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Important Notice for A Joyful Path Teachers!           June 2011

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We hope you are enjoying A Joyful Path!   The positive feedback and endorsements continue to flow in.  And for that we are so grateful.  Teaching and supporting our children is the most important thing we can do.   


We are writing today because we have some important notices for you.  First, did you know that as a Joyful Path curriculum teacher, you were automatically given one free year as an affiliate with More information to your right!

Second, we have an offer for you! If you recommend A Joyful Path curriculum to someone who buys it, we will send you $30! See below for details.

Third, visit our site for information on A Joyful Path, Year 2 plans!

Fourth, we are re-doing our website and on the new website we plan on having a page dedicated to listing all the communities using A Joyful Path with links to their website.  Parents are looking for communities using this great resource! We want to help them find you! Please email us how you would like to be listed on this page and the full name of your organization.

Finally, we have heard back from many of you, but we would love to hear more! How is this curriculum working out for you? Any suggestions or concerns? Any fabulous teaching moments you would like to share?  Please email us at at to let us know.

Don't forget to join the Inner Wisdom Series Facebook community and share your stories there too!


A Joyful Path, Year 2 Matching Grant Opportunity


Kaila smiles

Last month, I received a phone call from a dear friend of mine who has been a longtime supporter of the work that we do here. He, his wife and children had been sitting around the living room pouring over A Joyful Path and together they decided that this children's curriculum was so inspiring and profoundly influential that more of it must be created!  So he gave me a gift and gave us All a challenge!


If we can raise $25,000, it will be matched- dollar for dollar!  This would give us what we need to complete Year Two! 


This means that a $30 gift suddenly become $60, or $100 turns into $200!  It's been a long time since you've seen your money stretch so far, hasn't it!  Click here to take advantage of this great opportunity.


Your gift - Doubled!  No matter the amount, big or small -


We have felt for a long time that this Children's curriculum is a central piece of what we are about - our Magnum Opus, if you will.  For if we cannot express our values as progressive Christians for the next generation in a way that makes sense in their 21st century experience, then all we have done 'till now is for nothing.


We have received only positive feedback from people using A Joyful Path. This curriculum is changing lives! It is giving children the opportunity to slow down, breathe, live in awe, and discover God within and all around.  


Help us share this gift with the world! 



Editor's Note


We are so thankful that you are part of this growing community! People are enjoying this curriculum all over the world- from South Africa, to England, to Australia! But we want to reach more people.  Can you help spread the word?  Thank you for your support.




Deshna Ubeda

P.S.  Something to share with your friends who are new to A Joyful Path: coming soon- a special discount during June for A Joyful Path, Year One!
In This Issue
Year 2 Matching Grant Opportunity
Editor's Note
Your Free Affiliation
Your Group's Listing
$30 Offer!
Your Free Affiliation


With your purchase of A Joyful Path, you were automatically given a free year's affiliation. If you were already an affiliate you received the 10% discount on your purchase. Great deal either way. With your affiliation you can submit articles, reviews, news items, events, get the 10% discount in our store, get access to our affiliates area, and be listed in our directory! You just need to be logged in first. Click here for more details! To extend your affiliation, click here.


Your Group's Listing


Please take a minute to email us your name, the name of your organization if any, and how you would like to be listed. We will only be listing groups using the curriculum, not individuals.  While you are at it, share your feedback on A Joyful Path!  Thanks!  We hope this helps people find your community who are looking for a Sunday School Program in which no apology is needed!

Email Us Today!
$30 Back Special Offer!


Recommend A Joyful Path, Year 1 to someone who ends up buying it and we will send you a check for $30! All you need to do is email us to let us know who you recommended and once we confirm they have purchased the curriculum, we will send you the check!  Help us get the word out there about this incredible new resource.  And when you refer them, let them know about our 20% off Summer Special!  Share the gift with other groups yearning for a truly progressive curriculum. Thank you!
Visit Our Facebook Community!


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Thank You for being the change you wish to see in the world!


It is because of people like you that our children can live in awe rather than fear!