May 25, 2010 Update

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Dear :


Thank you again for your generous contribution to THE POWER OF TWO!  
With your help, we have achieved so much already!
Look at what we have accomplished since we began this project 8 months ago:
  • a new trailer that demonstrates the emotional power and global reach of the film (click here to watch
  • more than a dozen other compelling short videos featuring highlights of our footage so far --
  • a robust online community engaged in our film and focal causes, including nearly 2,400 fans already on our Facebook page --
  • over 40 days of filming in Japan, Los Angeles and the Bay Area, including footage of Isa and Ana's unprecedented 10-city tour of Japan and powerful interviews of dozens of people in the transplant and Cystic Fibrosis communities (click here to check out production photos)  
  • a growing roster of over two dozen non-profit Community Partners that are helping us raise awareness of THE POWER OF TWO and our focal causes of organ donation and transplantation, CF awareness and related health causes --
There's Even More Exciting & Impactful Work Yet To Come!
We are moving aggressively toward our ambitious goal of completing a rough cut of the film for submission in September to the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, where we intend to premiere next January.  Our remaining shoots include:
  • full coverage of the Donate Life Film Festival in Beverly Hills in mid-June, the entertainment industry's premiere event around organ donation and transplantation, where we'll be the official "red carpet" crew --
  • an extraordinary five days in mid-July in the Washington, DC area where Isa and Ana will be featured at a briefing on Capitol Hill and engaging with national leaders; we will also film Isa, Ana and other lung transplant recipients at the National Donor Memorial in Richmond, Virginia --
  • our final shoot at the U.S. Transplant Games in Madison, Wisconsin, the country's largest transplant community gathering, where Isa and Ana will complete athletically as members of Team NorCal, and we will have a substantial presence at the Games Expo  --
In tandem, we are building an impressive post-production team to edit the film, create motion graphics and animation, and ensure that all aspects of the soundtrack are extraordinary so that the film will achieve the broadest possible audience and recognition at film festivals, and on the web, television and the silver screen.
Please Make a Tax-Deductible Contribution Today
Suffice it to say, particularly for an independent film project, we have had extraordinary success in a short period of time and are poised to deliver the signature documentary film about the power and miracle of breath and organ donation and transplantation.  But we have a lot to do and only a few months left.  Telling this story -- and the impact that it will have globally -- is too important to wait. 
Although we have been very frugal and have leveraged in-kind and discounted services and equipment, there is no way around the fact that producing a full-length feature documentary this global in scope is expensive.  Simply put, we need to raise an additional $100,000 in the next month to move forward, and $400,000 in the next five months to complete the film.  
Please help us achieve that goal by making an additional tax-deductible contribution today (click here to donate).  The recognition and benefits you'll receive will be based on the total amount of all of your contributions.  Those who donate a total of $100 or more will be recognized in the backend credits of the film, and sponsors of $1,000 or more are specially recognized on our website and in the film, and receive other benefits according to their level of total contribution as described here.
Finally, if you or others you know are in Southern California, please join us for a fundraiser & work-in-progress celebration on June 13 in Pacific Palisades (click here for details).
Thank you very much for your continued support and consideration of this request.

On behalf of everyone working on THE POWER OF TWO, many thanks for your continued friendship & support!


With every breath,

Marc Smolowitz, Producer/Director

Andrew Byrnes, Executive Producer