Member News From
Behind the Blocks

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In This Issue
Balancing Act: Dara Torres
Tech Suit Q&A
Taper Time
We've Got Spirit
Preparing for the Open Water
Calendar Updates
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click here to read why Lisa Freed swims...

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Alexandria Masters Swimming

Alexandria, VA

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Go The Distance Swimmers of the Month!

Dan Slick, Sandy Mitchel, Larry Lengle, Cameron Sullivan

Click here for more information about Go The Distance and other U.S. Masters Swimming fitness events.

It's not too late to register for the Short Course Nationals Social!

SC Nationals-Clovis Logo small

 Click here for more information

The deadline to register for the Short Course Nationals Social is April 21, 2009

You don't want to miss this!

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Do you have what it takes to be a part of the future of U.S. Masters Swimming?

To learn more about the current members of the U.S. Masters Swimming Executive Committee and read about their favorite projects, skill sets and their advice for the future Executive Committee members read the Featured Articles series,
"A Day in the Life of the U.S. Masters Swimming Executive Committee."

Click here for more information regarding the 2009 U.S. Masters Swimming Executive Committee elections.

Don't delay, the nomination deadline is April 30th!

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We are always looking for stories and personalities to feature on and in USMS Swimmer.  If you or someone you know would like to see their story featured click here to contact us!

endless pool contest
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This is our fourth issue of Member News From Behind the Blocks.  We hope you continue to enjoy the stories, training information and special opportunities from our sponsors presented in Member News From Behind the Blocks!

Swimming for Life!
Your friends at U.S. Masters Swimming

Balancing Act:
Dara Torres on Motherhood, Swimming and a Book Tour

An Exclusive Dara Torres Interview with U.S. Masters Swimming
by Ashley Gangloff

Most Masters swimmers know what it is like to do the parenthood balancing act.  We know how to run errands, stop by the grocery store on the way home from work, carpool the kids and make it to the bank by 5:00 all while planning dinner, crossing tasks off of the "to-do" list and hoping for one measly hour to make it to the pool for a swim.   Dara Torres is no different.  Actually she is one of us.
Dara's book
Most of us know Dara as the superstar 41-year old Olympic stud.  Yes, she is all of that, but at the beginning of the day, like all of us, she is a swimmer and at the end of the day, like many of you, she is a parent.  Dara, a long-time Masters Swimming advocate and U.S. Masters Swimming member, set aside time to chat with us about motherhood, swimming and her upcoming book more


Technical Suit Q&A
by Kathy Casey

FINA (Federation Internationale de Natation) is the international federation recognized by the International Olympic Committee for administering international competition in aquatic sports. U.S. Masters Swimming is a member of FINA and agrees to abide by its competition policies in both domestic and international competition.  As the sport of swimming continues to evolve, questions regarding technology continues to arise.  Kathy Casey, U.S. Masters Swimming Rules Committee Chair has provided the following Q&A to reflect the U.S. Masters Swimming interpretation of the recently posted FINA Dubai Charter.

: Can I wear a regular racing suit that is not a body suit?  
Answer: Yes, suits introduced prior to September 30, 2007, are legal for competition.
Question: Can I wear my LZR, blueseventy or TYR technical suit at short course nationals in May or long course nationals in August?
Answer: At this point questions about suits (those introduced after September 30, 2007) for nationals cannot be answered because the new list of FINA-approved suits has not been published nor is there a set date for publication of that list by FINA.  Until FINA  publishes the new list of approved suits, the current status of approved or rejected suits is in effect;therefore, your LZR, blueseventy and TYR technical suit is currently approved for competition until the new FINA list is published.  However, should USMS officially receive information that any of currently marketed suits introduced after September 30, 2007, have been rejected by FINA, those suits will no longer be considered legal.
Question: Why can't questions about suits for nationals be answered now?  
Answer: According to the Dubai Charter (published by FINA 03/15/09), manufacturers must resubmit their suits for approval by March 31, 2009.  The suits will be retested under a new system for buoyancy (no more than 1 Newton), material (no thicker than 1 mm), and construction (no trapping of air), just to mention a few criteria.  At the point of publication by FINA of newly approved suits, the questions about legal suits for nationals can be answered. 

Question: How will this impact Masters competitors?   
Answer: That LZR, TYR or blueseventy technical suit you bought after September 30, 2007, is legal at this moment, but it could be illegal after the new FINA-approved swimsuit list is published.  Regardless of the new list, that old Fastskin that you have will be legal since it was introduced prior to September 30, 2007.   
Question: My coach is forcing me to swim the 1650 Free as a training swim. Can I wear a drag suit over my jammers?  
Answer: No.  Although wearing an extra drag suit may not be perceived as having an advantage, FINA guidelines state that only one swimsuit is permitted to be worn in competition.
Question: Does "one suit for competition" mean I can only wear one suit for the whole meet?
Answer: No.  You can change suits during the meet, but you can only wear one suit at a time.  This restriction applies only to the actual races (competition).  You can wear more than one suit during warm-up and warm-down.  This restriction applies to all types,
makes, and models of swim suits, but it is not intended to apply to athletic supporters or modesty type wear (a single pair of "briefs" or "bikini bottoms or top" or a sports bra worn to ensure modesty and privacy).

CLICK HERE for a complete explanation of the new U.S. Masters Swimming swimwear interpretation.

Taper Time:
The Doctor's Prescription

by Jim Miller, MD

It's show time, baby! That means it is time to put it all together, physically and mentally.  Dr. Jim Miller lays out the prescription for taper success... read more

We've Got Spirit!

During a challenge set of 100x100's, these Masters swimmers needed a little refueling... oranges anyone?

CLICK HERE to read more about the Elmbrook Masters' 100x100's challenge set

oranges anyone?

Elmbrook Masters; Brookfield, WI
Front row: Carrie Haberstich, Trina Schaetz, Audrey Go, Mary Schneider, Peter Nowak
Row 2: Jocelyn Rau, Julie VanCleave, Krista VanEnkenvoort, Bill Morales, Sarah Schneider
Row 3: Maurice Tetzlaff, Mike McClusky, Darryl Stich, John-Eric Andersson, Jerry Huhn, Mike Murry, Mike Jacobsen, Arianne Picl, Curt Paulsen

To see yourself, your coaches, or your program featured send us a photo that displays outstanding spirit to

Preparing for the Open Water:

by Marcia Cleveland

This  English Channel swimmer dishes about her busy life, her open water training regimen and tips for you as we head into the open water season... read more
Visit Today!

Calendar Updates: April/May

Approximate mailing date for May/June issue of USMS SWIMMER

Deadline for submission of information to be included in the spring issue of Streamlines... from the National Office

Deadline for nominations for U.S. Masters Swimming Executive Committee officer positions

Other deadlines this month
Article ideas for Sept/Oct issue of USMS SWIMMER due to USMS Editor (Bill Volckening;

U.S. Masters Swimming Short Course National Championship

Ransom Arthur Award Winner announced

USMS 1-Mile Open Water Championship

Deadline for swimmers to be registered to receive the July/August issue of USMS SWIMMER

Election Committee accepts nominations for any positions without candidates

SwimFest '09

Open Water: Winter Workouts for Summer Success

About U.S. Masters Swimming

U.S. Masters Swimming, founded in 1971, is a membership-operated national governing body that promotes adult health, fitness and wellness through aquatics.  It does so by partnering with more than 1,000 adult swim clubs across the country that offer swim/fitness programs, promoting information via a bi-monthly member magazine and, and sanctioning and promoting pool, open water and virtual competitions.  Nearly 50,000 adults are registered members of U.S. Masters Swimming.

About "Member News from Behind the Blocks"
U.S. Masters Swimming encourages all U.S. Masters Swimming members to subscribe to "Member News from Behind the Blocks", however if you would rather not receive this update, please do not click the unsubscribe button, as that will remove you from all other U.S. Masters Swimming National Office mailings.  Rather, please click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this email. Here you can select to discontinue your "Member News from Behind the Blocks" service or sign up for the U.S. Masters Swimming coaches' newsletter, "News from the Deck" and "Featured Articles," a weekly update.