Sciatica got you down?
Anyone who's had sciatica will tell you it's no fun. Trying to find a comfortable position where it doesn't feel like the leg is on fire can be a rough road. While sciatica may have you down, it may be that your hip is up.
Sciatica is the condition where the nerve is being impinged either at the spine, sacrum or hip level and radiates pain down the back, buttocks and leg. It can be the result of habitual misalignment or start with an accident. Some will feel burning and others numbness, sometimes traveling partially down the back of the leg and sometimes all the way to the foot.
While there are variations of sciatica, one of the common posture deviations seen with sciatica is an elevated hip. The imbalance of hip and back muscles leaves the body susceptible to a variety of injuries (such as knee strains, fallen arches of the feet, neck or low back pain), of which sciatica is one of the worse. And while rest, medication or generalized stretching may provide short-term relief, the long-term solution involves correcting the imbalance at the root of the problem.  If you or someone you know has sciatica, take a look at their hip position and take notice if one hip is higher than the other. While the pain may be coming from the back, the problem is coming from the lack of symmetrical function between the hips. The body works as a unit. And, if your sciatica is gone and your hips are still imbalance, the pain will unfortunately come back again. The best approach is to use a program that works on the whole body. The Egoscue Method can provide this.
The three "R's" of The Egoscue Method:
- Rediscover the body's design
- Restore function
- Return to health
Clinic Events
Egoscue Morning Class - Mon-Fri; 8:00-9:00 AM. Get your day started by improving your posture, function & energy! Join us at 8:00 AM Monday through Friday for our group class. P3 Workshop - Saturday, April 25; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Join us for a 1-day learning experience that introduces the fundamentals of Egoscue. We will cover the links between Posture, Pain & Performance, as well as go through posture-corrective exercises you can use for yourself or for others. Enroll in the P3 Workshop by calling us at 310-450-2549 or at For more information on these classes, email or call 310-450-2549.