Streamlines Header Copyright
December 2010
In This Issue
Online Coaching Application
Top Down A-lign-ment
Why I Love Swimming
Registration is Open
2011 One Hour Postal
2011 Check Off Challenge
As Seen On Facebook
Chammyz Special Offer
We've Got Spirit!
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Really Cool Website of the Month
Auburn Masters is getting ready to host the 2011 USMS Summer Nationals. Check out their awesome website at:
       Auburn Masters Logo
To be considered for RCWOM, please make sure that your team's website includes the current USMS logo and Join/Renew membership button. You may submit your team name and web address to the USMS for consideration at
Go the Distance
Swimmer of the Month
Patti Vollmer

Fitness Article
of the Month

That's What Friends Are For
Our Partners Support YOU!
Please Support Them

Agon Swim

All American Swim Supply




Colorado Time Systems

Endless Pools

2010 Finis Logo Black
All American Swim Supply
Hammer Nutrition

Kastaway Swimwear

Kiefer Swim Shop

Nike New 5_27


Ultra Swim
Affinity Partners

Bank of America
All American Swim  Supply

All American Swim  Supply

Fit Magnet

All American Swim  Supply

Liberty Mutual
Media Partners

Growing Boulder

Bearcat Masters

Swim Network
         Member Benefits
  • Exclusive info and content
  • Fitness/participation programs
  • Competition programs
  • Coaching
  • Recognition and awards
  • Insurance
  • Volunteerism
  • Grants
  • Partner discounts
What About You?
Do you have a story to tell? We are always interested in hearing from our members about their swimming experiences. We may feature your story on the Web, in STREAMLINES, or in SWIMMER magazine. Write to us at
Join Our Mailing List

We are amazed that 2010 flew past as quickly as it did. Each year USMS looks for ways to increase the value of your membership, and 2011 will be no different.

To our entire USMS family-- The staff and Board of Directors extend our sincere thank you for your participation in U.S. Masters Swimming and our best wishes for a warm and safe holiday season.

Swimming for Life!

Your Friends at U.S. Masters Swimming
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Online Coaching Application

Coach ServicesThe USMS Online Coaching Program provides regular themed practices from qualified coaches to interested members through the USMS website. Applications for the 2011 program are now being accepted. Coaches who wish to participate in this program may download an application in PDF format. The application deadline is December 20, 2010.
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Top Down A-lign-ment
by Hermine Terhorst

The coolest thing about being a Masters coach is the diversity of swimmers that you coach in any workout. From the beginners in lane one to swimmers who have spent their entire lives coming to workouts in lane 5.

From the deck the most obvious difference between lane 1 and 5 is alignment. Read more

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Why I Love Swimming
by Bob Singer

Robert SingerI was 60 years old, 5'-10", and pushing 200 pounds a year ago. My blood pressure was 140/90, and my physician said we'd watch it for six months and put me on medication if it stayed elevated. I had been an avid cyclist and runner, but had to give them up about 12 years ago because of arthritis that resulted in a total hip replacement five years previously... My body mass index put me squarely in the "overweight" category. I was depressed about aging and my growing gut. My future looked like a steady decline into heart disease and obesity. Read More
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USMS Registration Continues

Join Renew ButtonThe 2011 registration year has been opened. We are excited to announce that this year, for the first time ever, our sponsors are offering exclusive membership incentives. If you renew before December 31, 2010, you will receive personalized discount codes, worth more than $30.00 in savings, from these sponsors:

Barracuda: 10% off total purchase
blueseventy: $15.00 off purchase of $30.00 or more
Finis: $10.00 off total purchase
Fitness Nutrition: 20% off total purchase
Hammer Nutrition: $5.00 off total purchase 10% discount on Sporti and ClubSwim products
TRISWIM: 30% off total purchase
TYR: 20% off total purchase

Join or Renew Today!

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Speedo One Hour Postal National Championship

2011 One Hour PostalSome people do the One Hour Postal for competition, while others do it for fitness; all who wish to participate are welcome. This event runs from January 1st to January 31st, 2011. The objective is to swim as far as possible in one hour in any pool you choose that is 25 yards or longer. Your event results are to be sent in electronically or by mail so you can compare yourself to other swimmers doing the same event. The recorded distance (total yards swum) that you submit determines the order of finish. If two or more swimmers report the same distance, a tie will be declared.

This year's One-Hour Postal National Championships is hosted by the Tualatin Hills Barracudas. This is a USMS sanctioned event and all participants must be registered for 2011 with USMS (or the equivalent organization for non-U.S. swimmers). Foreign swimmers are not eligible for USMS records or All-American status. A copy of your current 2011 registration card must accompany your entry.
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The Chesapeake Bay Check-Off Challenge

Check off ChallengeThe Check-off Challenge is a postal event designed to motivate swimmers to complete 18 "pool" events and an "open water swim" during the 2011 calendar year. It challenges all levels of swimmers. Novice swimmers can swim new events. Experienced swimmers can try for their personal best times in as many events as practical. Simply "Check-off" each swim on your t-shirt when you complete the event.

This year's Check-off Challenge is hosted by the Maryland Masters Swim Team. The entry deadline is December 31 for shirt delivery in January. This monthly format continues until September 30, 2011.
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As Seen On Facebook!

Facebook 100If you have not become a fan of our facebook page, make sure you do today and catch some great updates, articles and communicate with others in the Masters swimming community

Recent Post from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Swimming is the third most popular sports activity in the United States and a good way to get regular aerobic physical activity. Just two and a half hours per week of aerobic physical activity, such as swimming, bicycling, or running can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses. This can also lead to improved health for people with diabetes and heart disease. Swimmers have about half the risk of death compared with inactive people. People report enjoying water-based exercise more than exercising on land. They can also exercise longer in water than on land without increased effort or joint or muscle pain. Read more
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USMS Special Offer

Chammyz bomberGet your USMS embroidered Chammyz at a fraction of the retail price with our exclusive USMS offer of $59.99 (plus embroidery). Chammyz are available in ten different colors and five different sizes so you can find comfort in whatever style that fits you.
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We've Got Spirit!
by Metropolitan Masters Swimming

The Metropolitan LMSC put on a New York (Red Caps) vs. New Jersey (Blue Caps) "Duel in the Pool" at Nassau County Aquatics Center. Great idea and great fun had by all. Photo Gallery courtesy of Lisa Baumann of Aquafit Masters.

Duel 1
Duel 2

Dive in at USMS.ORG

new logo

About U.S. Masters Swimming

U.S. Masters Swimming, founded in 1970, is a membership-operated national governing body that promotes adult health, fitness, wellness and competition through aquatics. It does so by partnering with more than 1,000 adult swim programs across the country; promoting information via the bi-monthly member magazine, SWIMMER, monthly e-newsletter, STREAMLINES, and; and by sanctioning and promoting pool, open water and virtual competitions. More than 50,000 adults are registered members of U.S. Masters Swimming.

U.S. Masters Swimming encourages all U.S. Masters Swimming members to subscribe to STREAMLINES, however if you would rather not receive this update, please do not click the unsubscribe button, as that will remove you from all other U.S. Masters Swimming National Office mailings. Rather, please click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this email. Here you can select to discontinue your STREAMLINES service or sign up for the monthly coaches' newsletter, STREAMLINES for Coaches, and/or STREAMLINES for Volunteers, a quarterly publication

Header photo by Cokie Lepinski.