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September 2011
In This Issue
Bet You Can't Swim Just One!
An Open Water Tour
Anxiety in Open Water
Plan Your Plate
USMS Masters Coach Certificaiton
Purdue Survey
Recently Moved?
Swim Parka Overview
Blueseventy Sponsorship
Really Cool Website
As Seen on Facebook
Meet Larry Day
We've Got Spirit!
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H2Open Series
H2Open Series
Coming up:

Big Shoulders 

Chicago, Ill., Sept. 10  


Tropical Splash 

Sarasota, Fla., Oct. 1


For more information, check our H2Open page, and sign up today!
Go The Distance
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All American Swim  Supply

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Do you have a story to tell? We are always interested in hearing from our members about their swimming experiences. We may feature your story on the Web, in STREAMLINES, or in SWIMMER magazine. Write to us at
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Summer is over, and you are probably getting some late season open water swims in and getting ready for short course meters and yards. Get together with your coach to plan your fall training. Don't have a coach? Check out the USMS Discussion Forums for workouts from USMS coaches, as well as advice from your fellow swimmers across the country.


Swimming for Life!
Your Friends at U.S. Masters Swimming
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Bet You Can't Swim Just One!

Lap Swim

If you were one of the nearly 3000 swimmers who entered the 2011 USMS 1-Hour Postal Swim (OHP), then you have a chance to do what very few swimmers do each year: complete the USMS Postal Challenge and earn the most elusive patch of all for the accomplishment.


What is this thing? The Postal Challenge goes like this: USMS holds five long distance postal championships each year: the 1-Hour, 5K, 10K, and the 3000- and 6000-yard events. Swimmers who complete all five championships in the same year will be sent a participation patch to honor their achievement. Read more... 


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An Open Water Tour of New York: From Coney Island to Lake Placid
by Laura S. Jones

Open water

"It izz hen onnah!"


The thick New York accent didn't keep me from understanding the grinning kayaker in aviator sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat. I was fighting the current and about 500 yards from the finish of the 5K Open Water National Championship at Coney Island, hosted by the Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers. This kayaker-I never got his name-was yelling at the top of his lungs over and over: "Swim to the red boat, then you'll see the white buoy. You're almost there!" I popped up to make sure I understood and then thanked him profusely for his efforts. (I'm rarely in a race for anything in open water races, so I can talk to the kayakers. Mostly I ask if I am last.) Read more... 


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Anxiety in Open Water Swimming
by Mallory Mead

Mallory MeadAnxiety in open water swimming is something that most everyone encounters at some point, even the elites. The three most common reasons for the anxiety include cold-water exposure, water conditions, and competitor contact. While it may not be something that you can completely eliminate, you can learn to manage it. Here are a few tips: Read more...
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Plan Your Plate
by Amanda Telford

Swimmers have chosen an exercise that is a little more preparation intensive than say, running. We can't just throw on our suits and head out the door: we need to get to the pool, suit up, brace ourselves for cold-ish water, jump in and swim. The back end is similar; we need to shower to get the chlorine off and then put ourselves back together again. Read more...
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USMS Masters Coach Certification

USMS CertificationAre you the person who writes the workouts for your group and helps your lanemates with their strokes? Do you enjoy seeing others make progress? Maybe you would be interested in becoming certified as a Masters coach?

There are two upcoming opportunities to learn more:

ASCA World Clinic in San Diego, Sept. 6-11
USAS Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. Sept. 14 
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Purdue University Survey for Female Swimmers 60 and Over

PurdueKathy Berlin is doctoral student at Purdue University interested in finding out why women over the age of 60 continue to be active as they get older.

The research has two components, an initial survey that asks about activity participation, health status, and the role of a particular activity in helping individuals obtain personal goals. The second component is a one-on-one interview about swimming and the meaning or reasons for swimming. Survey link...
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Have You Recently Moved?

USA MapHelp us keep your membership record up to date. Use our online form to submit changes to your address or email address. Just go to, click the red "Join/Renew" button, and choose "Update your current USMS registration information."

You can also use this link to look up your current USMS registration number, or to print a new membership card.
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Missed an Issue of STREAMLINES?

Streamlines for VolunteersWe now have all back issues of STREAMLINES, STREAMLINES for Coaches and STREAMLINES for Volunteers available for viewing on

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Swim Parka Overview
by the Professionals at

ParkaSwim parkas aren't the sleekest piece of swimwear seen on the pool deck, nor are they the cheapest ... but they just may be one of the most useful. Parkas are part winter jacket, part blanket, part changing room, and part gear storage unit. Kind of like a wearable blanket for people who work out a lot. And smell like chlorine.


Swim parkas are unisex outerwear pieces, designed to keep swimmers warm before and after practices, and also between events at swim meets. The universal components of a parka are a water resistant exterior, a large hood, fleece lining, pockets, and a zipper down the front. Using that basic framework, many companies have taken their swim parkas one step further, incorporating new fabrics, extra pockets, customization options, and lightning rods. Just kidding about the lightning rods. Read More...  

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Blueseventy Sponsorship Winners

blueseventy Congratulations to Ellen Bennett and John Carlson, who won a blueseventy sponsorship at the 2012 USMS Summer National Championships. Both these swimmers showed improvement through the course of the year, had a great meet in Auburn, and entered the blueseventy competition. And because of their great season they earned a 2012 blueseventy sponsorship. Way to go Ellen and John. Make sure you register next year for your chance at a 2013 sponsorship. Look for more information leading up to the spring and summer nationals.

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Really Cool Website of the Month

This month's Really Cool Website is the Columbus Sharks in Ohio. They do a great job of keeping their team organized and informed.

Columbus Sharks

To be considered for RCWOM, please make sure that your team's website includes the current USMS logo and Join/Renew membership button. You may submit your team name and web address to the USMS for consideration at  

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As Seen on the USMS Facebook Page

Facebook 100" interviews certified USMS Masters coach Scott Bay of Team Blu Frog" Check it out!

Become a Fan! We are over 13,000+ fans strong at the official USMS Facebook Fan Page! Join the party and suggest our page to all of your friends.
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Meet Larry Day: Heart Attack Survivor and Masters World Record Holder
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We've Got Spirit!

Jenny Birmelin, swim coach for Ford Athletic Swim and Triathlon Club, became the first Michigan woman to successfully swim the English Channel. Way to go Jenny!
Jenny Swim 


Dive in at USMS.ORG

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About U.S. Masters Swimming

U.S. Masters Swimming, founded in 1970, is a membership-operated national governing body that promotes adult health, fitness, wellness and competition through aquatics. It does so by partnering with more than 1,000 adult swim programs across the country; promoting information via the bi-monthly member magazine, SWIMMER, monthly e-newsletter, STREAMLINES, and; and by sanctioning and promoting pool, open water and virtual competitions. More than 50,000 adults are registered members of U.S. Masters Swimming.

U.S. Masters Swimming encourages all U.S. Masters Swimming members to subscribe to STREAMLINES, however if you would rather not receive this update, please do not click the unsubscribe button, as that will remove you from all other U.S. Masters Swimming National Office mailings. Rather, please click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this email. Here you can select to discontinue your STREAMLINES service or sign up for the monthly coaches' newsletter, STREAMLINES for Coaches, and/or STREAMLINES for Volunteers, a quarterly publication

Header photo by Cokie Lepinski.