The Egoscue Method
News & Updates
February 2009
The new year has started with a smooth transition of our clinic to the new location in Santa Monica. We are up and running at full speed now and are excited to offer more programs and services for the community. We hope you'll join us!
Getting off on the right foot
With new year's resolutions come well-intended exercise programs to get in shape, shed a few pounds, or tone up. Unfortunately, many times the barrier is not will-power, aerobic threshold, or a lack of strength but rather the onset of pain. And while you should expect to feel some soreness from working out, pain is another story. To remove the unintended, negative consequence of pain symptoms, correct the underlying function and your posture. You will then be able to not only work out pain free but get optimal results and maximize your time spent on workouts.

One of the major areas of concern is the gluteals (or butt muscles) to firm and work effectively. Most people with dysfunctional posture, however, are unable to even activate their gluteal muscles.

Here's a quick test: Lie on your Bridgeback with your knees bent and raise your hips off the floor. Where do you feel the work? Hamstrings cramp? Back muscles tighten? You should feel this in the gluteal muscles without having to even think about it. If not, then you are not facilitating proper muscles and will be unable to tone the areas you'd like. Fix your posture, however, and you'll be using these stabilizers every step you take and be able to firm up in your workouts.
Patch Fitness Group Classes
You've asked for it and now you've got it!

6:30 AM Patch Fitness - Get your day off to a great start and join us in the morning for a Patch Fitness workout. For those looking for more of a challenge and a fun, different approach to getting in shape, this class is for you. For more, see

8:00 AM Posture Group Classes - If you're looking for a class more suitable for postural alignment and maintaining proper function, this class is for you. This is suitable for all ages and fitness levels to improve not only your posture but also increase your balance, coordination, energy level and overall function.

Both classes are offered Monday - Friday.
You should not have to live in pain. Find out more on how you can tap into the healing potential of your own body - without drugs and without surgery. The Egoscue Method is a non-medical approach to healing that focuses on the cause of the problem versus the site of the pain. Call today to set up a visit or a consultation with a therapist.
Paul Schell
The Egoscue Method - Santa Monica
In This Issue
Getting off on the right foot
Patch Fitness
Education Events
Education Workshops

EU 25

Learn the Method here in Santa Monica! Participants will learn posture assessment and exercise implementation for helping themselves and others.
Enroll in the P3 Workshop for a 1-day learning experience that introduces you to the fundamentals of Egoscue. Next P3:
Saturday, February 28; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Enroll in the PAS-I Seminar to become certified by Egoscue University. Students must first complete the PAS-I online courses. Next PAS-I:
Fri-Sun, March 13-15;
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Find out more at:
Call to enroll or email:
[email protected]
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Free Consultation
Do you know someone who deserves the same quality level of service as you received to get out of pain and regain charge of their life? Forward this email to them and let them know that they can come in for a free consultation to see if the Egoscue Method is right for them. Don't let them live in pain any longer!
Call 310-478-0457 or Email [email protected]