No Batteries Required
Technology can be a wonderful thing. Advances allow us to save time & energy while increasing conveniences in every-day life. We're able to share emails like this at the click of a button. With that said, however, it is important to remember that there are many things in life that technologies cannot replace.
On the subject of musculoskeletal health, technology cannot usurp the body's need for motion. For those still waiting for the wonder-pill to replace a brisk walk or waiting for surgical intervention to replace the need for a body to move better, the news is not good. When technology is inserted where nature and biology have already designed a body without flaws, the system is bound to be compromised.
Don't get me wrong, given the fact that surgical procedures have improved and are not as barbaric is a wonderful thing. And when needed, a successful procedure can seem miraculous. What I'm talking about here is attempting to replace proper function or fix improper structural alignment with surgeries that replace or remove parts.
Your body has basic requirements for maintaining health and eliminating pain. Movement is one of those requirements. (Think "Move it or lose it"). When we stop moving or ignore pain, we are doing a disservice to our body's request for help. Finding the reason for the pain or why the running, walking or other activity is painful is necessary to get on the path towards fixing it (instead of waiting for surgery to fix it).
So, the message is simple. Listen to your body. When pain comes on, investigate why it is there and find that out before opting for technology to solve the issue. We all have been given a gift called healing. And the body can and will heal if we identify the reason for symptoms and give the body what it needs.
Egoscue can help you identify what is causing your pain. You can come into a clinic for a free consultation or get started by reading one of Pete Egoscue's books. I recommend "Pain Free" if you have symptoms. You can also get started with the exercises on Call to set up your free consultation and find out what the best path is for your personal condition at 310-450-2549.
"Joy & Happiness is the natural state for a healthy human being."
For more from Pete Egoscue, follow him on Twitter:
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