P.O. BOX 20102  -  TOWSON, MD  21284-0102


New in this issue:
2011 Session: Status Update
Senator Frosh Files Anti-Gun Legislation - Committee Hearings Scheduled
HB 9 Carry Permit Reciprocity - After Action Report
Gun Bills Filed
Useful Links During the 2011 Session - UPDATED!
Maryland Legislative Information Service - 2011 Session New Features
Civic Action Email System - New and Improved!
When Your Hard Drive Crashes...all is not always lost!
2011 Session: Status Update

As predicted, the gun bills began appearing in the second week of the Session. We are seeing the normal fare, including the expected exploitation of the Tuscon shooting by Senator Frosh. Delegate Ana Sol
Gutierrez is jumping on the anti-gun agenda with what is expected to be a crossfiled House bill identical to Senator Frosh's SB 162.

What is unusual this Session is the number of crossfiled bills with 8 of the 13 bills filed to date being crossfiled. Depending on whether or not the House Judiciary Committee holds its hearings on the same day as the Senate Judicial Committee this could make our task more or less difficult.


We are currently reviewing several of this year's "anti crime" bills to see what mischief may be lurking in the details.

Senator Frosh Files Anti-Gun Legislation - Committee Hearings Scheduled

While it may not be the main event for this session, the first "Gun Bill Day" will be in the Senate on Thursday, February 10, 2011. This is somewhat early in the Session so it appears that Senator Frosh, Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee is eager to promote his anti-2nd Amendment agenda. Be sure to check the new bill information and hearing links in the
Useful Links During the 2011 Session section below.
HB 9 Carry Permit Reciprocity - Hearing - After Action Report

The hearing went quite well. Most notable were the number of pointed questions asked of the Maryland State Police.

Click here to view the "standard" video recording of the HB 9 hearing.

Click here to view the "Silverlight" video recording of the HB 9 hearing.
Click here to read or download HB9  (Note: West Virginia was omitted by Legislative Services and will be added to the scope of the bill by way of amendment when Delegate Smigiel introduces his bill before the Committee.)

Your support is STILL needed to advance this bill. Last session, this same legislation failed in a 10-10 tie vote. Please focus your efforts on the following members of the committee (remember to keep your communications polite and respectful):

Click here to E-mail members the House Judiciary Committee

Gun Bills Filed


The following gun bills have been filed to date. They are listed below categorized under bills we should support or oppose.


NOTE: Clicking on the bill number will link you to the MLIS bill information page. Clicking on the bill title will link you to the actual bill text.


Synopsis:  Specifying that a license to carry a regulated firearm, including a concealed regulated firearm, issued to an individual by Delaware, Pennsylvania, or Virginia is valid in Maryland.

HEARING DATE: heard on 01-25-2011 SUPPORT

HB 91

Courts - Bankruptcy - Arms

Synopsis:  Authorizing a person to claim an exemption in specified bankruptcy proceedings for arms in an amount not to exceed $2,000 in value; and applying the Act prospectively.
HEARING DATE: none scheduled  SUPPORT 


HB 252 - SB 239 (crossfiled bills)

Crimes - Possession of Loaded Handgun or Regulated Firearm - Enhanced Penalties

Synopsis: Prohibiting a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun loaded with ammunition on or about the person or in a vehicle under specified circumstances; prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm loaded with ammunition under specified circumstances or if the person is under the age of 21 years; establishing penalties, including mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment, for violations of the Act; etc


Note: There is no provision exempting persons who have no prior criminal record and who are simply carrying a firearm for personal self-defense, and who cannot obtain a carry permit due to the restrictive anti-self defense policies of the Maryland State Police.

HOUSE HEARING DATE:   none scheduled


SB 161

Regulated Firearms - Applications for Dealer's License - Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements

Synopsis: Requiring the Secretary of State Police or the Secretary's designee to disapprove an application for a State-regulated firearms dealer's license if the Secretary or designee determines that the applicant intends a specified person to participate or hold a specified interest in the management or operation of the business for which the license is sought; requiring licensed dealers to keep records of specified information; etc.


Note: Just another liberal anti-gun paper chase to make becoming a firearms dealer as onerous and unappealing as possible.


SB 162 - HB ?  (House crossfiled bill coming) 

Firearms - Detachable Magazines - Maximum Capacity for Ammunition

Synopsis:  Altering the maximum capacity for ammunition in a detachable magazine for a firearm that can be manufactured, sold, offered for sale, purchased, received, or transferred; and altering the number of rounds of ammunition in a magazine or an assault pistol which, when used by a person in the commission of a felony or crime of violence, results in that person being guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to specified penalties.


Note: Far be it from Senator Frosh to miss an opportunity to exploit the Tucson tragedy to further his anti-gun agenda.



HB 79

Task Force to Study the Creation of a Maryland Center for School Safety

Synopsis: Creates yet another short-term "feel good" to study school safety and produce a report that few will ever hear of and fewer still will actually read.


HB 161 - SB 174 (crossfiled bills)

Criminal Law - Use of Firearm in the Commission of a Crime of Violence or a Felony

Synopsis: Prohibiting the use of specified firearms in the commission of crimes of violence or felonies; and defining "firearm".

HOUSE HEARING DATE:   none scheduled



HB 172 - SB 173  (crossfiled bills)
Criminal Law - Diminution Credits - Possession of a Regulated Firearm by Person Convicted of Crime of Violence

Synopsis: Decreasing the number of days per month that an inmate serving a term of confinement that includes a consecutive or concurrent sentence for a crime of possession of a regulated firearm by a specified person prohibited from possessing a regulated firearm is allowed as a deduction in advance from the inmate's term of confinement; etc.

HOUSE HEARING DATE:   none scheduled



HB 241 - SB 240  (crossfiled bills)

Criminal Law - Restrictions Against Use and Possession of Firearms

Synopsis:  Expanding to all firearms the prohibition against the use of a handgun or an antique firearm capable of being concealed on the person in the commission of a crime of violence or felony; increasing the maximum term of imprisonment applicable to a violation of the prohibition against possession of a regulated firearm by a person who was previously convicted of a crime of violence or a specified drug- related crime from 5 to 15 years; etc.

HOUSE HEARING DATE: none scheduled



Useful Links During the 2011 Session

Bill Listings - By Subject - 2011 Legislative Session


2011 Legislative Session Information - Maryland General Assembly

Note:  All of the links above are available on the AGC Website's Legislative Page.
Maryland Legislative Information Service - 2011 Session New Features

The Maryland Legislative Information Service (MLIS) has implemented a number of significant improvements which enhance a citizen's ability to monitor the activities of the Maryland General Assembly in "real time" rather than waiting for updates to appear on the MLIS web site.

For a number of years, it has been possible to listen either live to recording of the Senate and House floor sessions. This feature is still available. See "Useful links..." below.

Perhaps the most significant changes are in the committees where the fate of most bills are decided. It is now possible to listen to the audio of Senate committee hearings live in "real time" or recordings of the committee hearings. Better still, the committee hearings in the House committees are now
available in "real time" audio AND video or audio and video recordings. See "Useful links..." below.

Prior to 2011, the "up-to-the-minute" service including the latest information on the status of bills, House and Senate proceedings, and profiles was available only to paid subscribers. The "up to the minute" service is now available free of charge to all users of the MLIS website.

Click for more information on the MLIS  "up to the minute" feature
Civic Action Email System - New and Improved!

The Civic Action Email System has been totally revamped. It has a new look and is far more user friendly. Additional enhancements are in the works. Give the system a try; it is one of the easiest ways to communicate with your elected officials.

Click here for the Civic Action Email System
Keep Your Email Address and Profile Up to Date!

You can update your email address and interest profile (sublists such as AGC Newsletter, Gun Shows, Bus Trips, Hunting, Concealed Carry, etc.) at any time by clicking on the "Join Email List Icon below. A as current list member, you will be sent an automated email asking you to log on to the server and update your information.

Join Our Mailing List

AGC Quick Links:
AGC Website                                                                         
AGC Legislative Email Archives   (This is where past legislative emails can be found!)
AGC Trap Operations Schedule                                        
When Your Hard Drive Crashes...all is not lost

Last Sunday, I had the less than pleasant experience of having my hard drive crash and become unresponsive. As luck would have it, I had just completed creating new data files and updating old files for the 2011 Session.  A system backup was next on the agenda but the hard drive had other ideas.

Best Buy could not help nor could Cyber Guys, another computer repair service. Fortunately, the Cyber Guys put me in touch with Blazer Catzen of Catzen Forensic, an IT Forensic Specialist located in Hunt Valley, Maryland.

In a very few days, Blazer Catzen was able to recover the vast majority of my data in a secure environment. What could well have been a disaster was reduced to an unpleasant reminder to back up on a daily basis. I truly hope that you never share my experience; but if you do, give Blazer Catzen a call.

Click here for Catzen Forensic's website.
John H. Josselyn, Legislative Vice PresidentAGC Logo
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.
P.O. Box 20102 Towson, MD 21284-0102