
November 3, 2010
Wednesday Notice!


Safety and Security of TGS Students-Lockdown Drill on Friday - As a part of our year-long safety drills to guarantee student safety, this Friday we will be practicing a "lockdown safety drill." The Crises Management Team has met and reviewed the procedures for such an emergency response that may occur as a result of: a rabid animal on the playground, a stranger on our campus who may be armed, an environmental disaster, a domestic dispute, etc. The faculty and staff have discussed various emergency responses and will practice with our students. Students will be alerted and directed as to how to respond based on teacher and staff directions before the actual drill so as to limit any trauma or anxiety.

A Successful Soccer Season
- This past season has been very successful based on various indicators.

The K-1-2 team had a tremendous turnout of students and a great outpouring of support from parents. Coach Ray Hutchins once again led fun practices with various skill based activities. Ray had a great supporting cast of parents who provided on-the-field assistance during practices, and offered snacks and encouragement from the sidelines.

The 3-4 team had a fun season under the direction of coach Ian Jamison. Ian stepped in to help at the last minute, and with his vast experience provided a wealth of skill-based practices and drills. Although we were challenged to schedule actual games, when we did play we faired quite well. Thanks to Ian and all the 3-4 parents who have supported the program.

5-6tourneyThe 5-6 team has experienced a number of successes this  past season. Under the guidance of coach Ken Brautigam and assistant  Mark Long, the team has not lost a regular season game and placed  second i n a very competitive  Putney Central School Tournament of 14 teams. Coach Ken is very optimistic about his chances of success going into the Greenwood School Tournament this weekend. See additional notes about the Putney Central School Tournament as submitted by a parent.

7-8 coach Chris Harlow has led his team to a number of victories this season while suffering a few disappointing losses. With a game left and the Greenwood Tournament two weeks away, Coach Harlow is looking to rally his players and finish his season on a strong note.

Steve Lorenz, Head of School

A Soccer Parent's Observations and Comments about the TGS 5th/6th Grade Team - As you might know, many of the 5th and 6th grade students (and their families) spent Friday afternoon, all day Saturday, and most of Sunday at the Putney School along with 13 other teams from the region in a round robin tournament. The TGSers were undefeated (and un-scored against!) until the last game. The team took second place overall! I have rarely seen a group play so well as a team -  passing the ball effectively and really communicating with each other, all while having a lot of fun. The players, coach and parents represented The Grammar School remarkably well with great sportsmanship and respect for the other teams.

I believe the amount of time and dedication Ken Brautigam invested this weekend, not to mention every week, as the coach of this team should be recognized by the school. You are very lucky to have him representing TGS. He coaches with positivity and enthusiasm and it shows in how our kids play and treat the other teams.

Lastly, Katy Brennan took one of the most honorable awards of the weekend. Ask her and her teammates about it!

Submitted by a 6th Grade Parent

GREENWOOD TOURNAMENTS: 5th-6th Greenwood Tournament Nov. 6-7, 7th-8th Greenwood Tournament Nov. 13-14. Check the Fall Sports Calendar and the sports page for more information. Questions? Contact Mary

Winter Sports Program at TGS

(More detailed information and schedules will be included in an upcoming Wednesday Notice.)


Cross-country skiing is the winter PSD program for all K-8th graders. It is our history, our heritage, and our promotion of a healthy life skill. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to get outside and enjoy the snow while learning to ski, and for those who are more experienced to explore our back woods trails. K-8th graders are required to have cross-country ski equipment and 5th through 8th graders should also have ice skates. The winter PSD schedule is adjusted so that several hours a week can be spent skiing on our trails or playing games on the lower field. There are ski rentals available at TGS, as well as a ski/skate sale on December 3rd (see note below) that provides an opportunity to find used equipment for your child. Local shops such as the West Hill Shop in Putney and Burrows in Brattleboro have reasonably priced package deals. If all this seems perplexing, I suggest you talk to your child's teacher or me. I will be glad to help out. TGS also has some boots and skis for rent for a nominal fee. This equipment is good for the older child who only plans to ski here at school. The skis are a one size fits all variety with no waxing required, but the child needs to weigh over 50 lbs.


Off Campus Ski Days

For six Tuesday afternoons beginning on January 4, 2011, students will have the opportunity to alpine ski or snowboard at Okemo or cross-country ski at Grafton Ponds. The Grafton program is a school-chaperoned program, while the Okemo program is parent chaperoned. This is a wonderful experience and a chance to enjoy some of Vermont's greatest assets while learning to ski with friends and family. I look back at this program fondly as some of the best times spent with my child and his friends. More information about these two programs will be in an upcoming Wednesday Notice.


Bill Koch Ski League

TGS will again host the local BKSL club at school for recreational skiers. This child based cross-country program for 6-14 year olds is an opportunity for students to learn and improve skiing skills while playing games, touring our trails, and skimming across our neighbors' fields. We need parent volunteers to help with this program. More information on the BKSL program will be in an upcoming Wednesday Notice.


Ski/Skate Sale

Our annual ski/skate sale will be Friday, December 3rd at 3:15 in the theatre. This is a fundraiser for the Putney Bill Koch Ski League program, and also an opportunity for you to pass on your outgrown equipment and retain a percentage of the sale to purchase other equipment. We suggest a donation to the BKSL program of 20-50% of the items sold. Please use this month to go through your winter equipment and decide what you would like to recycle. More information will follow.


Deb Gray, 387-5364 ext. 107

Mary Heller Osgood, 387-5364 ext. 106

COMMUNITY SERVICE - I HEARD MANY WORDS OF APPRECIATION  FOR THE GOODIES RECENTLY DELIVERED TO THE PUTNEY FOOD SHELF. The fifth graders are collecting for the month of November. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GENEROSITY. Also, a box is always outside Tammy's office for items. Linda

ART PAGE - Please visit the art page to see new work and announcements about Kindergarten,1st, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. We are looking forward to National French Week.

 TGS celebrates NATIONAL FRENCH WEEK Nov. 4-10

Friday, November 5, 6:30 pm - French movie and cr�pe night. Yum. The French film, Les Choristes (The Chorus) by Christophe Barratier, will be shown at TGS on Friday, Nov. 5, in French with English subtitles. This movie is a charming story of a teacher in an oppressive boys school, who sparks joy and creativity with his unconventional teaching style. Due to the subtitles, this film is only appropriate for grades 4 and above.

Friday, November 12, 7:00-9:00 pm - Family Dance with Keith Murphy - Keith will return to TGS to present a mix of French Canadian and English music for the dancing pleasure of the entire TGS community. Contras, squares, and other dances will be part of the evening's entertainment. If you have any questions, please call Madame Jo, extension 207. 

  YOPLAIT SAVES LIVES - 5th Grader Molly D. is collecting the pink lids from Yoplait yogurt containers to raise money for cancer research. Please bring your washed tops to the office so Tammy can get them to Molly. Check out the Yoplait website for more info.

SWEATSHIRTS and T-SHIRTS - Orders due Friday, November 10. Get your TGS apparel in time for the holidays! We also have dragon T-shirts and sweatshirts and 50th anniversary T-shirts in stock. Forms available on the website and outside Tammy's office. Ask Mary for details.


A Grammar School family is looking to purchase a modest home in the Putney or surrounding areas. If you know or hear of anything please contact the Jamieson's at 802-536-4668 or e-mail us at  


WOMEN'S NIGHT at the West Hill Shop - Sunday, November 7th from 4-6pm. The West Hill Shop, the Putney Food Coop, and ISIS are inviting you to a party of pampering. Indulge yourself with a moisturizing hand treatment scrub, cheeses, honey or chocolates provided by the Putney Coop. Save up to 20% on all women's clothing. Register for prizes! Bring a friend or just come meet other local active women who love to play outdoors. Hope to see you there! West Hill Shop, 49 Brickyard Lane, Putney, Vermont 05346, (802) 387-5718,; .

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury to be presented in Townshend

The Leland and Gray Players open their 15th season November 11-13 in the Dutton Gymnasium on the Leland and Gray campus, Rte. 30, Townshend.

In 1951 Ray Bradbury wrote a short story "The Fireman," that soon became the much touted Fahrenheit 451, a dystopian novel depicting a future society in America where reading is a crime and books are regularly burned on prescribed schedules. TGS alumni Emmet Mahdavi plays Guy Montag, the lead Fireman, burner of books.

Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for students available at the door. Performances are Thursday, November 11, 7PM; Friday November 12, 7:30PM; Saturday, 3PM; Saturday, 7:30PM. Information:;  802-365-7355 x 204. Student group discounts and study materials are available on request.

SOCCER OVER? Don't know what to do with your free afternoons? Register for music lessons at the Brattleboro Music Center and take advantage of the 2nd half of the fall semester. Polish up on your instrument, take up a new one, learn to use your singing voice, or join an ensemble - enrich your life with music. For more information and registration call the BMC at 802-257-4523 or visit

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tel: (802) 387-5364, main office ext 101
fax: (802) 387-4744
Quick Links
  Sports Schedule
Greenwood Tournaments
Bill Koch League


November 5
French Movie
Crepes by 8th grade
TGS Theater
6:30 pm

November 12
Family Dance
w/ Keith Murphy
TGS Theater
7:00-9:00 pm

November 24-28

November 29
Faculty In-Service

December 3
Ski/Skate Sale 3:15-5 pm

December 6
Opus 21 Concert

December 7
Winter Concert
6:30 pm
snowdate 12/14

December 15
Winter Concert
6:30 pm
snowdate 12/16

December 17
Noon Dismissal