsibilities. By educating women and empowering them to take a more active role in their own health care, they are able to make better decisions that will enable them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.


Please know that we value and respect our patient's privacy.  Your name will never be shared or sold and you can unsubscribe from our list by clicking the icon at the bottom.   


The highest compliment you can give us is to refer our practice to others.  We value your trust and thank you in advance.