'Tis the Season To Give...Check Out These Meaningful Gifts and Support TCPC While You Shop! From ProgressiveChristianity.org and The Center For Progressive Christianity |
It is that time of year again, when we put aside our selves to give to others. As you begin your holiday shopping, consider giving gifts that enhance your loved ones spiritual practice, while at the same time, feel great about supporting the mission of ProgressiveChristianity.org. Below are just a few of our inspiring store items that would make meaningful gifts. Just click on the images for more information or to purchase. Thank you for your support and interest!
Patience with God Faith for People Who Don't Like Religion (or Atheism)
By: Frank Schaeffer
Schaeffer adopts a feisty tone in this essay about evangelical Christianity and aggressive atheism. He rebuts justifications from both sides, taking aim at the ideas of such celebrity atheists as Richard Dawkins as well as religious leaders like Rick Warren. Schaeffer asks each side to allow for an evolving religion in which allegory takes precedence over literalism. By embracing mystery and love, he suggests the two movements can exist side-by-side
Hard Cover
Price: $19.50 (on sale!) Affiliate Price: $17.55 S & H: $4.95
So You Think You're Not Religious, 2nd Edition By: James Rowe Adams
Completely revised and updated for 2010. Participation in a church community entails genuine risks; religious disciplines impose real costs. But much good may come of it: "Doubters and people of little faith may discover that Jesus would have supported them in their skepticism about organized religion. They may find that their questions have something important to contribute when they decide that their goal is not to abolish Christianity but to help fulfill its promise."
Price: $18.95 Affiliate Price: $17.05 S & H: $4.95
If Darwin Prayed Prayers for Evolutionary Mystics By: Bruce Sanguin
A New Release by Best Selling Author Bruce Sanguin These elegant, earthy prayers are written from the perspective of an evolutionary theology, providing a practical resource for worship planning, sacred ritual, and private devotional practice. These are new prayers for a new age. They spark the spiritual imagination back to life and reorient us to a mystical unity with the universe, Spirit, and all of creation.
Price: $22.95 Affiliate Price: $20.65 S & H: $4.95
Lots of Love 3rd Book in the Series
By: Gary Wilburn Gary chronicles and celebrates the undeniable goodness of people and relates vignette after vignette of countless acts of love, gratitude and faith - whether it is in the simple act of passengers giving up their seats at Christmas so an overbooked flight can make room for soldiers trying to get home on leave from Iraq, to the half century romantic story of Nate and Theo, a New Canaan couple whose lives and deaths proved as remarkable a testament to inexorable love as any parable. Each day physical life may conspire to ebb out of Gary's body but his spirit flows through his pen and his glorious fight to bring us all a message of hope at the holiday season. Lots of Love is an ornament to be hung on every tree, a candle to be lit on the last night of Hanukkah, an Eid prayer at Ramadan and a strand of lights at the new moon of Diwali.
Price: $19.00 Affiliate Price: $17.10 S & H: $4.95
Stepping Out With The Sacred: Human Attempts to Engage the Divine
By Val Webb
This is a masterful and engaging account of how humans through centuries and cultures have engaged and experienced the divine. Webb includes her own experiences, both personal and observed from travel in fifty countries, as well as centuries of theology, literature and travel writing. She meanders along winding trails, talk over the fence and drink wine with a stranger, literally and figuratively. To engage the larger-than-description Sacred, we need all the stories we can find, even if only to remind us the distance still to go and the limitless (sometimes unsuccessful) journey. As a teacher of world religions and art, and an artist, this will not be a string of anecdotes, but a woven together, reader-friendly, vividly painted, theologically reflective whole.
Price: $25.95 Affiliate Price: $23.36 S & H: $4.95
Package of 5 Spiritual Affirmation Posters for Children and Classrooms
Package of all 5 Posters
Size: 13 x 19, laminated, with border Full color, beautiful original artwork, by Lisa Mundorff
AFFIRMATION:God is everywhere, within me and around me.
AFFIRMATION: My heart is connected to spirit through prayer.
AFFIRMATION: I am a part of all creation.
AFFIRMATION: The whole world is home, and we are a divine family.
AFFIRMATION: My success is measured in happiness and peace within.
Hang these beautiful posters in your classroom, your child's room or where ever your faith community gathers!
(Also available in our store individually)
Price: $65.00 Affiliate Price: $58.50 S & H: $4.95
You may also want to consider these inspiring resources for your loved ones or friends in your faith community!
For families with young children- Spiritual Curriculum for Young Hearts and Minds- A Joyful Path, Ages 6-10 Price: $130.00 Perfect for use in the home or in small group. Give children the benefit of spiritual guidance and an understanding of Christianity from an educated, inclusive, and spiritual perspective. Lessons on nature, stillness, forgiveness, asking for guidance, tolerance, prayer, God within, accessing their inner wisdom, kindness, inclusion, and the teachings of Jesus. Beautiful art work and inspiring stories, as well as fun activities make this an excellent resource for parents who want to supplement their children's education.
For those leading or participating in a faith community New Liturgy Resources!!
We have many new liturgy resources for you to check out!
"Prayer, for us, have become a petition to our own hearts to be moved, touched, challenged and changed so that we can more authentically live out love's call-ing, both personally and as a community. Prayer is both our acceptance and our celebration of our responsibility to live committed to this sacred task." Gretta Vosper
 And don't forget music! Everyone loves new music. We have music for calming, music to delight the whole family, and music for your spiritual journey. Check them out today!
Join us in our mission to bring progressive Christian resources to the world! Share these items and other items with your loved ones this holiday season! Make sure you also check out other books and resources in our library and our store. And speaking of giving, there's still time to make your tax- deductible gift to ProgressiveChristianity.org to help us continue to offer these great resources! Click here to donate today!
Enjoy the season! Thank you for your support.
Sincerely, Fred Plumer The Center For Progressive Christianity |
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