A Joyful Path, Year 2- Let's Get Started! April 2011
A Joyful Path, Year One has been met with such enthusiasm that we see now how vitally important to our mission this spiritual curriculum project really is. And to hear the incredible feedback from those using it has filled us with the desire and the energy to continue to create children's curriculum that is viable, spiritual, compassionate and joyful. With over 300 groups using A Joyful Path, Year One, with only positive results, we've had a lot of inquiries lately as to when the second year of A Joyful Path, is coming out. Wanting to be good stewards of the financial support we receive from our affiliates, we have waited to begin work on Year Two until we were certain that we could finish the project.
We are pleased to announce that, thanks to a recent, generous donation, we are now ready to begin A Joyful Path, Year Two! We are committed to continuing the high level of scholarship, creativity, and quality found in A Joyful Path, Year One, so we are not expecting to have Year Two ready until Spring of 2013. But we need your help! Our donor has agreed to match any donation up to $25,000! That means when you donate $100, your donation automatically turns into $200! What an opportunity to really have an impact! Please see below for more information about this grant.
Show your support for Progressive and Spiritual curriculum, donate today.
In A Joyful Path, Year Two, we plan to focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to understand the basics of this path, to clarify their own personal beliefs and be able to discuss those with others, while at the same time showing what it means to walk the path of Jesus in today's world. More information below!
Thank you for leading this next generation of sensitive Spiritual seekers -- with your lives and your example. We are proud to be partnering with each of you!
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What Will A Joyful Path, Year Two, Be Like?
 In A Joyful Path, Year 2, we plan to focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to understand the basics of this path, to clarify their own personal beliefs and be able to discuss those with others, while at the same time showing what it means to walk the path of Jesus in today's world. Year Two will be similar to Year One, in that it will have 38 unique lessons, full color original artwork, a contemplative and introductory section for the teacher in each lesson, 38 original short stories, incredible heart warming, feeling based activities, and tips to bring music and nature into each lesson. Year Two will have be slightly different from Year One, in that we are going to focus on 9-10 main topics that will be broken down into sections. The topics we are currently considering (these may change) are: Wisdom Traditions from around the world, Inclusion, History of the Bible, Seasons, Our Stuff, Energy and the Universe, Heroes and Villains, and Nature. We will keep you posted on all developments and changes for this project. We currently have our writers, artist, and creative team ready to begin! If you are currently using A Joyful Path, Year One, in your home or class, please send us your feedback to: center@tcpc.org as this will help us as we move forward into the next curriculum.
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What to do in 2012 with your class?
Though we won't have Year Two completed and ready for use until 2013, keep in mind that this does not mean that you are without resources for this next year. Children love repetition -- think about their tireless requests to hear the same book read over and over and over again! So, even if you have walked completely through Year One, we feel you can reuse this curriculum again with your class with confidence. These stories are so engaging, the activities so memorable, and the prayers, meditations and affirmations are so relevant to their lives that children will love to revisit each lesson. You might find your class even more excited this second time around because there will be a comfortable familiarity with the structure of the class time, as well as the content -- a happy space in which children thrive and their creativity soars.
Also, you may have children that are new to the age group while others have moved onto an older class. Plus, each lesson is so rich with material that it is very likely you may not have gotten to use every part of each lesson. Consider re-visiting A Joyful Path with your class--we know it will be another meaningful experience for you and the children. While you are at it, you may want to add to your resources by checking out the children's books we have in our store.
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Information About the Matching Grant
A Note from our President, Fred Plumer
A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from a dear friend of mine who has been a longtime supporter of the work that we do here at ProgressiveChristianity.org. He and his wife and children had been sitting around the living room pouring over A Joyful Path and together they decided that this children's curriculum was so fresh and profoundly influential that more of it Must be created!
So he gave TCPC an incredible gift of support and gave us All a challenge! If we can raise $25,000, it will be matched- dollar for dollar! This would give us what we need to complete Year Two! WOW!
This means that a $30 gift suddenly become $60, or $100 turns into $200! It's been a long time since you've seen your money stretch so far, hasn't it! Click here to take advantage of this great opportunity.
Your gift - Doubled! No matter the amount, big or small.
We have felt for a long time that this Children's curriculum is a central piece of what we are about - our Magnum Opus, if you will. For if we cannot express our values as progressive Christians for the next generation in a way that makes sense in their 21st century experience, then all we have done 'till now is for nothing.
One of my daughter's friends uses A Joyful Path - Year One with the children in her intentional community in Tacoma, Washington. I talked with her the other day and she just bubbled over with enthusiasm for how this curriculum is changing the life of one of her three children.
"My oldest son, Jacob, used to be very fearful, worried about the future and all the "what ifs" in his nine-year-old world. We struggled with how to help him grow in this area. But the Joyful Path lesson on "Letting Go and Living in the Moment" became instrumental! Something about the story of Frederick and the Gift of Solomon just clicked for him - The idea that he "only has this moment and the choice of how to use it" has completely changed our son! He recognizes he can choose! He can control the way he responds to the things that happen in his life. Jacob's confidence is growing and his ability to see past his own circumstances almost surpasses my own! I feel like the curriculum gives us a language for what we are trying to instill within our children. Thank you, thank you, Thank you!!"
This curriculum is changing lives! Come partner with us in creating another year of this vital, spiritual legacy so children such as Jacob are equipped to meet the challenges of the world they will inherit from us.
And right now, anything you donate will go twice as far!
Thank you for your support.
Fred Plumer, President
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ProgressiveChristianity.org / 253 303-0352/ center@tcpc.org
Spiritual Networking for an evolving faith