Quick Links
*This week
Teacher/staff appreciation week
February 21
Snow make-up day
February 22
VISION Committee Meeting
6:30 p.m.
at the school

February 25
11:25 a.m. dismissal
Teacher 1/2 workday
February 28
Board of Directors
6:30 - 8:30
at the school
*PTO Family Fund questions?
Suzanne Huffman

*Lunch Order questions?
Mark Huffman

*Clip and send in
Kim Szentesi-Thomas

*We are a nut-free school for 2010-2011. Questions? Call the office.

*PTO meetings are held monthly.  The next meeting will be 
March 1
at 8:30am
in the PTO room.
All are welcome!

Volunteer Hours 

Every hour makes a difference!  It is vital that we track these hours. Record your time on the sheet at the school or send your hours to mrscholarsacademy@

The Eagle's Nest Update... 

...is a bimonthly e-newsletter that relies on YOUR submissions.

The next newsletter will be distributed on Monday, 
February 28. 
Send your submissions to: scholars.newsletter@
 by Friday, 
February 25.

Has your e-mail address or other information changed? Want to be included on our mailing list? E-mail communications@
The Eagle's Nest Update 

Newsletter of Metrolina Regional Scholars' Academy
A Charter School Serving Highly Gifted Students
February 14, 2011
Dr. Peine's Pen  
Dr. Peine's Pen
This is teacher appreciation week, but don't forget how it happens that we are the school that we are. On behalf of the staff, please let me say thank you to the PTO and parent volunteers who support the school with hours and hours of volunteer time and opportunities for growth and discussion. A good school has solid parental support - and that is us!  
For the earth,
Marie Peine, Ph.D., Director

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week 

SA 2 color logo
Every February we mark a week to acknowledge all of the hard work the Scholars' Academy teachers and staff do for our children.

Teacher and staff appreciation week begins TODAY!

We will continue to honor our teachers throughout the week.  As a token of our appreciation, the PTO will provide "teacher treats" on Tuesday and Friday and a luncheon on Thursday.  During the rest of the week, please ask your child to take a moment to say "thanks" to a teacher that has helped them.  And, of course, a handmade card from a student is often the most cherished form of appreciation.
Today, Monday:  Valentine's Day
The 8th graders will be continuing their tradition of selling carnations to be delivered around the school that day. You might consider having your child give one to his or her teacher as a "thank you."

Tuesday:  Breakfast "teacher treat" from the PTO. 
If you'd like to help out, please email San-Dee Keefner at [email protected].

Wednesday:  Nothing assigned, just say "thanks!"
A good day to bring in a handmade card or note or just give your teacher a big, heartfelt "thank you!"

Thursday:  As in years past, the entire staff will be taken out to lunch courtesy of the PTO.

Friday:  Dessert treat cart provided by the PTO. 
Again, volunteers welcomed!

We hope this helps our families show how much we appreciate our teachers and staff!  If you have questions about the week, please feel free to email your room parent or Melissa Brown at [email protected].
Dance The Night Away 


Date: Saturday, February 26Dancers Sock Hop

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Place: The school gym

Cost: $5 per ticket


Come ready to enjoy... our swingin' DJ, games, treats, and of course DANCING! Bring your socks (no shoes in the gym) and don't forget some extra cash for special pictures and thirst quenching refreshments.  Grandpas, uncles, friends, or other "daddy" dates welcome!


Download your ticket order form and return it to the PTO hamper for your child's class or email Melissa Brown at [email protected].

Checkmate, Scholars! 


Congratulations to all of the Scholars' Academy chess team members who participated in the recent CharlotteChess february 2011 Mecklenburg Scholastic Chess Association's second team tournament. The tournament was held at Charlotte Preparatory School on Saturday, February 5.  Scholars' Academy was well represented with three quads competing.  Two of the three Scholars' Academy quads took first place.  Great job, Scholars!

Upcoming Free Concert 


The Charlotte Concert Band, directed by our own Dr. Morris,Charlotte Concert Band Logo will be presenting a "Young People's Concert" on Saturday, February 26 at 7:00 pm at Dana Auditorium at Queens University.  The concert is FREE and would be enjoyed by all Scholars' Academy students.  The band will be playing selections from "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Harry Potter" and "The Music Man."  For more information, visit www.charlotteconcertband.org or you can become a fan on Facebook.

Scholar Goes to Observer Spelling Bee 


As the winner of the Regional Charter School Spelling Bee, Alison (AJ) Roeth, 8th grade, will be representing Scholars' Academy at The Charlotte Observer Spelling Bee at ImaginOn today, February 14th.  Twenty-eight contestants will represent 14 counties in North and South Carolina.  The winner of this bee will represent the region at the Scripps National Bee in Washington, D.C. in May.


At her last spelling bee, there were rumbles and commotion in the audience when AJ was mistakenly counted out  for correctly spelling a word that was pronounced: "ingenuous," because the word the announcer should have said was "ingenious."  Though she believed she had spelled the word correctly,  AJ maintained her composure as the judges conferred.  When the judges decided to reverse their decision and redo the round, AJ was readily able to continue.  This experience can only help her today as she faces this new spelling challenge.

AJ believes that her love of reading helped prepare her for her success in spelling.  "When I see a word while I am reading that I haven't seen before, I want to learn the word because words interest me." AJ explained.

AJ is pictured here with Nora Bolick, Scholars' AcademySpelling Bee February 2011 language arts teacher.  Mrs. Bolick was one of the judges at the Regional Charter Bee and continues to do a terrific job teaching words and their meanings to our upper level students here at Scholars' Academy, contributing to the success of our many wordsmiths.


NewsChannel 36, the Observer's news partner, will be providing live video of The Charlotte Observer Regional Spelling Bee, beginning at 10 a.m. today.


Go to CharlotteObserver.com Monday morning to watch the spelling bee competition.

Grandparents Day Volunteers Needed

We need your help with a great event that showcases our school to a very important audience -- GRANDPARENTS.  This year's Grandparents Day will take place on Friday, April 8 and volunteers are needed to help with mailing, activity ideas, registration, refreshments, and more.  Please contact Maura O'Sullivan at [email protected] or 704-969-5456 if you'd like to help.   
Snack Cart Schedule Reminder
Please remember to bring in individually wrapped snacks (home made or store bought, no nuts) for the snack cart in your designated month.  Proceeds will go toward the 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C.
The schedule is as follows:cookies
Febuary - Weeks, Bolick,
              Surrett & Smith
March - Moschel & Miller
April - Muse & Hinkleman
May - Rhodes & Metcalf
Metrolina Regional Scholars' Academy, 5225 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone: 704-503-1112  Fax: 704-503-1183