Guiding Your Church Through Change in Our Changing Times
With TCPC President, Fred Plumer A TCPC Regional Event Lafayette, CA November 6-8, 2009
Change in the church is difficult. We all know
that. And yet all of the data from a variety of sources suggests that if
our churches do not change, they will die. If meaningful change is going to occur, we must address the
intellectual, emotional, and cultural issues all at the same time. This is no easy task and according to some scholars it may be
impossible for many churches.
Guiding congregational change
requires a healthy sensitivity to the various dimensions of change that are
taking place within the life of a church community and managing each
independently. For this exciting upcoming TCPC Regional Event, Fred Plumer, President of TCPC, will share a multi-layered approach to
guiding change within the vibrant life of your congregation that harnesses
current cultural trends and the emerging spirit of Progressive
Rev. Plumer will walk us through a process that takes into
consideration the importance of defining your church's core values, purpose and dreams for the future. He
will share from his own experience as a former pastor of a growing church,
studies done by social scholars, and
other case studies he has worked
with as a consultant and as President of TCPC.
Topics Include:
Guiding Your Church Through Change
What is Progressive
Christianity and Why is it Important?
Growing a
Progressive Church for the 21st Century
Where is the Spirituality in Progressive Christianity
Click here to register *please note: online registration is only available to those choosing to attend both lectures. For other options, please email us at: center@tcpc.org
Guiding Your Church Through Change in Our Changing Times
November 6-8, 2009 Lafayette, CA
Sponsored by TCPC, Hosted by Our Saviors Lutheran Church
Register Here
Friday Night
Lecture: Guiding Your Church Through Change 7:30 - 9:00pm (Cost: $15.00)
congregational change requires a healthy sensitivity to the various dimensions
of change that are taking place within the life of a church community.
Fred Plumer, will share a multilayered approach to guiding change within the
vibrant life of your congregation that harnesses current cultural trends and
the emerging spirit of Progressive Christianity.
Change in the
church is difficult. And yet all of the data from a variety of sources suggests
that if our churches do not change, they will die. If meaningful change is
going to occur, we must address the intellectual, emotional, and cultural
issues both differently and independently at the same time. This is no easy
task and according to some scholars it may be impossiblefor many
Rev. Plumer will
walk us through a process that takes into consideration the importance of
defining your church's core values, church's purpose and dreams for the
future. He will share from his own experience as a former pastor of a
growing church, from studies done by social scholars, and case studies he has worked with as a consultant and as President of TCPC.
Saturday Workshops: 9:00am - 3:00pm (Cost $20.00)
Workshop 1: 9am-12pm What is Progressive
Christianity and Why is it Important? Over the last several
decades religion has become a popular topic for the media. Topics covering new
archeological discoveries, controversial scholarship, and the religious right's
influence have been on the front pages of newspapers and magazines and are
common themes for bloggers. People are confused about religion, theology,
Christology and what a church stands for and teaches. Denominations no longer
provide clarity about beliefs or worship practices.Young people have given
up on religion and the fastest growing group self identifies as "spiritual but not religious." As a result,
modern Christians are no longer comfortable talking about their faith or their
church and churches across the country are slowly dying as a result.
Christianity is an approach to faith and spirituality. It assumes that all
things change and when our information changes about those things that are
important to us, our perspective must change or "evolve" as well. It is
therefore open to the best and most current biblical, historical, and scientific
scholarship. Progressive Christianity provides an opportunity to talk about
one's faith in a manner that fits our understanding of the contemporary world
and our reality. It is a way to share the good news of abundant life that
can be lived through the Christian path.
Progressive Christianity provides a spiritual path that is becoming more
attractive to a growing segment of our society.
Workshop 2: 1-3pm Growing a
Progressive Church for the 21st Century
Most people are
aware that churches in the mainline denominations have been losing members at
an ever increasing rate for over forty years. At the same time the average age
of the members of our churches continues to increase with most churches missing
large segments of our younger society. Within these troubling statistics there
are many bright stars. Scholars like Hal Taussig and Diana Butler Bass and
organizations like TCPC have discovered many churches that are growing in
numbers and in spirit. While these churches may look very different from each other,
they clearly have some common traits. We will look at what these vital churches are doing and discuss how
they might fit in your own church setting. We will leave ample time for
participants to share things that they are doing in their church that are
working (and those that did not work) in hopes of some cross fertilization of
ideas among churches.
Congregational Breakout Sessions: 3:30 - 5:00pm
If you have come with your congregation, and would like a chance to meet as a
group to discuss implications of the day, we will have breakout rooms
available. We will also schedule a 15 minute time with Fred to visit your group
and address specific concerns you may have. Please let us know if you plan to
use this time during registration and you will receive a room assignment and a
time slot for a visit with Fred.
Saturday Public Lecture: 7:00 - 9:30pm (Free will donation)
Where is the Spirituality in Progressive Christianity?
One of the most common
misconceptions about Progressive Christianity is that it has no
spiritual foundation. That is not necessarily so. For many Progressive Christians, the entire
movement is based on two assumptions; That Jesus'
teachings were the result of a profound spiritual transformation and that Jesus
believed if one put trust in his teachings and practiced them one could be led into a profound spiritual experience.
Fred Plumer will walk you through the logic of these two assumptions and explain how to convert Jesus' teachings from divine commandments, to the teachings of an honored Rabbi intended to lead each into an experience of God. Plumer has been teaching this transformative spirituality for over a decade and has seen it change congregations and individuals. For those who claim to be spiritual but not religious, a Christian community that understands and teaches this spirituality may be just what they are looking for.
Sunday Worship 8:30am & 10:45am
Recapturing Our Sense of Awe
Where & When Hosted by Our Saviors Lutheran Church
1035 Carol Lane
Lafayette, CA 94549
Click here for directions
November 6-8, 2009
7:30pm-9:00pm on Friday 9:00am-3:00pm on Sat 3:30-5pm Sat Breakout session (opt) 7:00pm-9:30pm on Sat 8:30 & 10:45 am Sunday Worship
The Center for Progressive Christianity provides guiding ideas,
networking opportunities, and resources for progressive churches,
organizations, individuals and others with connections to Christianity. We
promote an understanding of Christian practice and teaching that leads
to a greater concern for the way people treat each other than for the
way people express their beliefs, the acceptance of all people, and a
respect for other religious traditions. We affirm the variety
and depth of human experience and the richness of each persons' search
for meaning, and we encourage the use of sound scholarship, critical
inquiry, and all intellectual powers to understand the presence of God
in human life. We are opposed to any exclusive dogma that limits
the search for truth and free inquiry, and we encourage work that eases
the pain, suffering and degradation inherent in many of the structures
of society, as well as work that keeps central to the Christian life
fair, open, peaceful, and loving treatment of all human beings. www.tcpc.org
The Center For Progressive Christianity
4916 Pt. Fosdick Dr NW #148
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335
253 303-0022