The Egoscue Method
News & Updates
March 2009
Time to spring forward into action as the days get longer (finally!) What a great time to get back on track moving your body, enjoying the colorful surroundings the recent rains have provided. Remember, the body adheres to the "use it or lose it" principle.  And if you're not moving it, you're losing it (and fast).  If you need some help getting going, let us know and we can help.
The "Wall Test"
It's just a wall. But what it represents is the vertical plane in which the body should line up. In the clinic, we'll use the "Wall Test" to help clients get a sense of why they suffer from headaches, TMJ, tinnitus, neck tension, or other symptoms related to misaligned posture.

Try this simple test for yourself or with a friend. Better yet, if you have children, try it on them and see if they are building a functional body currently.

StandingThe Wall Test: Stand with your back to a wall -- heels, hips and shoulder blades touching. Is your head touching the wall too?

If your head is not touching and you have to force it back (some will not even be able to do this), then you have a good understanding of why symptoms mentioned above may be present and why you may have trouble with one or more of the following; lifting your arms completely overhead (you can try this against the wall too), turning to look behind you while backing up the car, getting a good night's sleep, shallow breathing, limited range of motion on your golf swing, and so on.

Keep in mind that the body works as a unit. Treating your neck or medicating for a headache is not the cure, and is simply treating symptom versus addressing the cause. Get your posture aligned from head to toe with a program that works on the whole body.

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
Clinic Events

Posture Alignment Group Class - Mon-Fri; 8:00-9:00 AM. Start your days off by improving your posture and overall function while limiting your exposure to injury. Classes are $15 each or $100 monthly.

Pain Free Workshop - Tues, Mar 10; 6:30-7:30 PM. Bring friends or others you know to introduce them to the Egoscue Method. A great opportunity to meet our therapists and learn how Egoscue can help them live pain free.
You should not have to live in pain. Find out more on how you can tap into the healing potential of your own body - without drugs and without surgery. The Egoscue Method is a non-medical approach to healing that focuses on the cause of the problem versus the site of the pain. Call today to set up a visit or a consultation with a therapist.
Paul Schell
The Egoscue Method - Santa Monica
In This Issue
The Wall Test
Clinic Events
Education Events
Education Workshops

EU 25

Learn the Method here in Santa Monica! Participants will learn posture assessment and exercise implementation for helping themselves and others.
Enroll in the P3 Workshop for a 1-day learning experience that introduces you to the fundamentals of Egoscue. Next P3:
Saturday, April 25; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Enroll in the PAS-I Seminar to become certified by Egoscue University. Students must first complete the PAS-I online courses. Next PAS-I:
Fri-Sun, March 13-15;
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Find out more at:
Call to enroll or email:
[email protected]
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Free Consultation
Do you have a friend or family member who deserves the same quality service that you received to get out of pain and regain control of their life? Forward this email to them and let them know that they can come in for a free consultation and posture screening to see if the Egoscue Method is right for them.
Don't let them live in pain any longer!
Call 310-450-2549 or Email [email protected]