Spokane River Forum Enews Update
www.spokaneriver.net | [email protected] August 24, 2010
In This Issue
What happened to the Whitewater Park?
Avista testing Spokane River flows in Riverfront Park
Meet Me at the River, Down to Earth style
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The Spokane River Forum is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that creates materials, events and activities that promote sustaining a healthy river system while meeting the needs of a growing population.
Devils toe nail kayaker
What happened to the Whitewater Park?
A common refrain from people going on Meet Me at the River trips is "what happened to the WhitewaterPark?" Here's the scoop.
Avista testing Spokane River flows in Riverfront Park 
People hanging out in Riverfront Park or crossing downtown bridges may have noticed cranes, sandbags and people in the north channel of the SpokaneRiver. Avista's conducting a pilot test to determine the most aesthetic (pleasing to the eye and ear) flow in the north and middle channels during the dry summer months. Read more . . .
dte pic
Meet Me at the River, Down to Earth style 
Down to Earth (Spokane's popular environmental blog), Spokane Riverkeeper and others paddled the downtown stretch with Meet Me at the River. Here's their take.