Paschal High School
Jan. 30, 2012 


STARR Test Q&A, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Freshmen parents, don't forget about this important discussion on how the STARR Test will affect your student's GPA. 


 Lights, Camera, Auction!
 12th Annual PTA Auction & Dinner*

Sat., Feb. 11, 2012 at 7 p.m.

Norris Conference Center  

304 Houston St.

 * Reservations due Feb. 4!


 The Auction committee is working feverishly to finalize auction packages and would like to request a few more parent parties.  These are a fun and productive way to bring in funds for Paschal.  Two freshmen families are hosting parties, and now we are  

looking for families ofupperclassmen to put something together.  Here are a few ideas:

The Real Housewives of PHS - Ladies Happy Hour

The Last Hurrah - Parent Graduation Party

March Madness Guys Night Out

"Extreme" Horseshoes or Washers Tournament

Celebrity Bartender - Cocktail Party 

And, of course, you don't need a theme to have a good time!!!!  


Put on your thinking cap and sign up to entertain your PHS friends and raise money for our awesome school! Please email Kari Smith with plans for your party.  Our deadline for accepting auction items is Saturday, Feb. 4.



To provide our children with an opportunity to contribute to our fundraising efforts on their behalf, this year's auction is introducing "Presents for Paschal."  The basic concept is students will "donate" their 2012 birthday by asking for donations to be made to Paschal in lieu of birthday gifts. Each student that signs up will receive recognition from Ms. Mossige, plus this will look great in your student's "hero file" for their college application. 

This provides you a one-stop-shop to take care of birthdays for the rest of the year. Please rally your student's friends and ask them all to participate together!!! (Keep in mind this does not mean your child has to give up birthday gifts entirely. Friends and family can always donate a "portion" of what they normally spend.)


Look for more details coming soon or contact Smith for details


   Get Your Hoodies!

A few PHS hoodies are still available; cost is $25. Rascals Store will re-open for the second semester on Feb.1.



Staff Development Day


THURS., FEB. 2, 10 AM:

U.S. Coast Guard Choir To Perform at Paschal 


FEB. 2,3,4: 

The Paschal Vagabond Players present "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" at 7:30 p.m. 2:30 Matinee on  Feb. 4.Tickets are $5 for students and staff and $8 for adults. You will laugh, and if you're a Paschal student, you'll get extra credit!


MON., FEB. 6:

from 6 pm -7:30 pm

Mike Sorum, chief academic officer, FWISD, will give a presentation to all interested parents on the district's proposed system changes, end-of-course exams, state testing, etc. The presentation will be held at the FWISD Prof. Dev. Centerv3150 McCart St. Fort Worth, 76110

Contact: Faye Watson at / 817-535-1278



Paschal PTA

Paschal High School
