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The 2011 Earl Lectures
Join us on Jan 25-27 for this great event!
TCPC President, Fred Plumer to be honored!

Pacific School of Religion invites TCPC members and friends to attend the 2011 Earl Lectures conference in Berkeley, January 25-27, 2011.  It's shaping up to be very exciting.  The topic is right on time: Our Daily Bread: Faith, Work, & Economic Justice.  The speakers are great: Robert Reich, Kim Bobo, and Hamza Yusuf.  Many other speakers and panelists will also participate.  A select group of organizations working in the area of economic justice have been invited to present focused, hands-on workshops with lessons for folks to take home to their own communities. 

During the conference Fred Plumer, president of the board of The Center for Progressive Christianity and PSR Alumnus, will receive the annual Distinguished PSR Alumni/ae Award for outstanding service in ministry and distinguished leadership in faith communities on a local, regional, and national level.

Progressive Christians and others of faith working in areas of faith and justice will find the whole conference relevant and inspiring.  See for details. 

Earl Lectures 2011
Daily Bread: Faith, Work, & Economic Justice

Earl Lectures 2011
"Not one sparrow is forgotten," goes the Shaker hymn, drawn from the Gospel of Luke. But with home foreclosures, unemployment, and long lines at food banks, many are feeling forgotten as they struggle to earn their daily bread. In these hard economic times, it is important to reflect on economic justice and our role in creating economic and spiritual abundance. How can we help care for each of God's sparrows?

The 110th Earl Lectures and Leadership Conference, Our Daily Bread: Faith, Work, and the Economy, will bring together religious and secular leaders to teach, preach, and strategize about issues of economic justice. We will seek to answer tough questions: How can an understanding of the economy help people of faith and goodwill advocate for change? What can we do together in difficult times to improve lives and empower futures?

Join this year's lecturers Robert Reich, UC Berkeley professor of public policy, Islamic scholar Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Kim Bobo, executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice; preachers Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, executive director of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, and Bishop Yvette Flunder, founder and senior pastor of City of Refuge United Church of Christ; and other speakers, and workshop presenters, as we strive to live out the Gospel message to care for "the least of these."

Registration for the Earl Lectures and Leadership Conference allows participants to take advantage not only of the free keynote lectures but also of a full slate of workshops linking faith to economic justice and practice. This year's workshops are salient and critically useful. PSR has invited individuals and non-profits working in the field of economic justice to lead intensive trainings in one or two afternoons. Attendees at this year's workshops will spend more time and go more deeply into their topics of choice, and will walk away at the end of the day with specific tools and techniques to bring back to their communities. By emphasizing the real-life applications of their work, workshop leaders will leave participants with meaningful, productive tools they can immediately put into practice.

Event Info
Pacific School of Religion
1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709
tel. 510/849-8200
Jan 25-27, 2011
More Information
Conference & Events Costs
  • Lectures Only
    Free. No registration necessary
  • Full Earl Lectures & Leadership Conference, including workshops
    $150 full registration
    PSR/GTU students free, but registration in advance is required to attend
  • Prospective Student Luncheon
    Free - Registration Required. (1/25, 1:00pm, details here)
  • CLGS Luncheon (1/26, 1:00pm, details here)
    $20 general public
    $8 students with ID
  • Alumni/ae Banquet (1/26, 6:00pm, details here)
    $25 general public
    $10 students with ID
  • Denominational Lunches (1/27, 1:00pm, details here)
    $20 general public
    $8 students with ID

Free events generally do not require registration.

Please contact PSR with any further questions.

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Earl Lectures 2011

Earl Lectures 2011

The Earl Lectures are free and open to the public. If you wish to attend the Lectures only, and no workshops, meals, or events, there is no need to register. Registration for the Leadership Conference workshops is $150. For more details, see here.

TCPC President, Fred Plumer to be honored at the Earl Lectures

Fred Plumer

PSR announces 2010 Distinguished Alumni/ae

Since 1995, the PSR Alumni/ae Council has presented its annual Distinguished Alumni/ae Award to graduates who have provided outstanding service in their ministry or profession and shown distinguished leadership in faith communities on a local, regional, or national level. Winners for 2011, who will be honored on campus January 26 during the Earl Lectures, are:

George Aki, (MA 1940), Roberta Rominger (MDiv 1982), Fred Plumer, (MDiv 1984), John Vaughn (MDiv 1985)

Fred Plumer, (MDiv 1984) is the founding Pastor of Irvine UCC, in Irvine, California. In 1989 under his leadership the church agreed to host a Reconstructionist Synagogue. The congregations shared space, operating expenses, teaching forums, mission outreach projects, special services, and meals for more than 15 years.

In 2000, with the synagogue's approval, a Mosque joined this dynamic mix of religious traditions sharing space and ideas. Rev. Plumer has also been involved in the Open and Affirming movement for full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) members of the UCC. He was the executive producer of a video and workbook on the Open and Affirming process, "A Journey of Faith," which has been used in five countries and in thousands of churches in several denominations. Rev. Plumer currently serves as president of the board of The Center for Progressive Christianity.

He has led workshops, preached sermons, and published articles and on church development, building faith communities, and redefining the purpose of the enlightened Christian Church. 


We hope to see you there!  And if you do take this great opportunity, please come find us.

Deshna Ubeda
Associate Director