We hope you are enjoying the summer with great weather locally or enjoying travel to fun places with friends & family. This is where you should be enjoying the fruits of your diligence in keeping consistent with your E-cises. Keep it up! If we can help, let us know. -PS
Site of the Pain is rarely the Source of the Problem
As you can imagine, we see a wide variety of symptoms here at the Egoscue Method clinic. It takes an Egoscue Method therapist years to learn how to approach the body with the correct perspective. Treating the site of the pain isolated from the rest of the body rarely works as a long-term cure.
In the classic Western model of therapy, many times the symptom dictates the treatment. For example, if you come in with knee or low back pain, diagnostic tests will be done to evaluate the extent of trauma in the area of complaint. Finding out if cartilage, ligament and/or muscle strain or damage is present is the major focus. In many cases, a strain, sprain or trauma is found and treated to repair the damaged area. No damage, no problem... right?
Well, not completely. If (in the cases where the diagnostic tests actually find tissue damage) the area is treated without investigating the CAUSE of the problem, the pain will return in due time. Here are a couple examples:
1. Mary comes into the clinic after being diagnosed with an arthritic hip. After a couple of years of doing exercises to stretch and strengthen the hip, the problem has not resolved. In fact, all of the work in the hip has made the problem worse to the point that she feels pain sitting in the car and getting up from sitting. Coming into Egoscue and being evaluated, the therapist recognizes a pattern of dysfunction that has the shoulders and trunk working instead of the hip, creating imbalance, stress and pain. On the first visit, she is able to decrease the imbalance present through the WHOLE body (versus isolating the hip) and walks smoother, taller and with less pain!
 2. Joe came in with neck pain after his chiropractor referred him to Egoscue. He spent years taking meds and applying heat to help relieve his neck tension. While he has seen some relief, his doctor recognizes that he can use some exercises to reinforce the chiropractic work. The goals of balancing the hips (the foundation of the spine), realign the spine to the functional S-curve, and bring the head back over the shoulders are shared goals between the chiro and Egoscue therapist as both recognize treating the neck in and by itself will not produce curative effects. The Egoscue e-cises allow Joe to not just feel better temporarily, but correct the imbalances through the body that put the neck out in the first place by tapping into proper functioning of his muscles.
"Effective therapies treat the body as a whole," Pete Egoscue has always said. The Egoscue paradigm of treating the underlying dysfunctions and problems throughout the body will help you solve the problem and cure it versus treating symptoms only to see them return or evolve into multiple issues.
You can get started by reading one of Pete Egoscue's books. I recommend "Pain Free" if you have symptoms. You can also get started with the exercises on or, better yet, call to set up your free consultation and find out what the best path is for your personal condition at 310-450-2549.
"Wellness is not the absence of pain...but the absence of limitations."
Upcoming Events
Function Fridays in August - Join us at Palisades Park 4:00 PM on Friday afternoons for a Patch workout. Come out and have some fun while getting functional at the same time! Group Posture Class - Tue & Thur; 8:00-9:00 AM. Increase your energy! Improve your posture! Get moving in the morning! Patch Fitness Class - Mon, Wed, Fri mornings 8:00-9:00 AM. Find out what the Patch is all about. Get in shape while having fun!
Pain Free Workshop - Tuesday, July 28; 6:00-7:00 PM. Discover the link between posture & pain, as well as go through posture-corrective exercises you can use for yourself and others. Attendees receive a copy of Pain Free by Pete Egoscue! For more information, email or call 310-450-2549.
3rd Annual Evening of Independence
To benefit Donate Life AmericaSAT. JULY 25 at 8:00 PM (Pre-show 6:30 PM) at Ford Theatres Discover the most talented emerging singer/songwriters in this music
festival featuring the hottest new artists and special guests, include Rocco DeLuca and The Burden, Alex Band ( The Calling), Ingram Hill, Chris Pierce and more!
For tickets; or call 323.461.3673
Presented by Koffeehouse Music Productions LLC
You should not have to live in pain. Find out more on how you can tap into the healing potential of your own body - without drugs and without surgery. The Egoscue Method is a non-medical approach to healing and wellness that focuses on the cause of the problem versus the site of the pain. Call today to set up a visit or a consultation.
Paul Schell
Egoscue Santa Monica
FUNCTION FRIDAYS at Palisades Park
In August, you are invited to join us at Palisades Park near the Santa Monica Pier for Function Fridays. We will be doing Patch workouts -- fun, functional exercise training that restores and invigorates the body and mind.
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